Back button appears with button outline - ios

I am working on an app which supports iOS 6 to latest iOS versions. When I run the app in Xcode 5 and select target as iOS7; Sometimes the back button in navigation bar appears with the iOS6 button style as an outline around it in iOS7. I wanted to enable default feature of iOS7 that back button without outline.
other buttons look fine with iOS7 without outline.

I think you are using images for the button, use default system buttons.

check whether you have used button style as UIBarButtonItemStylePlain


iOS phone showing different back button than simulator

I have not set the button using any image, its just the default back button that is generated when embedded in a nav controller.
In the simulator it has the normal back button icon <
But on the phone it displays more of a iOS 6 back button.
The target is set to iOS 10+
What could be the issue?
Here is what it looks like on my device (which is wrong):
As far as I'm aware, back buttons don't look like this any more

UIActionController appears behind UIToolbar

Converting to UIActionController with style UIAlertControllerStyleActionSheet in my iPhone app, I find that it appears BEHIND the UITaskbar I have at the bottom of every window, hiding the "Cancel" menu entry. UIActionSheet works correctly. This happens in the simulator and on the phone.
The taskbar is "owned" by the main window and appears in all pushed views. I was having similar problems with other windows until I changed the UIToolbar to opaque (translucent = NO).
iOS version 8.1.
Any help will be appreciated.

Flag bar button icon missing in Xcode 6?

I can't find the bar button icon looking like a flag in Xcode 6. I want to add it to a UIBarButtonItem. The reason I'm looking for one is that there is one in the iOS mail app. It's also shown on Apples HIG site:

Xcode 5 and Images

I have an app that uses button images that are being changed as the user interacts with the button.
I just converted my app to iOS7 in Xcode 5, but now my button images are not showing any more. All I see is a bright blue square where the button should be.
When I change the tint from blue to clear, the buttons show, but the button does not change when I push it.
The images are still in my supported files folder and should be properly used by Xcode...
Does anyone have a similar issue? Can this be fixed easily?
There is a new button type called UIButtonTypeSystem with iOS 7.
On your .xib file, change the button type to Custom.

Make the keyboard in my iOS 7 app translucent/transparent

I've seen that iOS 7 brings some cool features in terms of design, and I was wondering whether I can make the keyboard transparent, as I've seen in some apps.
If so, how can I do it?
I've done a bit of research but haven't found much about it.
Assuming you're working with Xcode 5, the keyboard in iOS 7 IS transparent by default. You don't have to do anything. In IB/Storyboard, place a UITextField onto a ViewController, and turn that ViewController's view green (or some other color). When you click in the UITextField and the keyboard comes up, you'll notice that you can see the view's background color through the keyboard.
In order for the keyboard to be translucent by default, you will need to build your app on Xcode 5 with your Base SDK set to iOS 7.
If you are using an IB file originally created in an earlier Xcode, click on the File Inspector and change the View As property to Xcode 5.
