iOS phone showing different back button than simulator - ios

I have not set the button using any image, its just the default back button that is generated when embedded in a nav controller.
In the simulator it has the normal back button icon <
But on the phone it displays more of a iOS 6 back button.
The target is set to iOS 10+
What could be the issue?
Here is what it looks like on my device (which is wrong):
As far as I'm aware, back buttons don't look like this any more


Why UITabBar item do not respond on single tap with iOS 11?

I have an app available on app store since iOS 9 and it was working fine but with iOS 11 tab bar items(highlighted in image) are not behaving as per expectation, on tab respective action is not firing it fires when we do swipe action on tabbar.
All the properties are just same as previous(properties shown in image 2)
You may have to position your bottom toolbar against the Safe Area if you are planning on supporting iPhoneX, as the bottom part of the screen has a drag bar that replaces the home button and may interfere with the touches on the toolbar.
You can read more about it at Positioning Content Relative to the Safe Area | Apple Developer Documentation

view controller in reverse direction on Device

i have a project with navigation bar it open correctly on iPhone simulator and the back button appear on the left correctly and all the transition is normal from left to right
but on device the navigation became reversed and the back button became on the right instead on the left
This is the feature of device because the language which you selected has also the reverse direction than the English language.
If you set this language in iPhone simulator than you will get the same behaviour as device.
Reference link :

tab bar controller is not shows the tab buttons after updating xcode

I was developing an application which uses UI TabBar controllers and I have updated my mac Osx and the Xcode to the version 5.1.1. before these updates , my application worked fine.
now when i run the application after the update, my tab buttons (which should be there at the bottom of the simulator) do not show. i did not change anything in my project. just above updates only i did. i checked my storyboard to check whether those tab buttons are there. unfortunately they are not there.. the only thing i can see is like the below
before the update my storyboard looked like the following
now it looks like this
you can see in the tab bar controller there are no tab buttons like the above screenshot..
my application is now like this when it runs...
What's going on?
if you change all the TabBar item's icon than you can see tabBar.

Back button appears with button outline

I am working on an app which supports iOS 6 to latest iOS versions. When I run the app in Xcode 5 and select target as iOS7; Sometimes the back button in navigation bar appears with the iOS6 button style as an outline around it in iOS7. I wanted to enable default feature of iOS7 that back button without outline.
other buttons look fine with iOS7 without outline.
I think you are using images for the button, use default system buttons.
check whether you have used button style as UIBarButtonItemStylePlain

IOS 7 Issue For My MGWT Application

I have created one MGWT application with the help of RPC,PHONEGAP&GWT technologies.My application is working properly until IOS 6 version ,In IOS 7 my home screen is shrinking when i am tapping one icon,in that opening one drop down list and directly get back into my home screen, at that time my home screen is not displayed properly. Please look into my issue .
Thanks in advance..
For Example: The Complete structure of my application. First Login screen .After login into my application home screen is coming ,in that settings,about..etc icons are there.In that i am selecting settings icon in that work type drop down list is there and i am tapping work type then tap the back button coming to home screen at that time my home screen is not displayed properly.
On iOS 7, the app height and width needs to be set to device height and width to view port to resolve the issue. Below is a sample code to be included in onModuleLoad to resolve the issue.
ViewPort viewPort = new MGWTSettings.ViewPort();
viewPort.setUserScaleAble(false) .setMinimumScale(1.0).setMinimumScale(1.0).setMaximumScale(1.0);
