How to screenscrape my youtube video feed? - ruby-on-rails

How to get the feed of my account? (Or how can I sign in my account when using Nokogiri?)
What would be a good solution to get the video from various video channels?(So I can avoid signing in my account in problem1)
Specifically, how to deal with pagination?
The videos screenscraped may not be all needed. How can I make a pre-save page to cancel out the videos that I don't want? i.e. create a editing interface for screenscraping

YouTube has a developers API from which all this should be available. Have you checked it out? See:


How to create channel on youtube to upload videos and is it possible to create channel programmatically?

I am using sample to upload videos.
But the problem is that without having channel we can not upload video on youtube... New User have to setup channel first.. I want this in my app to create channel after user login( if user has no channel in its account).
When user accept the application authentication then i want to hit this url
and let me know if it is possible to create channel programmatically.
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: You might want to use YouTube Data API.
This supports all possible user features for users in YouTube. In your case that it needs creation/uploading, you will use a SSO Method also supported by the YouTube API.
Went into details and did more reading on this. It seems that you cannot create a channel programatically in iOS or Android. Refer to
wherein it has been clarified in Google support.
It also shows how to create channels which answers the first part of your question.
This link might help you. It mentions how to create a channel.

Creating a Youtube channel ios app

So I want to make an app with my own custom menu, from where I can have access to my videos on youtube. I know how to link individual videos but I want to be able to update it with a back end or just by adding more videos to my youtube playlists and not have to fully patch my app to add more content. wondering how you all might suggest I go about doing this.
This sample will help you understand how to upload your videos to YouTube,

How do I use YouTube API to upload private videos for a product that will be sold?

So I have a video product that I am about to start selling. Once people pay, they will be able to download the videos, or ideally stream it via YouTube.
But...I don't want them to be able to share the link with every Tom, Dick and Harry.
I know that an unlisted video can still be made public, so that won't work for me. But apparently there can be 'private videos' too.
Where can I learn more about this in the API docs? Or what is the best way to approach this? Especially given that I don't want them to have to have a Google+ account.
Ideally, they should be able to login to my app, and watch the embedded videos there. But they should not be able to share the direct YouTube link.
I know they can always share their account info, that's fine...I will do other things to keep track of and monitor that. It's really the anonymous sharing of the YouTube link I am worried about.
Read the API terms of service and check with your legal folks. Specifically, you will want to make sure that your sale of private content uploaded to YouTube is in compliance with #2 in the Terms of Service:
You agree not to use the YouTube API for any of the following
commercial uses unless You obtain YouTube's prior written approval:
the sale of the YouTube API, API Data, YouTube audiovisual content or
related services, or access to any of the foregoing;

Upload video to Youtube without user autentication

I'm building an iPad app (which is actually going to be part of a promotional kiosk), which lets whoever wants, to record a video (at the place, using the iPad), in order to get a chance to win a prize.
But I just realized that the Youtube API seems to have changed and now it requires user authentication in order to upload the video - which can't be done in my case.
Has anyone faced this problem before? Has anyone found an alternative to uploading the video from the iOS app directly to a specific Youtube account (which I've got full control of) without requiring user's authentication?
Help is highly appreciated!
For privacy issues, users have to upload videos into their accounts first. There is one way to get around it.
You can use YouTube Direct Lite.
So user's would still upload their videos with their own credentials, but then you have the option to moderate and approve those videos to have them in your playlist.
Otherwise if you try to login with only one account and upload all videos there, you will hit limits really soon.

include existing youtube video in my own youtube account

Is it possible to add to my youtube account a video I liked in youtube without having to upload it?
This is for an application i´m developing... I´m looking for something similar to share on twitter feature.
But any help is welcome!
You can add it as a favourite, as Yuliy has said, or you can create yourself a channel, add a playlist to that channel, then add the video in a similar way to the playlist.
Doing it this way means you can 'see' it from the API(getplaylists, getplaylist)... But, if the original author decides to take the video down, then of course it will disappear from your channel page as well (or more likely say 'this video has been removed by the user').
You cant keep a 'copy' of the video like this.
