TFS build server backup options - tfs

At our office we have Team Foundation Build machine (visual studio 2010) that we are looking to move to either a new physical server or possibly a VM. Although I have found a lot of information regarding the backup of Team Foundation Server I have not been able to locate much information on backing up a Team Foundation build machine so we can restore it on another machine/VM.
Any advice or a link would be most appreciated. Thanks.

There is no TFS specific data stored on the build machine, so from a TFS perspective there is nothing to backup/restore.
To setup a new build machine, just install the TFS build software, and point it to your TFS Collection.
The thing that will take time to reconfigure is any software or SDK's you may have installed on your build server that are required by your build. This has nothing to do with TFS, and is difficult to backup and restore to a different machine.
One option is to use a P2V tool to convert your physical machine to a VM, then you can move it to any host.
Otherwise, you are probably looking at just rebuilding a build server and redoing the installs necessary. This time be sure to do it in a VM so you can easily move it around between hardware in the future.

I prefer to avoid the Magical Build Machine Anti-Pattern and focus on writing the 'build the build server' scripts. Even if it's just a simple batch file, have a way of starting from basic windows and build your environment. Whenever you add a dependency, update it. This also helps you scale out. (At a previous company we had over 75 build servers.)


How to automate the download and installation of Sitecore update packages generated from TFS build?

I am developing a Sitecore solution locally using TDS. Our source control and build server is Visual Studio Team Services (in the cloud). I would like to figure out a way to implement Continuous Integration and get builds to be automatically installed on an Integration server that is an Amazon VM (or it could be some other externally located server). I have the TDS build configuration set up to create a Sitecore Update Package. The build process works great. At the end of the build process I have the Sitecore Update Package sitting in a Drops folder in source control (TFS in the cloud). Now I can't figure out how to automate the process of getting that update package out of source control and downloading it to the Integration server and running the Sitecore command to install it.
In a perfect world you would use something along the lines of a fancy Microsoft Release Management to deploy it to the environment of choice. However, if you are like the majority of us mere mortals without the fancy tools - this should help:
With these pages you could just send a get request from TFS or use the logic to write a custom PowerShell post-build script. Hope this helps!
As you are using TFS you get to use Release Management for Visual Studio out of the box. This is a simple install but at this time is separate. I have an instance of RM running in a VM and attached to my VSO instance for running deployments.
I would expect this tool, which was bought by MS last year, would become more integrated in vNext.

TFS Build vs local build

I really don't understand the meaning of tfs build although MSDN provides many definitions.
For example, I have an project. If I passed the local build on my local machine and I checked in the code. Everything is fine.
I used to copy(publish) the code to the server, that's it.
Why we need tfs build? What is different between tfs build and local build. You might to say, there are build history that can be reverted to an old one. But I think that since code was versioned, we can checked it out and rebuild in the local machine and republish the project to the server.
When I was using TFS, I could run local builds on my local machine. And then when checking in code, TFS would automatically perform a build on the build server (this is specified via a build definition). In that case, the build server was located on the machine which housed the master copy of the TFS source repository.
It's not enough for each developer to build locally as they may not have the latest code. I think the point of a TFS build is that it will run a build on the build server which has all the latest code. I think the idea is that if the build is successful on the build server, then it's deemed safe to check in the code.
That's how I understood it anyway. It's useful if there are multiple developers working on a project. If there is only one developer on one machine, a separate build may not be necessary.
Did that answer your question or did I misunderstand?
The answer of CiaranG is indeed one way to look at it.
Also the TF Build server has the possibility to build your code with signed 3rd party DLL's and put everything in a place as it is every time a new version of your software. This can be then useful for testers that need to test your software and don't need development tools.
Besides CiaranG's description of the Continuous Integration benefits, there is also the security and cleanliness. Allowing production code to be built off of developer machines where there is a chance for virus/malware may be present and the configuration is not known/documented is just poor policy. By building it off a protected server, from which no surfing is ever done, you are ensuring a safe, clean, reproducible environment which adds professionalism to your code deployments. TFS also adds in reporting build metrics over time, accountability, and archiving.

TeamCity on same server as TFS?

I am going to be responsible for implementing TeamCity into our development environment pretty soon. I have searched around and see no real answers, does anyone know if there is a 'best practice' when it comes to a build server. Is it Ok to install TeamCity on the same server as TFS, is it preferred? Or should I install it onto a dedicated server (which I can do).
I would think that Microsoft's own advice about TFS would also be relevant here:
You can host a build server on the same computer as your Team
Foundation Application-Tier Server, but, in most of these situations,
this build server should not host any build agents. Build agents place
heavy demands on the processor, which could significantly decrease the
performance of your application tier. In addition, you might want to
avoid running any build server components on the application tier
because installing Team Foundation Build Service increases the attack
surface on the computer.
So, you might see unnecessary slow downs on other operations like version control, work item tracking, etc.
Install it on its own server, you don't want it grinding tfs to a halt when it is performing a build.
You could install the Teamcity server on the tfs server but if you can a separate machine, but as its the agents that do the work it those that definitely need to be on a different machine from teamcity and tfs if possible.

MSBuild or TFSBuild Conditional for One Project?

I have a long-time-to-build (setup) project in a Visual Studio 2010 Solution. It is set not to build in the Solution configuration. That way, when a developer builds locally they are not burdened with waiting for the setup to compile in Visual Studio.
However, I am looking for a way to change the configuration in tfsbuild or msbuild files so whenever things are built on the server, the setup project is always built, regardless of what the setting might be when a developer checks in their solution. TFS 2008 is the source control system but just a plain Server 2008 (with devenv fully installed) is the build server.
All clues appreciated.
I would suggest creating a new configuration in your solution, named e.g. Release_Setup, that way you have seperate configurations for developer and setup build (note that developers can choose that config and build everything locally if they so choose, which is quite nice when all Build agents are busy and you want to check that everything's fine).
In Solution Properties->Configuration Properties->Configuration you can even tell it to build the normal Release Configuration and still choose which projects to build and which to exclude.
Hope this helps. I haven't actually tested this, so please try it and comment back if there are any problems or this doesn't solve your specific question.

Does Visual Studio need to be installed on the TFS build server?

We recently moved to Team Foundation Server 2008 from Source Safe. We are setting up some automated builds and have run into some issues with the publish of click once apps that seem to require additional installs on the build server.
I've seen posts that indicate that the Visual Studio IDE needs to be installed. I've also seen posts that say that installing the .Net Framework SDK would fix the issue. We don't want to install more than we need on the build server, but we also don't want to have to make multiple requests to our server team to install different pieces at different times. So, I'd like to know what most teams end up installing.
If it's important, we don't have a dedicated build server at this point. We are a small team (6 devs, all local). Builds are happening on our main TFS box, the SQL Server piece is the only part that is on a separate server.
If you are just compiling applications in with Team Foundation Build, then the .NET Framework will do - however as soon as you start wanting to do anything more advanced (such as running unit tests and having their results published into TFS) then you will need to bite the bullet and install a Visual Studio Team Edition on your build server. I usually just install a copy of Team Suite on the build server so that people who are licensed to use the various features can have those features run as part of any automated build.
Having to have it installed on your server is not ideal, but gives you the best experience at the present time.
Regarding using your TFS server as your build server, this is not recommended for larger teams because builds tend to be pretty CPU and IO intensive beasts - however for a small team such as yours and assuming that you don't have too many build definitions that could run at once you should be able to get away with it.
According to this, Visual Studio shouldn't be required--just the .NET Framework. One other note to consider from the link is that they recommend against builds happening on the TFS box.
Yes, I installed VS on the build server. I followed their manual for setting up TFS.
