Where to start with my web app? [closed] - ruby-on-rails

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Closed 9 years ago.
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As a learning exercise I want to create a simple webapp - I am familiar with html/css but want to delve into more backend .
My learning objectives for the app are relatively simple:
Create the app using ruby (as I'm learning this at the moment)
Learn how to store data into a database
How to display stored data
Have the app available online - I was thinking either sinatra or RoR?
I've uploaded an image of what I want my app to look like and do. I am able to make the various input fields and buttons using html and style with css but don't know where to go from there to create a database and link it to the buttons etc.
I'm not after completed code, but rather what I should research and look into. I would appreciate any and all help :)

Best two resources to get started with Ruby on Rails. Start with the first link and use the second to reference.

Looking at the desired app, and given that it's for learning purposes, I'd suggest to pick Sinatra + ERB/Haml + MySQL/PostgreSQL since it's lighter, extremely easy and quick to learn. Once you are comfortable with it, you'll easily be able to move to a more complex framework like RoR.
Some resources to start off:
If you don't want to get into the complexity of a database, you could even do away with storing your details in yaml file(s). Hope this gets you started.


Reusing code from Hartl Rails Tutorial [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I've almost completed Michael Hartl's Rails Tutorial. Absolutely loved it, and loving what I've learnt about Rails.
It occurred to me, that I could reuse most of what we've done for the other app ideas that I have. We have great user registration, authentication, security and testing. It would be 'straightforward' to modify what I have here for other purposes.
I just want to ask if this is a standard practice when building new apps (reusing what you already have), and if there any gotchas or things I've not considered in looking to do so?
Loving getting back into coding, and can't wait to get my first idea out into the wild!
These are the standard practices. But of course it all depends on the requirements, based on requirements you need to modify some things.
Also you can refer guides.rubyonrails.org for more.
One thing that I found useful to do is create a base app that includes an Authentication system such as from the Rails Tutorial book, basic templates with a navigation bar and footer and a home and about page. And I connect Bootstrap. I call it Baseapp and when I start a new app I just copy it to a new folder and rename it. Then start customizing it from there.

How to publish and implement Ruby file to my website [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm a beginner of Ruby. I want to establish my website by programming with Ruby language.
Before that, I used to upload HTML files to my web-host server, so that I could update my website. But now I have no idea about what should I do with Ruby file.
Thank you!
If you are using the rails framework you may wanna try using cloud9 instead. Brackets from what i understand is "local". Whereas cloud9 is a "real" IDE. Additionally you can easily push your code to heroku where your code will be hosted at.
To get things started just head over to cloud9 to create an account to setup your IDE. If you are unfamiliar with it there are lots of guides out there that can help you to get things started.
However if you lack the fundamentals in using the rails framework, guides.rubyonrails.org may be a good place to start too.
There is no best language when it comes to developing a website. The fundamentals of a webpage are HTML/CSS.
HTML gives you the bones or structure, such as your titles and your paragraphs etc.
CSS gives you your styling, such as creating buttons or changing font color etc.
This 2 languages form the core part of what would be your website, at the very least on the front end (meaning to say what people see when they visit your website)
JavaScript is not a must but definitely a plus. It is able to improve the UI/UX (user interface/user experience) of your website.
Lastly would be your back-end language; what handles the processes that goes on behind the scenes. If you choose ruby (and by extension rails) then that is fine as well. Basically your back-end language will support your database and CRUD (create, read, update, delete) actions.

(temporarily)using and learning ruby on rails without internet [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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So I'm about to leave for africa for 2 weeks where i will for the most part not have an internet connection, during which i am going to start learning ruby on rails so that i can implement it in the social network i am going to start building when i get back. Im planning on saving the tutorials from rubyonrails.org to my computer before i go so that i can still use them but it seems like almost all of them are dependent on me being able to download files from the internet(for example won't "$ rails new blog" pull that info from the rails server?), does anyone know of a way i could use ruby (in particularly these tutorials) without the internet (like maybe i just need to pre-install a bunch of gems or something?)
I have basically no experience with rails so sorry if my interpretation of ruby and these tutorials is incorrect.
Theoretically, yes, practically, no. Sure, you can fire up a local web server and write code, but you obviously don't want to write everything yourself, you want to take advantage of ruby's gem package system. This will, obviously require an internet connection.

How to create a poll on IOS? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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hi I’m new to IOS development i have developed only one application in iOS now i want to make a polling app in IOS i Google every where i did’t get a proper solution to make a polling app.
In my polling app i want get input poll form the user and i have to store in database and i have to calculate the value for the polling and i have to show the result how many people voted .
so please can any one suggest what is right way to make polling in IOS or is there any alternative way to make this.
Assuming you want to store your results on a back end web server with a DB then you would first need to write some web services. I personally would suggest a combination of PHP and MySQL as they're both open source and relatively easy to get to grips with. I also recommend you use JSON as your data interchange format as it provides a human readable structure without the complexity of XML.
Once you have a functioning back end you would need to build an app with the appropriate data fields that you want in either one or multiple views. Personally I would put all of your questions into an array and then cycle through them changing the input controls if necessary. You can then add your answers to an NSMutableArray.
Once you have your complete answer set in your NSMutableArray you can serialise it to JSON and transmit it off to your web service.
There are many guides for getting started with JSON on iOS available, I would suggest you take a look at this one.
Your question is business specific (not to iOS, iPhone & objective C).
So I would suggest you to better try these APIs available in market.
Poll EveryWhere
Hope that helps.

How can I create a cloud backend to update my iOS app? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a news application that i am in the process of building, and of course news updates a lot, so I have to constantly update my stories, so I need a backend of some sort that will let me update my stories over the air without updating the actual app.
I found Parse.com and they have some awesome stuff, but with the way my app is built I don't think I can use them.
I will have to update UIImageviews, UItextviews, and the names of Buttons. With Parse I can only seem to find help regarding the PFQueryTableViewController, which I could use this, but that requires completely recoding and some redesigning of my app to fit into that.
So unless there's another way, I guess I will suck it up and get to work.
So is there a simpler way to do this, or maybe a better service that works more towards what I'm describing?
What you are asking basically is how to do network communication. It sounds like to me you can do what you want with just Parse. You just store the images and text and then call the information from the parse backend when you are loading. From there you can update the UITextViews, button names, and UIImageViews however you want dynamically (using the .text, setTitle, and .image properties and methods respectively). You could also use Amazon S3 for image storage... but the API is less well documented for that.
This is probably your best bet, unless you really want to delve in more deeply and learn how to use NSURLConnection or AFNetworking to communicate with a back-end that you build on a django, ruby, etc. server that you host yourself on a server.
