Native url in deep link - deep-linking

Is native prefix and url transformations are same or differ for each devices (such as android , ios, ipad, etc).
I want the sample deeplink example for single app which has links for multiple devices (android, ios, ipad)

They are the same for both Android and iOS if the app developer made both apps similar.
An example would be a deeplink to a facebook profile:
This should work on both Android and iOS.
Visit these pages for reference:
Publishing App Links
URIs and Your Mobile App


How to recommend a native app when viewing web app in devices?

Have you ever used gmail in your Android or iOS using your browser. While browsing it you get a small popup at the top saying that to view/install the native gmail app available at Google Play or AppStore. How do you do that? Is that feature done using html, css, and JS. Or is it built-in to native app?
By the way, this doesn't happen only for gmail but pretty much all the professional apps with both web apps and native apps.
On iOS, you're thinking of Smart App Banners, which are a website configuration detail to display a banner for the user to view your iOS app in the App Store:

Share a device-specific URL with Facebook Messenger

I generated a device-specific URL with smartURL (Link to Google Play Store for Android App Version and Apple App Store for iOS App Version).
I have a problem with sharing my device-specific URL with Facebook Messenger. When I share the device-specific URL with Facebook Messenger from a Android device to a iOS device, then by clicking on the link it opens the Apple App Store on the iOS Device.
But when I clicking on the thumbnail image, then it opens the Android Google Play Store on iOS Device. This seems to be a problem with the Canonical URL. For URL Debugging: Open Graph Object Debugger
How can I fix this problem? Can I share a url with Facebook Messenger without thumbnail?
Or is there another way to share a device-specific store-link, without any problems with the Facebook Messenger?

AppRequest sent by my webapp is not received on the mobile Facebook website (in iOS)

My app isn't declared in sandbox.
I did specified a canvas URL for redirection.
The notification (apprequest) works well when sent from my webapp to the desktop facebook website. It well appears on the desktop version.
However, I can't receive the notifications from my Facebook mobile website.
I use Safari on my Iphone 4S and iOS 7.X.
Might it be normal?
Is there any way to detect them in the Facebook mobile version ?
As many users only use smartphones those days, I think it would be important to manage the mobile version of Facebook to detect the apprequests.
you need to add Website Platform and add Mobile Site URL
Settings > Add Platform > Website > then add ur Mobile Site URL
you also need to enable App Center Listed Platforms
App Details > App Center Listed Platforms > enable app on facebook and website - mobile
hope this helps

Launch Foursquare app via BlackBerry mobile web link

Is there a way to create a link on a web page to launch the BlackBerry native version of the Foursquare app? I'd like to open a particular venue in the app, but I can't even find a way to cause the app to launch at all.
On Android and iOS there are URL schemes to accomplish this, like on this page:
But, that page does not address web links from BlackBerry devices. In particular, I'm interested in BlackBerry OS 6/7 handsets.
foursquare: URLs just fail with a not-supported error message, and http links to just open in the same browser window.
At the bottom of the page at, under "BlackBerry Native App Integration", you can find instructions on how to launch the native foursquare app from other BlackBerry apps.

Enabling payments on the mobile web breaks our app in native iOS

Turning on "Enable payments on the mobile web" in the application settings prevents our application from showing up in the native Facebook app! Is this supposed to be happening?
We built the app in sandbox mode, and used FB.UA.nativeApp() to determine if we were in native. In the case that we are in native, we disable all of our Facebook credits buttons.
However, now our app is live and when we check the "Enable payments on the mobile web" box in the developer settings, the app disappears from native iOS and/or offers up an access error (everything fine in Android). As soon as we un-check the box, the app is back in action, but of course all of the credits buttons don't work in Android.
It seems strange that Facebook would keep us from using credits across all platforms with a single checkbox. Are we doing something wrong, or is this just what we have to deal with?
Looks like it's either/or.
"Accepting payments are different on iOS since Facebook Credits are not supported within iOS native apps.
On the mobile web (including mobile web apps linked from Android), you must use Facebook Credits.
On iOS, you must build a native app and use iTunes payments."
You can't have an app that is native iOS and Android. (well you can, but as you saw, it's not going to work). You can have mobile Web that serves iPhone and Android, but the iPhone won't be native.
Thanks for the question, I was curious to implement, and wonder if this is a deal-killer for us, too.
