Programming Language that capable of reading card swiping [closed] - magnetic-cards

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Basically i have 0 experience in doing this.
I would like to ask for some basic stuffs for creating a system that could read card swiping.
What should i bear in mind and what should i prepare for?

Some simple card readers (such as the ones used at libraries) just appear as a keyboard to the computer. You can find tutorials in any language for reading from the keyboard.
You should probably look into what kind of card reader you want. After that, look for bindings in your favorite language for a library that can read from it.

There are three main types of card readers:
Keyboard EmulationThese card readers take the main track and send keypresses to the host (usually over USB, or PS/2 port for old-style readers). For these readers, you don't typically have to write any special code... just capture the card info as it is "typed". Note that some card readers will send a header keystroke, like a function key or something. Most can be configured.
Serial PortSerial port (or emulated serial port in the case of USB) readers just require you to open the port like you would to a modem or other serial device. You will have to interpret the protocol yourself. Usually this protocol is very simple, and in some cases identical to the keyboard emulation. Read the documentation for the card reader for more information.
USB HIDHID card readers do not require drivers (as they use the standard HID protocol). You can use a tool like USB Snoopy to see the input from these. I prefer these types of card readers as they simplify a lot of things. However, they are more difficult to program with. You will need to access whatever HID API is available from the OS. These are very common.


Read external input from iPad [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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For my current project, I need to read the status of a digital ON/OFF input (0Volt or 5 Volt) from iPad.
I need to do this by bluetooth becouse the iPad needs the 3G connection to contact some web services in internet and this prevent me to use a WIFI module.
I read that exists some module like
RN42 ( )
or Bluegiga ( )
but I can't find some example in internet to do what I need.
I need an help to understand what is the best and cheaper hardware that I must buy, and, most of all, I need of some example of code (xCode) for connect my iOS program to the bluetooth module for get the status of my external digital input.
You have a number of options for doing this.
Join the MFI program and either read the input via a physical connector or via Bluetooth.
Use Wi-Fi. Probably easiest in terms of programming but requires more expensive hardware (and maybe more complicated installation)
Use BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) and CoreBluetooth. Cheap, easy to use.
As you have already suggested, BLE is an easy way to go that doesn't require joining an expensive program. The Bluegiga chips are excellent in talking with an iOS device (I have personally tried the BLE112 device) and they are easy to program, comes with their own microcontroller etc.
To start on the iOS side, you need to read up on CoreBluetooth. Apple has in general excellent documentation about this framework.
I would recommend starting out with the examples, for example the Heart Rate monitor sample project. Also consider buying a dev kit from Bluegiga, it has among other things, a Heart rate device sample that works with iOS.

How do i implement a database for my ios app? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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So i created my first app which allows users to track there fitness information (workouts, routines, etc). I want take my app to the next step by allowing the user to create there own account and be able to access their workouts from any ios device (all they have to do is log in). I know i have to use databases, but I just don't know where or how to start this process.
Could you recommend any tutorials or perhaps a resource you used to teach yourself? I'm familiar with sql (took a course on it in university.
thanks guys, I apologize for the newb question.
There are many third-party services you can use that can take care of the backend for your app so that you don't need to worry about managing the database yourself. Two of the most popular ones are parse and stackmob. Take a look at their documentations. I personally use parse and would recommend it.
I've never written any os apps, but for applications in general.
There are many ways, one of which is getting a server/website (you can get free ones) and set up the MYSQL database to have the tables you need like users etc.
Then simply send requests via POST/GET to the server which will enter it into the database.Then when they want to login just do the reverse.
I would personally uses sockets, and probably encrypt the data. You may as-well send information such as how long they've used the app for etc.

Framework on top of iOS Cocoa touch / SDK [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Are there any frameworks available for use on top of the iOS Cocoa Touch, to reduce boilerplate code and increase the development speed? Similar to how PHP has Codeignitor, Ruby has Rails, Python has Django.
Cocoa Touch itself is already a very high level framework, it's not that neccessary to build another one on top of it, given the amount of customizations often required by a specific mobile app.
However in terms of "increasing development speed", there are plenty of components (see cocoacontrols) that you can use in your project. Sometimes you can find a host of components in one project, for example flat UI controls.
Github is full of them for specific purposes (example, RestKit wraps lots of standard HTTP and CoreData methods), and many developers will collect a number of their own personal favorites to incorporate in all their projects, commonly making use of Macro's and "helper" classes.
The problem with Macro's and helper classes though, is that they usually make your code less readable, maintainable, and much harder to transfer to other dev's
And while there is plenty of room for rational people to hold different opinions here, I'd offer the following thoughts:
You are very "close to the metal" not just with the chips, but a slew of sensors and sensor inputs as well. You'll change a displayed color one minute, and the next you'll be sampling raw bit-stream data from a microphone and syncing it up with a series of raw image data buffers. Part of why iOS is so verbose, is that it handles an extremely wide range of tasks.
You don't have to shorten long statements to develop quickly. Cut and paste (or yank & pull, or whatever emacs does) can easily re-use pieces from a well maintained "cheat-sheet" that you put together.

On-the-fly encryption volume for iOS similar to TrueCrypt [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Does anyone know if there is library like TrueCrypt or EncFS for iOS.
Purpose is to create an encrypted volume to store large files like video's securely on the device, and play them whilst decrypting at runtime.
Want to be able to do this without relying on use entering a PIN for the inbuilt file protection. and be able to make use of AES-256 for the encryption.
If there is nothing, how would I go about writing or porting my own?
iOS architecture doesn't allow "disk encryption". However, if your code can do custom playback by passing the actual data to the player (in opposite to passing file name to the player), you can make use of our Solid File System product. This is a virtual file system with encryption and compression which you can embed into your application. Maybe that will work for you.
But encryption is just one side of the story - as you are passing the data and supposedly the encryption key to the users' hands, you need to take special actions to protect that key. This means that the key should be obfuscated within your application (or better streamed from the server) and also the parts of the data should better be encrypted with different keys.

What are some good Wireshark tutorials? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm trying to understand how to use Wireshark right now, but the official manual isn't a fun read at all when starting out. Its too detailed, and the details are going right over my head because of the information overloading :)
What are some more didactic tutorials out there?
Edit: WireShark is a network packet sniffer, and it's very useful for debugging network applications. I'm working on networked applications, and plan to use it as a Debugging tool to make my job as a programmer happier. I guess this is about programming related as asking for tutorials about gbd, valgrind or mdb, dtrace, prstat, cat, visual studio or eclipse.
I wouldn't start with a tutorial on Wireshark itself necessarily. Reading the Wireshark manual first is kind of like reading the help guide to Visual Studio; if you already knew the basics of how programming is done the IDE would naturally make a lot of sense.
If you google and find some tutorials on Ethernet in general (the structure of packets, how TCP and UDP data gets from point A to point B, etc) then the information Wireshark presents will make sense naturally.
For extra bonus points check out Cisco's OSI model - if you can understand each layer of that then you'll have a deep understanding of what Wireshark is telling you.
If you just want a quickstart:
These should do it:
Wireshark & Ethereal Network Protocol Analyzer Toolkit (Jay Beale's Open Source Security)
Practical Packet Analysis: Using Wireshark to Solve Real-World Network Problems
