What are some good Wireshark tutorials? [closed] - wireshark

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm trying to understand how to use Wireshark right now, but the official manual isn't a fun read at all when starting out. Its too detailed, and the details are going right over my head because of the information overloading :)
What are some more didactic tutorials out there?
Edit: WireShark is a network packet sniffer, and it's very useful for debugging network applications. I'm working on networked applications, and plan to use it as a Debugging tool to make my job as a programmer happier. I guess this is about programming related as asking for tutorials about gbd, valgrind or mdb, dtrace, prstat, cat, visual studio or eclipse.

I wouldn't start with a tutorial on Wireshark itself necessarily. Reading the Wireshark manual first is kind of like reading the help guide to Visual Studio; if you already knew the basics of how programming is done the IDE would naturally make a lot of sense.
If you google and find some tutorials on Ethernet in general (the structure of packets, how TCP and UDP data gets from point A to point B, etc) then the information Wireshark presents will make sense naturally.
For extra bonus points check out Cisco's OSI model - if you can understand each layer of that then you'll have a deep understanding of what Wireshark is telling you.
If you just want a quickstart: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bazkLeY6b4

These should do it:
Wireshark & Ethereal Network Protocol Analyzer Toolkit (Jay Beale's Open Source Security)
Practical Packet Analysis: Using Wireshark to Solve Real-World Network Problems


Web Scraping Automation programs [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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This may be off topic but if anyone can help or point me in the right direction.....or the correct place to put this question?
Can anyone suggest a good Automated Web Scraping program for use on a windows machine?
I would like to be able to automate the process and set it to be able to "scrape" the site every 5 mins or so and have the resulting xml exported to another website or database?
If the actual process is taking too long, those 10 seconds or more likely to being the network latency rather than actual parsing and scraping its self. If that is the case, you probably want to have them executing in parallel rather than sequentially if you have not already done so.
It would help if you had a more specific issue as there is several ways about going about this. You could have it still parsing on the phone. If that is too problematic for whatever reason, in my opinion, I would instead build a separate HTTP REST server for the phone client to have it interact with to get the data it requires.
There is many ways about going about this, and these are simply recommendations. If you want a more specific answer, you'll need a more specific question. Consider then asking a more speific programming issue if you run into one.

How do I start BIOS programming? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have done so much research on how to program a BIOS from scratch but I got nothing. Does anyone one have any kind of BIOS tutorial or guide, that would be much appreciated. I have gotten absolutely nowhere. It's probably not possible but I'm wanting at least a semi-universal BIOS, ideally using a virtual machine.
coreboot is an open source BIOS project that supports over 200 mainboards. This could be a good place to start if you want to browse some code and get an idea of everything a bios has to accomplish.
No. The only people with the information you're looking for are motherboard manufacturers, and they do not generally publish it.
Some projects to create an open BIOS exist (e.g, Coreboot), but they depend significantly on reverse engineering. (They are also extremely limited in what they support.)

Where to obtain a particular virus for debugging purposes? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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This is a little bit of an awkward question, and possibly off-topic, but it is at the end of the day in order to help debug a software issue: how would one go about obtaining a particular virus for testing purposes?
We have been receiving reports of our software failing on certain machines, and we think we have (through research and deduction) identified the cause as being a varient of the TDSS/TLD3 rootkit family.
We need to determine if this is truly the case, and if so, we'd like to patch our code to remove the TDSS infection before executing our code. However, I can't find any way of actually obtaining a sample of TDSS to test out this theory on. Short of searching comments on file sharing sites for someone saying "beware, this file is infected with TDSS," I can't think of any other way of sampling the virus? Is there no database of old viruses for such purposes (similar to CDC's stockpile of old viruses for medical research purposes!)?
Again, I do realize this is not a "standard" StackOverflow question, but I figured I would post here in the hopes of someone having some insight to share on this matter.
Here is an in-depth article on TDSS by a security analyst: http://nobunkum.ru/analytics/en-tdss-analysis. You might want to contact the author.

Which LOLCODE interpreter to use? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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This is similar to this question. What I am asking though, is which LOLCODE interpreter should I pick based on these criteria:
1) Works well and is up-to-date
2) Ease of install - I've looked before and couldn't find one which I found easy to install.
Please feel free to give your suggestions and opinions, I haven't looked in a number of months and am curious as to what people think, and I look forward to learning it.
EDIT: I am just doing this to learn LOLCODE. Why? Because I can and I think it would be fun to declare variables with ICANHAZ and end programs with KTHXBAI. I'm really just curious. I would really prefer that it be as close to spec as possible. I don't care if it's open or closed source and it can run in either Windows (my desktop) or Linux (my laptop). Hope this helps!
EDIT 2: I have downloaded the LOLCODE compiler available here. However, I am having trouble figuring out some of the instructions so I am still open to any suggestions for any other interpreters/compilers.
I highly recommend repl.it. It's online, but available for download. It also has other languages like Emoticon, Python, JavaScript and many others. Here's a complete list...
Unlike the name implies, it has a scripting box right next to the REPL. A perfect setup I believe.
My friend created once LOLCODE interpreter for some project on our Univ. It requires Ruby with some gems, but I don't remember exactly which. I can update answer later when I have time to check it by myself. Here is link to github repository.

ActiveX on Visual C++ 6 Tutorial [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have to build an application based in an ActiveX library (MIL for Matrox framegrabbers).
The library should be already working, since it compiles and run a console application provided as example. (Yes, the console application is probably not using any ActiveX at all... I actually don't know)
The application will set times, frames per second, etc.
I never used Visual C++ before (I have some poor C programming skills), let alone an ActiveX library. I'm not even able to get an "Ok Cancel" dialog to work...
I need the most basic ever vc6 + ActiveX tutorial.
Thanks in advance.
Here is an example - how to create a control (you already have one) and how to interact with it.
By the way, using VC++ isn't the best choice IMO. Programming of COM clients are much simpler in VB...
