XMPPFramework creating multiple login in iOS app - ios

I have implemented chat using XMPPFramework but a new requirement has cropped up as explained below:-
There should be multiple login using different avatars of same user.Its same as supporting multiple login at the same time from same app where user can chat and switch between his different accounts. I think creating multiple stream and calling connect on them is the solution but i am having doing the same.
Please provide guidance on how to create multiple chat stream and use them in parallel.
UPDATE :- like Xabber android app's multiple account support


Parse: One app on parse.com will be accessed by multiple iOS apps. Does it work?

we are about to finish our first app with parse.com. This first app is for the enduser. PushNotifications and everything are working fine.
Now we want to create an app for our admins to manage everything. We want it to be a separate app. Therefore I was wondering: will this be possible? Two apps connecting to one data collection on parse.
Especially regarding the PushNotifications. Admins should also receive a push notification on the new admin app (e.g. new member joins and needs to be activated).
Has anyone ever done something like this?
Or do we need to build the admin part into the main app?
The thing is we will need a third app, which is for business owners to manage their listing on our main app. So the same problem/question will apply then.
Looking forward to your feedback.
Yes same Parse app ID can be used by different platforms/apps, that is basic concept of Parse. You can even use it in web, iOS, Android, etc with same parse app. This should not be a problem.
You might need to modify you parse data structure tough to suit your admin app requirement.
Check https://parse.com/docs/ios/guide#roles

Ejabber XMMP Services for iOS App

I'm developing a chat app using Ejabber XMPP for ios. I'm able to connect and Authenticate to the server. i'm able to see online and offline users also. but i have an issue with the below i search alot but not found solutions for that can someone help me on this things asked below:
How to upload logged-in user avatar as a display pic.
How to a person i'm using below method but it is not adding, i'm using simulator to add the user. if i add in android app it is displaying in my simulator.
-(void)addUser:(XMPPJID *)jid withNickname:(NSString *)optionalName;
but how to call the above method
How to disable account temporarily
How to delete account
How to share audio/video/photo files in chat
How to create a group

Where to save Game Scores, Last Level Passed, etc.? Parse(Cloud backend) or Facebook?

noob to iOS and Game Dev
I am writing a simple game which has incremental levels (flow chart below). Only thing that I want to do it save information like "Last level passed" on to the cloud.
I would like it so that whether the user signs in to my app from iOS, Android, Web (I'm starting off with iOS app only) - always goes back to the right level.
My fundamental architecture question - should I saving this information in somewhere on Facebook API/SDK or in my own Cloud Backend? (I'm using Parse as my backend)
I would save it into Parse so that you are not tied to Facebook for your users. I know many people do not want to connect their Facebook accounts to apps, etc. so this way you can have one solution for everyone.
Also, by using your own backend you can use Facebook a way for users to log in and then later allow them to log in via twitter, etc. and your game would still work as it should regardless of how the user chose to create an account.

Quickblox block / ban contact like Facebook

I have been developing a chat application using Quickblox framework.
I have been reading and testing many official sample projects (including Q-municate) but i do not find a way to block / ban user.
Is there a method for achieving this functionality ? Do i need to implement Custom Objects ? Thanks.
You can use Custom Objects for now. For example, create a class and store IDs of blocked users there. And then develop appropriate logic on the client side.
QuickBlox is going to release 'true' block list soon, also it will be available within Q-municate project

Is adding a mobile number compulsory for creating a twitter app?

I want to create a twitter app but twitter is not allowing me to do so and asking to add a mobile number to my profile before creating the app. Earlier I used to successfully create the apps without entering any mobile number. Has twitter made mobile number adding compulsory for creating an app?
Looks like they have..
I tested it with my account and I'm getting the same message (to first add my mobile number before I'm able to complete the creation of a new app..)
Also some others have the same probs..
