Quickblox block / ban contact like Facebook - ios

I have been developing a chat application using Quickblox framework.
I have been reading and testing many official sample projects (including Q-municate) but i do not find a way to block / ban user.
Is there a method for achieving this functionality ? Do i need to implement Custom Objects ? Thanks.

You can use Custom Objects for now. For example, create a class and store IDs of blocked users there. And then develop appropriate logic on the client side.
QuickBlox is going to release 'true' block list soon, also it will be available within Q-municate project


Wildcard to add multiple iOS bundle ID on Facebook Developers App?

I have many iOS apps that use the same facebook app ID to login. What we have it's basically a White Label platform.
Is there any way for me to add one single bundle formatted as a wildcard? Something like com.domain.apps.* instead of having to add com.domain.apps.app1, com.domain.apps.app2 for every single app that I create?
There is no way to do this. You would have to add each bundle to your Facebook app. You can also do this via the Graph API. Please see https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/application/#Updating
If you add multiple applications in FB, you will face the following unsolved problem:
multiple FB Application IDs within single client using FB SDK 4
Previously, the problem could be solved with the use of a class 'FBSession'. But in the new sdk it is impossible to make.
I think there need clarification from facebook sdk developers.

Parse: One app on parse.com will be accessed by multiple iOS apps. Does it work?

we are about to finish our first app with parse.com. This first app is for the enduser. PushNotifications and everything are working fine.
Now we want to create an app for our admins to manage everything. We want it to be a separate app. Therefore I was wondering: will this be possible? Two apps connecting to one data collection on parse.
Especially regarding the PushNotifications. Admins should also receive a push notification on the new admin app (e.g. new member joins and needs to be activated).
Has anyone ever done something like this?
Or do we need to build the admin part into the main app?
The thing is we will need a third app, which is for business owners to manage their listing on our main app. So the same problem/question will apply then.
Looking forward to your feedback.
Yes same Parse app ID can be used by different platforms/apps, that is basic concept of Parse. You can even use it in web, iOS, Android, etc with same parse app. This should not be a problem.
You might need to modify you parse data structure tough to suit your admin app requirement.
Check https://parse.com/docs/ios/guide#roles

XMPPFramework creating multiple login in iOS app

I have implemented chat using XMPPFramework but a new requirement has cropped up as explained below:-
There should be multiple login using different avatars of same user.Its same as supporting multiple login at the same time from same app where user can chat and switch between his different accounts. I think creating multiple stream and calling connect on them is the solution but i am having doing the same.
Please provide guidance on how to create multiple chat stream and use them in parallel.
UPDATE :- like Xabber android app's multiple account support

Send an invitation to a list same app

I am pretty new with iOS 5 and I am thinking in writing an app.
I would have a list of people inside the app who has it. Then I would invite them to an event.
I don't need any code right now I just wanted to know the concept behind this.
First, how an app can recognise who has my it installed, so it can show a list of people.
Second, after creating an event with a group of people how can I send an invitation to them.
From a very general standpoint, what you need is a back-end server to interact with your app and store user/event info. You can either build your own or try to use a service like Parse.

How to Add Phone With twitter using Third Party tool

I need a script that will add my phone with Twitter for All latest notification.
I found this page Twitter but i need to create script for my own application.
I goggled but i didn't get any solution For this.Please Help me to find this answer.
Thanks a lot in advance.
First Edit
This is a twitter's new feature Send notification to Phone. Actually I want to create an app that will allow users to register there phone with twitter via my application. Ie I need a script to implement send notification to phone.
The question that others are asking you Pankaj is what platform is your application being written for. You keep saying you want a "script" to do this, but what kind of script?
Giving us more insight to what your application is (a console application written in C#, or an ASP.NET web application) would lend more detail and raise the chances of someone being able to help you. :)
Regardless of your app's platform though, you're probably going to need to look into the Twitter API for setting this up. This is the normal method to interact with Twitter from 3rd party applications. So all the suggestions above, specifically the list of API's available, is probably what you're looking for.
Hey, can you give some more information? What kind of Phone are you developing for?
Maybe that helps solving your Problem.
If you are just searching for a way connecting your Phone to Twitter, here is the Twitter FAQ for Phone connecting:
Maybe it helps, or give you more keywords for your search.
I don't believe there's a way to get or set the notification phone number using the API, however if a phone is already setup on the profile you want to configure, you can do the following to get notification from all user friends.
The user will need to authorize your application to access her account. This flow uses OAuth, and begins here:
Once the user has granted your app access, and your application has all the required OAuth credentials, turn on notifications using account/update_delivery_device:
Next, fetch all the IDs for your user's friends using the friends/ids API call. Be sure to study the documentation; this call uses cursors, so you will have to manage those if the user has over 5,000 friends. Store these IDs for use in the next step. Here's an example call:
Once you have all of the friend IDs, you can call notifications/follow repeatedly to enable notifications on your mobile device whenever your friend makes an update:
This approach will burn one API call for each user that you enable notifications for; there's no way currently to manage notifications en masse.
