Irregularities in Gforth's conversion to doubles - forth

I'm fairly confused about how the s>d and d>s functions work in Forth.
From what I've read, typing 16.0 will put 160 0 on the stack (since it takes up two cells) and d. will show 160.
Now, if I enter 16 s>d I would expect the stack to be 160 0 and d. to show 160 like in the previous example. However, the stack is 16 0 and d. is 16.
Am I entering doubles incorrectly? Is s>d not as simple as "convert a single celled value into a double celled value? Is there any reason for this irregularity? Any clues would be much appreciated.

Gforth interpets all of these the same: 1.60, 16.0, and 160., i.e. 160 converted to a double number. Whereas 16 s>d converts 16 to a double number.
ANS Forth only mandates that when the text interpreter processes a number that is immediately followed by a decimal point and is not found as a definition name, the text interpreter shall convert it to a double-cell number. But Gforth goes beoynd that:


bin2dec for 16 bit signed binary values (in google sheets)

In google sheets, I'm trying to convert a 16-bit signed binary number to its decimal equivalent, but the built in function that does that only takes up to 10 bits. Other solutions to the problem that I've seen don't preserve the signedness.
So far I've tried:
bin2dec on the leftmost 8 bits * 2^8 + bin2dec on the rightmost 8 bits
hex2dec on the result of bin2dec on the leftmost 8 bits concatenated with bin2dec on the rightmost 8 bits
I've also seen a suggestion that multiplies each bit by its power of 2, eliminating bin2dec altogether.
Any suggestions?
You will need to use a custom function
function binary2decimal(bin) {
return parseInt(bin, 2);
Let's assume that your binary number is in cell A2.
First, set the formatting as follows: Format > Number > Plain text.
Then place the following formula in, say, B2:
This formula will process any length binary number, positive or negative, from 1 bit to 16 bits (and, in fact, to a length of 45 or 46 bits).
What this formula does is SPLIT the binary number (without the negative sign if it exists) into its separate bits, one per column; multiply each of those by 2 raised to the power of each element of an equal-sized degressive SEQUENCE that runs from a high of the LEN (i.e., number) of bits down to zero; and finally apply the negative sign conditionally IF one exists.
If you need to process a range where every value is a positive or negative binary number with exactly 16 bits, you can do so. Suppose that your 16-bit binary numbers are in the range A2:A. First, be sure to select all of Column A and set the formatting to "Plain text" as described above. Then place the following array formula into, say, B2 (being sure that B2:B is empty first):

Large lua numbers are being printed incorrectly

I have the following test case:
Lua 5.3.2 Copyright (C) 1994-2015, PUC-Rio
> foo = 1000000000000000000
> bar = foo + 1
> bar
> string.format("%.0f", foo)
> string.format("%.0f", bar)
That last line should be 1000000000000000001, since that's the value of bar, but for some reason it's not. This doesn't only apply to 1000000000000000000, I've yet to find another number over that one which gives the correct value. Can anyone give an explanation for why this happens?
You're formatting the number as floating-point, not integer. That's what %.0f is doing. At some point, floats lose precision. double, for example, will lose precision after about 16 decimal digits.
If you want to format an integer as an integer, then you need to format it as an integer, using standard printf rules:
string.format("%i", bar)
log2(1000000000000000000) is between 59 and 60, which means that the binary representation of that number needs 60 bits. double-precision floating point numbers have only 53 bits of precision, plus a power-of-two exponent with 11 bits of range. So to store that large of a number as floating point (which is what you requested with the %f format specifier), six to seven bits of precision are chopped off the end of the number, and the whole thing is multiplied by a power of two to get it back in range (259 in this case, I think). Chopping off those final bits removes the precision that allows 1000000000000000000 and 1000000000000000001 to be distinct from each other.
(This is not a particularly precise description of floating point, apologies if my numbers or descriptions are not exact.)

Unexpected result subtracting decimals in ruby [duplicate]

Can somebody explain why multiplying by 100 here gives a less accurate result but multiplying by 10 twice gives a more accurate result?
± % sc
Loading development environment (Rails 3.0.1)
>> 129.95 * 100
>> 129.95*10
>> 129.95*10*10
If you do the calculations by hand in double-precision binary, which is limited to 53 significant bits, you'll see what's going on:
129.95 = 1.0000001111100110011001100110011001100110011001100110 x 2^7
129.95*100 = 1.1001011000010111111111111111111111111111111111111111011 x 2^13
This is 56 significant bits long, so rounded to 53 bits it's
1.1001011000010111111111111111111111111111111111111111 x 2^13, which equals
Now 129.95*10 = 1.01000100110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 x 2^10
This is 54 significant bits long, so rounded to 53 bits it's 1.01000100111 x 2^10 = 1299.5
Now 1299.5 * 10 = 1.1001011000011 x 2^13 = 12995.
First off: you are looking at the string representation of the result, not the actual result itself. If you really want to compare the two results, you should format both results explicitly, using String#% and you should format both results the same way.
Secondly, that's just how binary floating point numbers work. They are inexact, they are finite and they are binary. All three mean that you get rounding errors, which generally look totally random, unless you happen to have memorized the entirety of IEEE754 and can recite it backwards in your sleep.
There is no floating point number exactly equal to 129.95. So your language uses a value which is close to it instead. When that value is multiplied by 100, the result is close to 12995, but it just so happens to not equal 12995. (It is also not exactly equal to 100 times the original value it used in place of 129.95.) So your interpreter prints a decimal number which is close to (but not equal to) the value of 129.95 * 100 and which shows you that it is not exactly 12995. It also just so happens that the result 129.95 * 10 is exactly equal to 1299.5. This is mostly luck.
Bottom line is, never expect equality out of any floating point arithmetic, only "closeness".

Bit Syntax and Binary Representation in Erlang

I'm trying to get my head around the Bit Syntax in Erlang and I'm having some trouble understand how this works:
Red = 10.
Green = 61.
Blue = 20.
Color = << Red:5, Green:6, Blue:5 >> .
I've seen this example in the Software for a concurrent world by Joe Armstrong second edition and this code will
create a 16 bit memory area containing a single RGB triplet.
My question is how can 3 bytes be packed in a 16-bit memory area?. I'm not familiar whatsoever with bit shifting and I wasn't able to find anything relevant to this subject referring to erlang as well. My understand so far is that the segment is made up of 16 parts and that Red occupies 5, green 6 and blue 5 however I'm note sure how this is even possible.
Given that
61 = 0011011000110001
which alone is 16 bits how is this packaging possible?
To start with, 61 is only equal to 00110110 00110001 if you store it as two ASCII digits. When written in binary, 61 is 111101.
Note that the binary representation requires six binary digits, or six "bits" for short. That's what we're taking advantage of in this line:
Color = << Red:5, Green:6, Blue:5 >> .
We're using 5 bits for the red value, 6 bits for the green value, and 5 bits for the blue value, for a total of 16 bits. This works since the red value and the blue value are both less than 32 (since 31 is the largest number that can be represented with 5 bits), and the green value is less than 64 (since 63 is the largest number that can be represented with 6 bits).
The complete value is 01010 111101 10100 (three segments for red, green and blue), or if we split it into two bytes, 01010111 10110100.

How do I format a PRINT or WRITE statement to overwrite the current line on the console screen?

I want to display the progress of a calculation done with a DO-loop, on the console screen. I can print out the progress variable to the terminal like this:
PROGRAM TextOverWrite_WithLoop
INTEGER :: Number, Maximum = 10
DO Number = 1, MAXIMUM
WRITE(*, 100, ADVANCE='NO') REAL(Number)/REAL(Maximum)*100
100 FORMAT(TL10, F10.2)
! Calcultations on Number
END PROGRAM TextOverWrite_WithLoop
The output of the above code on the console screen is:
10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00
90.00 100.00
All on the same line, wrapped only by the console window.
The ADVANCE='No' argument and the TL10 (tab left so many spaces) edit descriptor works well to overwrite text on the same line, e.g. the output of the following code:
WRITE(*, 100, ADVANCE='NO') 100, 500
100 FORMAT(I3, 1X, TL4, I3)
Instead of:
100 500
Because of the TL4 edit descriptor.
From these two instances one can conclude that the WRITE statement cannot overwrite what has been written by another WRITE statement or by a previous execution of the same WRITE satement (as in a DO-loop).
Can this be overcome somehow?
I am using the FTN95 compiler on Windows 7 RC1. (The setup program of the G95 compiler bluescreens Windows 7 RC1, even thought it works fine on Vista.)
I know about the question Supressing line breaks in Fortran 95 write statements, but it does not work for me, because the answer to that question means new ouput is added to the previous output on the same line; instead of new output overwriting the previous output.
Thanks in advance.
The following should be portable across systems by use of ACHAR(13) to encode the carriage return.
character*1 creturn
! CODE::
creturn = achar(13) ! generate carriage return
! other code ...
WRITE( * , 101 , ADVANCE='NO' ) creturn , i , npoint
101 FORMAT( a , 'Point number : ',i7,' out of a total of ',i7)
There is no solution to this question within the scope of the Fortran standards. However, if your compiler understand backslash in Fortran strings (GNU Fortran does if you use the option -fbackslash), you can write
write (*,"(A)",advance="no") "foo"
call sleep(1)
write (*,"(A)",advance="no") "\b\b\bbar"
call sleep(1)
write (*,"(A)",advance="no") "\b\b\bgee"
call sleep(1)
write (*,*)
This uses the backslash character (\b) to erase previously written characters on that line.
NB: if your compiler does not understand advance="no", you can use related non-standard tricks, such as using the $ specifier in the format string.
The following worked perfectly using g95 fortran:
NF = NF + 1
IF(MOD(NF,5).EQ.0) WRITE(6,42,ADVANCE='NO') NF, ' PDFs'//CHAR(13)
5 PDFs
leaving the cursor at the #1 position on the same line. On the next update,
the 5 turned into a 10. ASCII 13 (decimal) is a carriage return.
DO I=1,5
WRITE(6,'(1H+" ",I)') I
