How do I format a PRINT or WRITE statement to overwrite the current line on the console screen? - printing

I want to display the progress of a calculation done with a DO-loop, on the console screen. I can print out the progress variable to the terminal like this:
PROGRAM TextOverWrite_WithLoop
INTEGER :: Number, Maximum = 10
DO Number = 1, MAXIMUM
WRITE(*, 100, ADVANCE='NO') REAL(Number)/REAL(Maximum)*100
100 FORMAT(TL10, F10.2)
! Calcultations on Number
END PROGRAM TextOverWrite_WithLoop
The output of the above code on the console screen is:
10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00
90.00 100.00
All on the same line, wrapped only by the console window.
The ADVANCE='No' argument and the TL10 (tab left so many spaces) edit descriptor works well to overwrite text on the same line, e.g. the output of the following code:
WRITE(*, 100, ADVANCE='NO') 100, 500
100 FORMAT(I3, 1X, TL4, I3)
Instead of:
100 500
Because of the TL4 edit descriptor.
From these two instances one can conclude that the WRITE statement cannot overwrite what has been written by another WRITE statement or by a previous execution of the same WRITE satement (as in a DO-loop).
Can this be overcome somehow?
I am using the FTN95 compiler on Windows 7 RC1. (The setup program of the G95 compiler bluescreens Windows 7 RC1, even thought it works fine on Vista.)
I know about the question Supressing line breaks in Fortran 95 write statements, but it does not work for me, because the answer to that question means new ouput is added to the previous output on the same line; instead of new output overwriting the previous output.
Thanks in advance.

The following should be portable across systems by use of ACHAR(13) to encode the carriage return.
character*1 creturn
! CODE::
creturn = achar(13) ! generate carriage return
! other code ...
WRITE( * , 101 , ADVANCE='NO' ) creturn , i , npoint
101 FORMAT( a , 'Point number : ',i7,' out of a total of ',i7)

There is no solution to this question within the scope of the Fortran standards. However, if your compiler understand backslash in Fortran strings (GNU Fortran does if you use the option -fbackslash), you can write
write (*,"(A)",advance="no") "foo"
call sleep(1)
write (*,"(A)",advance="no") "\b\b\bbar"
call sleep(1)
write (*,"(A)",advance="no") "\b\b\bgee"
call sleep(1)
write (*,*)
This uses the backslash character (\b) to erase previously written characters on that line.
NB: if your compiler does not understand advance="no", you can use related non-standard tricks, such as using the $ specifier in the format string.

The following worked perfectly using g95 fortran:
NF = NF + 1
IF(MOD(NF,5).EQ.0) WRITE(6,42,ADVANCE='NO') NF, ' PDFs'//CHAR(13)
5 PDFs
leaving the cursor at the #1 position on the same line. On the next update,
the 5 turned into a 10. ASCII 13 (decimal) is a carriage return.

DO I=1,5
WRITE(6,'(1H+" ",I)') I


AWK (or similar) - change 2 lines below the matching pattern

I have a problem that I think it's easiest to solve with awk but I wrapped my head around it.
Inside a file I have repeating output like this:
<Ipv4NetworkBlock id="13726"
... other output
then this block will repeat.
a)I want to match on BGPIpv4Route.*, then skip 2 lines (the "n" keyword of awk), then when reaching Prefix Length:
- either replace it with random (25,30)
- better but I guess harder (no idea came to mind for keeping track of what was used and looping among /25../30) -> first occurrence /25, second one /26...till /30, then rollback to /25
b) then next line with NetworkCount depending on the new value of PrefixCount calculate it as 65536 / 2^(32-Prefix Count)
eg: if PrefixCount on this occurrence was replaced with /25, then NetworkCount on the line following it = 65536 / 2 ^ 7 = 65536 / 128 = 512
I found some examples with inserting/changing a line after one that matched (or with a counter variable X lines below the match) but I got a bit confused with the value generation part and also with the changing of two lines where one is depending on the other.
Not sure I made any head is a bit overwhelmed with what I'm finding everywhere right now.
Thanks in advance!
this should do
$ awk 'BEGIN {q="\""; FS=OFS="="; n=split("25=26=27=28=29=30",ps)}
/BgpIpv4Route/ {c=c%n+1}
/PrefixLength/ {$2=q ps[c] q}
/NetworkCount/ {$2=q 65536/2^(32-ps[c]) q}1' file
perhaps minimize computation by changing to 2^(ps[c]-16)
If there are free standing PrefixLength and NetworkCount attributes perhaps you need to qualify them for each BgpIpv4Route context.

Does GNU FORTH have an editor?

Chapter 3 of Starting FORTH says,
Now that you've made a block "current", you can list it by simply typing the word L. Unlike LIST, L does not want to be proceeded by a block number; instead it lists the current block.
When I run 180 LIST, I get
Screen 180 not modified
But when I run L, I get an error
:30: Undefined word
$7F0876E99A68 throw
$7F0876EAFDE0 no.extensions
$7F0876E99D28 interpreter-notfound1
What am I doing wrong?
Yes, gForth supports an internal (BLOCK) editor. Start gforth
type: use blocked.fb (a demo page)
type: 1 load
type editor
words will show the editor words,
s b n bx nx qx dl il f y r d i t 'par 'line 'rest c a m ok
type 0 l to list screen 0 which describes the editor,
Screen 0 not modified
0 \\ some comments on this simple editor 29aug95py
1 m marks current position a goes to marked position
2 c moves cursor by n chars t goes to line n and inserts
3 i inserts d deletes marked area
4 r replaces marked area f search and mark
5 il insert a line dl delete a line
6 qx gives a quick index nx gives next index
7 bx gives previous index
8 n goes to next screen b goes to previous screen
9 l goes to screen n v goes to current screen
10 s searches until screen n y yank deleted string
12 Syntax and implementation style a la PolyFORTH
13 If you don't like it, write a block editor mode for Emacs!
Creating your own block file
To create your own new block file myblocks.fb
type: use blocked.fb
type: 1 load
type editor
type use myblocks.fb
1 load will show BLOCK #1 (lines 0 till 15. 16 Lines of 64 characters each)
1 t will highlight line 1
Type i this is text to [i]nsert into line 1
After the current BLOCK is edited type flush in order to write BLOCK #1 to the file myblocks.fb
For more information see, gForth Blocks
It turns out these are "Editor Commands" the book says,
For Those Whose EDITOR Doesn't Follow These Rules
The FORTH-79 Standard does not specify editor commands. Your system may use a different editor; if so, check your systems documentation
I don't believe gforth supports an internal editor at all. So L, T, I, P, F, E, D, R are all presumably unsupported.
gforth is well integrated with emacs. In my xemacs here, by default any file called *.fs is considered FORTH source. "C-h m", as usual, gives the available commands.
No, GNU Forth doesn't have an internal editor; I use Vim :)

Irregularities in Gforth's conversion to doubles

I'm fairly confused about how the s>d and d>s functions work in Forth.
From what I've read, typing 16.0 will put 160 0 on the stack (since it takes up two cells) and d. will show 160.
Now, if I enter 16 s>d I would expect the stack to be 160 0 and d. to show 160 like in the previous example. However, the stack is 16 0 and d. is 16.
Am I entering doubles incorrectly? Is s>d not as simple as "convert a single celled value into a double celled value? Is there any reason for this irregularity? Any clues would be much appreciated.
Gforth interpets all of these the same: 1.60, 16.0, and 160., i.e. 160 converted to a double number. Whereas 16 s>d converts 16 to a double number.
ANS Forth only mandates that when the text interpreter processes a number that is immediately followed by a decimal point and is not found as a definition name, the text interpreter shall convert it to a double-cell number. But Gforth goes beoynd that:

How to tell if a Lua line number is a valid execution point (from C/C++)?

How Can I tell if line number x in a Lua script will respond to the Lua line hook?
1 first = 1
3 function test ( data )
4 if first == 0 then
5 print ("\r\n")
6 end
7 print(data)
8 --[[
9 first = 0
10 ]]
11 end
13 test()
Line 2,6,8,9,10,12 and 14 does not call a line hook. After I have loaded and executed the script, can I some how, from C/C++, get a table of the executable line numbers?
lua_getinfo can return a table of valid lines if you include L in what.
Some code sample:
local exec_lines = {}
local function exec_line_counter(event, line)
table.insert(exec_lines, line)$
local function count_exec_lines(lua_file)
local external_chunk = loadfile(lua_file)
debug.sethook(exec_line_counter, "l")
-- Removing `debug.sethook()` lines:
table.remove(exec_lines, 1)
table.remove(exec_lines, #exec_lines)
Output of:
for i, num in ipairs(exec_lines) do
11 <--- not sure why this duplicates. Lack of return? Or because following tailcall?
NOTE: it would log only lines being parsed. In Your test case, it does not cover 5th and 6th line, because first not being 0.
Another way of doing this and solving noted case - just simply parsing Lua source: counting and skipping lines which consists only of Lua comments:
--[[ blocks ]]
EDIT: ah, shoot, edited Your question of doing this with C/C++. Hooking functions can be done with plain C API too. Might make an example if You didn't get a basic idea from an my answer already made :)

Read numbers following a keyword into an array in Fortran 90 from a text file

I have many text files of this format
'FOP' 0.19 1 24 1 25 7 8 /
'FOP' 0.18 1 24 1 25 9 11 /
110262 /
where the portions I snipped off contain other various data in various formats. The file format is inconsistent (machine generated), the only thing one is assured of is the keyword TURX which may appear more than once. If it appears alone on one line, then the next few lines will contain numbers that I need to fetch into an array. The last number will have a space then a forward slash (/). I can then use this array in other operations afterwards.
How do I "search" or parse a file of unknown format in fortran, and how do I get a loop to fetch the rest of the data, please? I am really new to this and I HAVE to use fortran. Thanks.
Fortran 95 / 2003 have a lot of string and file handling features that make this easier.
For example, this code fragment to process a file of unknown length:
use iso_fortran_env
character (len=100) :: line
integer :: ReadCode
ReadLoop: do
read (75, '(A)', iostat=ReadCode ) line
if ( ReadCode /= 0 ) then
if ( ReadCode == iostat_end ) then
exit ReadLoop
write ( *, '( / "Error reading file: ", I0 )' ) ReadCode
end if
end if
! code to process the line ....
end do ReadLoop
Then the "process the line" code can contain several sections depending on a logical variable "Have_TURX". If Have_TRUX is false you are "seeking" ... test whether the line contains "TURX". You could use a plain "==" if TURX is always at the start of the string, or for more generality you could use the intrinsic function "index" to test whether the string "line" contains TURX.
Once the program is in the mode Have_TRUX is true, then you use "internal I/O" to read the numeric value from the string. Since the integers have varying lengths and are left-justified, the easiest way is to use "list-directed I/O": combining these:
read (line, *) integer_variable
Then you could use the intrinsic function "index" again to test whether the string also contains a slash, in which case you change Have_TRUX to false and end reading mode.
If you need to put the numbers into an array, it might be necessary to read the file twice, or to backspace the file, because you will have to allocate the array, and you can't do that until you know the size of the array. Or you could pop the numbers into a linked list, then when you hit the slash allocate the array and fill it from the linked list. Or if there is a known maximum number of values you could use a temporary array, then transfer the numbers to an allocatable output array. This is assuming that you want the output argument of the subroutine be an allocatable array of the correct length, and the it returns one group of numbers per call:
integer, dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: numbers
allocate (numbers (1: HowMany) )
P.S. There is a brief summary of the language features at and the gfortran manual has a summary of the intrinsic procedures, from which you can see what built in functions are available for string handling.
I'll give you a nudge in the right direction so that you can finish your project.
Some basics:
Do/While as you'll need some sort of loop
structure to loop through the file
and then over the numbers. There's
no for loop in Fortran, so use this
to read the strings.
To start you need something like this:
program readlines
implicit none
character (len=30) :: rdline
integer,dimension(1000) :: array
! This sets up a character array with 30 positions and an integer array with 1000
read(18,*) rdline
if (trim(rdline).eq.'TURX') exit !loop until the trimmed off portion matches TURX
end do
See this thread for way to turn your strings into integers.
Final edit: Looks like MSB has got most of what I just found out. The iostat argument of the read is the key to it. See this site for a sample program.
Here was my final way around it.
PROGRAM fetchnumbers
implicit none
character (len=50) ::line, numdata
logical ::is_numeric
integer ::I,iost,iost2,counter=0,number
integer, parameter :: long = selected_int_kind(10)
integer, dimension(1000)::numbers !Can the number of numbers be up to 1000?
open(20,file='inputfile.txt') !assuming file is in the same location as program
ReadLoop: do
read(20,*,iostat=iost) line !read data line by line
if (iost .LT. 0) exit !end of file reached before TURX was found
if (len_trim(line)==0) cycle ReadLoop !ignore empty lines
if (index(line, 'TURX').EQ.1) then !prepare to begin capturing
GetNumbers: do
read(20, *,iostat=iost2)numdata !read in the numbers one by one
if (.NOT.is_numeric(numdata)) exit !no more numbers to read
if (iost2 .LT. 0) exit !end of file reached while fetching numbers
read (numdata,*) number !read string value into a number
counter = counter + 1
Storeloop: do I =1,counter
if (I<counter) cycle StoreLoop
numbers(counter)=number !storing data into array
end do StoreLoop
end do GetNumbers
end if
end do ReadLoop
write(*,*) "Numbers are:"
do I=1,counter
write(*,'(I14)') numbers(I)
end do
END PROGRAM fetchnumbers
FUNCTION is_numeric(string)
CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(IN) :: string
LOGICAL :: is_numeric
REAL :: x
is_numeric = .FALSE.
READ(string,*,IOSTAT=e) x
IF (e == 0) is_numeric = .TRUE.
END FUNCTION is_numeric
