Open 3rd party application in corona sdk - coronasdk

I am trying to open the 3rd party application in my game using url scheme in corona sdk I found some good stuff but they had explain how to handle when your application is open using URL Scheme.
I followed this link
this link contain how to handle url scheme only
Can anyone explain me how to open 3rd party application in my game or application using corona sdk.?
Thanks in Advance

Youc can only open htmls app & games or any html content you want using this
system.openURL( url )
where URL is your actual URL.
for eg.
system.openURL( Open 3rd party application in corona sdk )
But if you don't want this to be open in browser, you can use web view.


How iOS URL Scheme work with a https website

I was developing an iOS application which need to work with a website. I'm not the owner of website so I cant use the universal link. I tried to open the website url directly when I set the as URL Scheme , however it will only display the website but won't asked for open the apps. What is the problem and can I do to achieve the expectation below?
When the user open the website
Phone w/ app - open the website and ask for open the app
Phone w/o app - open the website
I have similar problem with this question.
iOS URL scheme or not existing Universal Link
If you don't own the website you want to deep link to, you can't dictate the behavior once the user lands on that destination in their browser – that would need to be handled by that website.

Web service for deep linking

This is my first time create an ios application that required deep linking. I need to create a web service for my custom url scheme for ios in order to publish it online. Please give some pointer on regarding which web service i should use or is there an alternative way to create a deep linking for custom url scheme for iOS. Thanks.
You can do it yourself with any server platform - Rails, PHP, Dot.Net, etc.
Here is a very simple PHP snippet. Replace "myappname" with your app's URL scheme. The param/value query is optional - you can use any other text and parse it in your App Delegate's openUrl method.
if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'iPhone OS') !== FALSE) {
// redirect
header("location: myappname://?key=value");
Client use-cases:
iOS Safari, your app installed - will open your app.
iOS Safari, your app not installed - Safari will complain that it cannot open the link.
Another iOS app, your app installed - will switch to your app.
Another iOS app, your app not installed - same as Safari. However, if the other app is implementing UIApplication's canOpenURL: - it may gracefully take the user to the App Store, but it's up to the other app developer.
Any other device or browser - will continue to render the page, where you can add your html including AppStore links.
If you don't want to create the server code, you can use a tool I created for this purpose. You have it here:
It's mainly a short link tool that checks for user device and give him the right url based on his devices. With this tool you don't need to write any server code and it also takes care of different devices, operating systems and browsers.
Take care of Tal answer as latest versions of Chrome has changed the way to open app and now you need to provide a link in different format, they use something like "intent://..."

Get Box iOS app url scheme parameters for a web app

Is it possible for a web app to make use of the box:// url-scheme with parameters to open a specific file in the Box iOS app?
The Android Box app has a similar function with its intent links.
And if it is possible, what would these parameters be? (already using Oauth2 API to list files with shared links).
boxopendirect://file?id=<fileid> to redirect to a file.
boxopendirect://folder?id=<folderid> to redirect to a folder
It certainly is possible to open other apps from inside a webapp using a proprietary scheme identifier. Unfortunately, you will need to know the exact scheme syntax in advance. There's a good list of them available here:
For example, to open the youtube app directly, you can use:

Phonegap : cannot open iOS 6 native maps application

I've got an issue with an app builded on phonegap build ( on iOS with Phonegap 2.3.
I'm trying to open the native map application with this link :
<a id="gmap_image" href="">
The js code that sets the href attribute :
$("#gmap_image").href(''+$xml.find( "adresse" ).text());
I've seen that for opening native maps application with a link, i have to give an url based on domain (Apple Map Links).
But when I click on the link, all that happens is that the page refreshes (and I don't know why it refreshes too because no code asks to do it).
Has someone an idea ?
maybe it's too late, but i had the same issue.
Try this way:
$("#gmap_image").href('maps:q='+$xml.find( "adresse" ).text());
just change into maps:q=
that works for me
You can launch the google Maps app on an iOS device using this header in the URL Scheme. comgooglemaps:// This is according to the developer documentation found here.
for example a web link to open the Google Maps app in iOS6 and get directions from New York to Washington DC would look like this.
Directions from New York, NY to Washington DC
Try this one
$('#map').bind('tap', function(){
var url = '';
url += 'q=[place_name]'; //add ur querystrings
// open the native maps app by calling window location
window.location = url;
Unfortunately, this is a no-go on iOS 6, since Google maps is no longer "natively" part of the OS.
Though you can still launch Apple Maps, since this is supported natively.
If you are using one of the latest PhoneGap/Cordova versions, it seems that it's not longer possible to open safari or maps from standard "a href=xxx" tags.
In order to open maps, you will need to attach a click event and open the link using:'', '_system');
within Phonegap, will open a link with a new in app browser, but, if you specify '_system' as the second param, it will send the URL to the OS (thus, opening the maps app in this situation).

Possible to launch Apple's default weather app from my application?

One of my client wants to open Apple's native weather app from our application. After few I don't see a possible way, unless we need to go with any 3rd party apps which provides custom url scheme.
It would be great if someone confirm or give me a lead if it is possible.
Its not possible, the weather app doesn't have a known URL scheme and I dubt that it has an unknown one.
The website handleOpenURL is an excellent resource for custom iOS URL schemes; use this link to search for the known Apple app schemes.
Unfortunately the weather app is not among them.
Another couple of sites with schemes (handleOpenURL seems to be the most complete, but it can't hurt to check the others):
app lookup
Akosma iPhone URL Scheme Wiki
You can open the weather app with this URL: weather://
Here is a codepen demo I got to work:
Open weather
I found another site for sharing the url scheme -
