My Instant Messaging Project Won't Work Like in the Xcode Tutorial - ios

So I was just trying to create a simple instant messaging application on my Xcode 5.0.2. I downloaded the free beta SDK from and I followed exactly what their video instructed. However once I tried to build, atleast a dozen issues popped up.
Heres the link to the tutorial:
One of the comments said that one possible reason might be because I need to set my Xcode 5 to default in build settings, but I'm not sure how. Does anyone know what I should do?


How to Using Xcode, Appium to Test App on iPhone from MacBook

I have a question regarding the title above. I try surfing the internet for almost 2 weeks, but my issues were not solved.
I have an iPhone (iOS 15) and MacBook (macOS 13.6.1), want use XCode 13 to test the app. I got instructions from the Leapwork guy, to list how to do it. My colleague wants to test an app on iPhone, and she asks me to setup it up for her.
But I am facing a few errors which I don't know what are and how to solve because this is my first time playing it.
Here link to the document I manage success following the step from 1 to 8. I’m afraid to step 9 I did something wrong because it asked me to change a few things may I miss out.
iOS Instruction
The error that I have on XCode is
Building for iOS, but the linked and embedded framework 'RoutingHTTPServer.framework' was build for iOS + iOS Simulator
'assign' property of object type may become a dangling reference; consider using 'unsafe_unretained'
Double-quoted include "HTTPConnection.h" in framework header, expected angle-bracketed instead.
Could not build module 'RoutingHTTPServer'
I'm running Appium but not sure need to configure it or not.
I hope anyone knows about this or has been through a similar situation, please help and guide me on the correct path. I think I already lost. :(

Unity iOS support, installation failed

I am trying to use Unity to create an iOS app. I used Unity Hub to install Unity. I then opened Unity, went to File-Build Settings. I click on iOS, and it says "No iOS module loaded", so I clicked on the "Open Download page". I downloaded UnitySetup-iOS-Support-for-Editor-2018.4.7f1 and ran it. It looks like everything is going smoothly, and right at the end I get the message in the attached screen shot.
I have tried closing Xcode and Unity. I have tried restarting my computer. I have done several Google searches, but I haven't found anything that helps. Does anyone have any ideas?
I suspect the installation path got messed up.
You have to use the Unity Hub to install additional packages.
Go to Installs, click the 3 vertical dots and select Add Modules.
I had a similar problem with tvOS support and it seems that if you don’t have Unity installed to /Applications/Unity, installing addons will fail. (I had it in /Applications/Unity-2019.4.7f1.)
I moved my Unity to /Applications/Unity, installed the addon, and then moved Unity back.
The accepted answer did not work for me.
However, what did the job (Unity 2018, Unityhub 3.4.1) was copying the installed /Applications/Unity/PlaybackEngines to the current /Applications/Unity-[2018....]/PlaybackEngines

Submit an app created with create-react-native-app to the App Store (without XCode?)

Before, react-native 0.45, when you'd create a project, it would generate a XCode project file in the ios folder so that you can open it with XCode and use it to submit your app to the app store.
Since react-native 0.45, react native project are created with the create-react-native-app command and there is no xcode project anymore.
I read that you can "eject" to go back to the old style and get an XCode project. create-react-native-app is supposed to make everything easier, so I suppose there is a way to submit to the app store without ejecting that doesn't make the whole process much more painful than by using XCode.
To be clear: I understand that there are probably ways to submit to the app store without XCode, but aren't them much more painful? I can't believe that react-native would then consider it an improvement to not generate a XCode project anymore.
Could someone point me in the right direction?
Since react-native 0.45, react native project are created with the create-react-native-app command and there is no xcode project anymore.
This is incorrect. create-react-native-app is simply one of two ways to start a React Native project. The react-native init method of starting a project is still there in the docs.
To be clear: I understand that there are probably ways to submit to the app store without XCode, but aren't them much more painful? I can't believe that react-native would then consider it an improvement to not generate a XCode project anymore.
You are not going to get a good answer for this as it's very much down to opinion. StackOverflow is not the right place to ask such a question.
Could someone point me in the right direction?
Same with this question. Please read How to Ask to properly demonstrate what you've tried and exactly what issue you are running into.
As a starting point for learning how to publish, I suggest looking at the create-react-native-app documentation as it gives you two options right there:
Ejecting to generate the ios and android folders with which you can then publish.
Using a third party service like Expo to publish for you.
Their documentation goes a bit more into depth on the options. This is the best summary I can give as an answer without putting any of my opinions into it.

After migrating to xcode 7 cocoa pods libraries stopped working

Recently new ios and xcode appeared so I decided to update to have a latest version. First of all migration manager popped out and left many syntax errors. But after one hour I fixed them all. App compiled and it was a disaster. I use several external libraries (written in objc) using cocoa pods. They mostly don't work now.
I'm using facebook image picker to get images from facebook - doesn't work, same for instagram image picker. As of my code also now ALAssets aren't working - well partially they are - I'm just not getting posterImages of groups and thumbnails of all photos. I can see correct amount of photos just thumbnails are all nils now.
There are more problems. Sometimes back button in navigation controller is not appearing. Anyone maybe I'd be able to fix that errors of 'my' code, but there's no way I'd fix all issues in these external libraries (especially in such a short time). I thought only swift will be impacted, but objc libraries are also under attack.
So is there an issue with some cocoa pods settings or just libraries will no longer work? I heard there's no way to use swift 1.2 in xcode 7. So I decided to downgrade back to 6.4. App compiled without any problem (after cleaning up derivedData). In simulator (ios 8.4) works like a charm. But on device with ios9 all the same issues are present. No photos thumbnails from gallery etc :)
Anyway there's one more thing. My app has to offer similar functionality to the one client has sent me few weeks ago. I may be unexperienced in ios programming, but this app isn't working as well! No photos from gallery :) And it's from appstore. It looked very professional. I smell serious changes under the ios 9 hood.
So I don't think it's something wrong with swift 2.0 - it's an ios itself.
I fixed all the problems! I just want to say they were not related to migration from swift 1.2 to swift 2.0. Going one by one:
nil thumbnails from ALAssetsLibrary - not sure why this was happening, but I restarted device and problem never came back. So good advice is to check if they're not nil (as I did).
Not working instagram and facebook libraries. Well first of all there's nothing wrong with cocoa pods. Reason of all this mess is App Transport Security. I had to add this to Info.plist file (last one not related to facebook/instagram):
You simple have to add all servers that app connects.
Not working back button - well that was a problem with my storyboard. I had many push segues, but every viewController was embeedded in navigationController. That worked on ios8, but not on ios9. I had to get rid of them and left first one and ones that were appearing by replace segue.
No need to downgrade :)

Facebook SDK on Unity 5 on iOS

I have been having trouble getting the latest Facebook SDK 6.2.1 to function with Unity 5.0.0f4 in both my project and an empty one.
Here is what I do:-
Create a blank project
import Facebook SDK
Set App ID and Name in editor settings
Add sample scene to build settings
Build Xcode Project
Open in Xcode
Disable ARC in settings
Remove extra #endif when xcode complains about it
Build and Run game on iOS device
The error I end up with is in the following link:-
The error I get is "EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1)". I'm not much of an xcode/iOS guy so this confuses me a tone load. This error does not occur if facebook isn't present. Has anyone got any idea how to get around this? Surely i'm not the only one with this issue. All I want to do is get an access token from facebook. If need be, I don't mind using a simple webview or something similar.
Any help on this would be much appreciated. I would give free hugs to but ya know.
Ive managed to solve the issue. As posted by someone else on unity forums here, you need to mark the option "iOS" as platform for plugin and adding "-fno-objc-arc" as compile flag in the following file: Assets/Facebook/Editor/iOS/
This works with the latest versions of Unity 5.0.1f and Facebook SDK 6.2.1 as of this post.
Facebook SDK for Unity Downloads
Note: Only Unity 4 is supported at this time
That is why it's not working. I don't know when Facebook will launch their sdk for Unity 5.
