ACE library and files system - ace

How can I manage files and directories with ACE library? I tried to delete files with ACE_OS::unlink, but it didn't work. I also failed to create directories by using ACE_OS::mkdir. I need to find a way to create and delete directories, delete files and move files from one directory to another

See ACE_wrappers/tests/OS_Test.cpp for code how to create, move, and delete files. Use ACE_OS::mkdir/rmdir to create/remove directories. See ACE_wrappers/tests/Dirent_Test.cpp for code how to retrieve the content of a directory


Changing file path in .dpr file in delphi

We are using Delphi 6. Currently, we have kept all the different application folders under one main folder.
We have below folder path for one of the applications:
For some reason, we would like to move this folder to below folder path:
Issue we are getting is that we have some common files which are kept in separate folders and which are used in so many other applications as well.
Since we are moving this folder outside of the current folder path, we are getting compile error, which is expected.
The real issue is, as there are so many files which are in common folder path, we need to change their path in .DPR file one by one. Is there any better way by which we need not to change path for all the files in the .DPR file?

xcode create group from physical folder based on file template

I'm currently trying to create a custom file template for xcode. As part of this any new 'file' from my template actually generates a number of files separated into folders better describing their functionality e.g Foo/Presentation/FooViewController.swift, Foo/DataSource/FooDataSource.swift etc. where 'Foo' is the name of the file created.
Although this works and all the files and folders are added to my project, the folders are added as physical folder references. Is there anyway that in a 'file template' these can be converted to groups? Or is there a way to convert a folder to a group in xcode - I've seen lots of questions doing this the other way but not converting a folder to a group.
I could strip all the folders out, but then as this will be used across a team, everyone would have to create the groups themselves everytime, which isn't a very efficient workflow and a template would ensure a common structure.
I can't seem to find any good docs on template creation either and a lot of the sites online seem focussed on older versions of xcode and project templates rather than file templates.
If anyone has any ideas to help solve this it would be appreciated
To convert the folder structure to a group structure, use the following steps once the folders are created in Xcode:
Delete the folder by selecting "Remove References", so not deleting the files and folders, just its reference inside Xcode.
Select the parent folder and then select Files > Add files to "...".
There, add the just removed folder and make sure you select the option "Create groups".
That will add the full structure of folders and subfolders as groups.

iOS - how do I include javascript files that can be referred by relative paths to project?

Basically I want to use relative path in my html and js files that I imported to the project. It seems that xcode puts those bundle files all at the same level if I import files as group reference. So if I then get rid of all relative paths in my code it would work. But if I import them as folder reference as following links suggested none of those files will appear in Copy Bundle Resources (neither in compiled sources).
Load resources from relative path using local html in uiwebview
UIWebView doesn't load external Javascript file
Any help will be appreciated.
I managed to resolve my issue. What I did wrong was import the entire folder as folder reference that would expose the folder appearing in the root directory as the result. I could refer every files with that directory (e.g. root/js/abc.js) but that'd be bad.
I don't know if it's the best way to resolve but here is what I have done. I created one group and put everything else in that group except importing all sub folders as folder references. In that way all files in the root group can use relative paths without errors.
Note: all the files in the folder reference still don't appear in bundle resources and I still don't know how other people (in the links I posted) got it done.
You could put your front-end files into a real folder, then add the folder to your XCode project(don't forget to check "copy if needed", not as reference).

Xcode .gitignore files within directories

I am looking to .gitignore my plist file found within a subdirectory within my project. When I ignore individual files at the root level where .gitignore is located I have no problems with the exclusion, but when I try to exclude files within the a subdirectory I can't seem set up the proper way to exclude this and my file still appears. I think what is throwing me off the most is the way that my Xcode projects appear in my finder compared to my Xcode program. In Xcode, my .plist appears within a Supporting Files folder. Once would assume that this would mean my gitignore request would be /app-name/Supporting Files/Info.plist, but in the finder, there is no Supporting Files folder, just Info.plist.
Any advice as to what I should do?
Should my .gitignore look like:
/facebook-login-template/Supporting Files/Info.plist
or should it be something else?
I think you are looking for this:
If you only want to avoid the one inside "facebook-login-template", it should work with
but remember you have to reset the file on git if you've already tracked it.

ios - What is the correct way to add outside files to my new project?

I have about 20 image files which I would like to a new project. I tried to make my code base clean so I made a group src/img where I intended to place the images.
Then I tried to copy the images via the file system, and obviously the groups that I made did not also create folders. So before I do anything that would dirty-up the code base, I wanted to ask here.
What is the correct way to add the files I want to add so they would render in my group under proj_name/src/img ?
You can first create a folder src/img inside your project in filesystem and copy all of your images in that folder. Then drag the whole img folder to your project in Xcode, but make sure you don't check copy files option when you drag. But, do select the option to create group so that image folder dragged is also a group in Xcode
The filesystem location is not represented by Xcode project groups.
The groups you are creating are supposed to be organized by you, but Xcode also provides useful options like automatically creating groups for the folders checkbox when you are adding new files to the project.
After the files are added to the project, you are free to "move" them to other groups or rename groups, that changes will be stored at the project bundle. Of course if you make the filesystem changes you'll have to remove the broken references from the project and recreate them.
