casting a struct pointer to void - void-pointers

MonkeyStruct *mnkS = (MonkeyStruct*)malloc(sizeof(MonkeyStruct));
void *vS = (void *)mnkS;
ManStruct * manS = (ManStruct *)vS;
is it necessary in the above code segment to cast mnkS to void first then assign in to void
or we can simply do void *vS=mnkS

Void pointer can be assigned to any data type.
void *ptr; // ptr is declared as Void pointer
char cn;
int in;
float fn;
ptr = &cn; // ptr has address of character data
ptr = ∈ // ptr has address of integer data
ptr = &fn; // ptr has address of float data
Thus you can assign
void *vS=mnkS
without casting.


monitor and read a local variable value of a process on linux when ASLR is enabled

void gen_rand(unsigned char rand[], int len)
time_t time = time();
int i;
rand[i] = time+i;
void encrypt(unsigned char key[], int ken_len, unsigned char text[], int text_len, unsigned char out[], int &len_out)
void hexdump(unsigned char *buf, int len)
void enc_test(unsigned char text[], int len_text, unsigned char out[], int &out_len)
unsigned char key[32];
encrypt(key,32,text,32,enc,enc, out_len);
int main()
int i,out_len,j;
unsigned char text[32];
unsigned char enc[64];
for(j=0;j<32;j++) text[j] = i;
Above is a sample program in linux. My need is to read the local variable key in function enc_test every time this function runs. Maybe gdb or ptrace is a good option, but this method might significantly slow down the program's speed. Is there a method to monitor and read a local variable when its value changes? How to determine the address of a local variable if ASLR is enabled?

Parameters to use in a Vapi definition for passing arrays by reference

I have the following C code that uses libmodbus to read a single device register using ModbusTCP:
modbus_t *ctx;
uint16_t tab_reg[16];
ctx = modbus_new_tcp("", 502);
modbus_read_registers(ctx, 0x20, 2, tab_reg);
printf("reg = %d (0x%X)\n", tab_reg[0], tab_reg[0]);
printf("reg = %d (0x%X)\n", tab_reg[1], tab_reg[1]);
now trying to switch this over to Vala using a Vapi that I've generated, the contents of that for new and read are:
[CCode (cheader_filename = "modbus.h", cname = "modbus_new_tcp")]
public static unowned Modbus.modbus_t create_tcp (string ip_address, int port);
public static int read_registers (Modbus.modbus_t ctx, int addr, int nb, uint16 dest);
[CCode (cheader_filename = "modbus.h")]
and the translated Vala program is:
class ModbusReadTest : GLib.Object {
unowned Modbus.modbus_t ctx;
public void run () {
uint16 reg = 0x00;
ctx = create_tcp ("", 502);
Modbus.read_registers (ctx, 0x20, 2, reg);
message ("reg = %d (0x%X)", reg, reg);
Coincidentally, when I compile this into C code and then into a binary using gcc I get the error:
read-registers-test.c:71:2: warning: passing argument 4 of ‘modbus_read_registers’ makes pointer from integer without a cast [enabled by default]
which is not surprising. But I'm not sure how I should go about modifying the Vapi contents to closer match the prototype in the libmodbus header:
int modbus_read_registers(modbus_t *ctx, int addr, int nb, uint16_t *dest);
I've tried a mix of array options and using 'out', but haven't been able to get more than a single double byte register at a time.
read_registers should probably be an instance method (on Modbus.modbus_t) instead of a static method, and Modbus.modbus_t should probably be renamed to something like Modbus.Context, create_tcp should probably be a constructor, and Modbus.close should be a free function on the Modbus.Context compact class, but that's beside the point of this question (if you stop by #vala on you can get help with that stuff).
You probably want to make it an array:
public static int read_registers (Modbus.modbus_t ctx, int addr, [CCode (array_length_pos = 2.5)] uint16[] dest);
Then you would do something like this in Vala:
public void run () {
uint16 reg[2];
ctx = create_tcp ("", 502);
Modbus.read_registers (ctx, 0x20, reg);
message ("reg = %d (0x%X)", reg, reg);
For a port more faithful to the original C (where tab_reg has 16 elements instead of 2), you could use array slicing:
public void run () {
uint16 reg[16];
ctx = create_tcp ("", 502);
Modbus.read_registers (ctx, 0x20, reg[0:2]);
stdout.printf ("reg = %d (0x%X)\n", reg, reg);
Note that if you make it an instance method you'll need to change the array_length_pos to 1.5.

How to pass ByteArray to C code using FlasCC

I want to pass ByteArray from ActionScript to C function.
basically I want do something like this:
void init() __attribute__((used,annotate("as3sig:public function init(byteData: ByteArray):int"),
void init()
//here I want to pass byteArray data to C variable.
//similar to AS3_GetScalarFromVar(cVar, asVar)
Unforunately I cannot find any function in flascc docs to help me with this.
void _init_c(void) __attribute((used,
annotate("as3sig:public function init(byteData:ByteArray) : void"),
void _init_c()
char *byteArray_c;
unsigned int len;
inline_as3("%0 = byteData.bytesAvailable;" : "=r"(len));
byteArray_c = (char *)malloc(len);
inline_as3("CModule.ram.position = %0;" : : "r"(byteArray_c));
// Now byteArray_c points to a copy of the data from byteData.
// Note that byteData.position has changed to the end of the stream.
// ... do stuff ...
The key here is that the heap in C is exposed on the AS3 side as CModule.ram, which is a ByteArray object.
A pointer malloc'd in C is seen in AS3 as an offset into CModule.ram.
You should use CModule.malloc and CModule.writeBytes methods to manipulate with pointers in C-style manner. Take a look on $FLASCC/samples/06_SWIG/PassingData/
void _init_c(void) __attribute((used,
annotate("as3sig:public function init(byteData:ByteArray) : void"),
void _init_c()
char *byteArray_c;
unsigned int len;
inline_as3("%0 = byteData.bytesAvailable;" : "=r"(len));
byteArray_c = (char *) malloc(len);
inline_as3("byteData.readBytes(CModule.ram, %0, %1);" : : "r"(byteArray_c), "r"(len));
// Now byteArray_c points to a copy of the data from byteData.
// Note that byteData.position has changed to the end of the stream.
// ... do stuff ...

argument of pthread_create()

We know that we call pthread like this
int pthread_create(pthread_t *thread, const pthread_attr_t *attr,
void *(*start_routine) (void *), void* arg);
However, if in the start_routine function I wanna call has more than one argument, what can I do?
You can put whatever you want into a struct and pass a pointer to that.
In C:
typedef struct {
int a;
int b;
} ChildMainArgs;
void child_main(int a,int b);
void child_main_thread(void *arg)
ChildMainArgs *args_ptr = (ChildMainArgs *)arg;
ChildMainArgs args;
args.a = 5;
args.b = 7;

Convert array<Byte>^ data to const byte* data - C++/CLR

I am trying to call a function in C from C# though c ++
so basically C# -> C++ - >C
In C#, I have byte[] bytes - which reads the information from the file. I am passing the byte array and the size to C++ .
In C++ I get the byte array and the size but I am not able to convert to the specific data types.
void Image::OpenMemFile(array<Byte>^ data, unsigned int size)
m_dataStream = data;
Byte const* streamData = &data[0]; // this is where it throws error
// Should I use marshaling here ? What call should that ;be ?
hImage = ::OpenMemImage(streamData , size);
modified = false;
// this is the function I need to call
EXIVSIMPLE_API HIMAGE OpenMemImage(const BYTE *data, unsigned int size)
// code
imgWrap->image = Exiv2::ImageFactory::open(data, size);
the C function it needs to call is
Image::AutoPtr ImageFactory::open(const byte* data, long size)
/// code
I need to help in converting the byte array to const byte* . I realize I need to use Marshaling. Is there a specific function to marshal arrays in C++ ?
Any help is appreciated.
pin_ptr<unsigned char> pin_buffer = &data[0];
unsigned char* pData = pin_buffer;
