Eclipse Configuration on Ant - ant

I imported custom_rules.xml in build.xml in my Android program. custom_rules.xml triggers both and version.cmd, wherein if the operating system is windows, it would execute version.cmd, else it would execute
<condition property="versionscript" value="version.cmd" else="">
<os family="windows" />
I made sure that build.xml has been configured in Eclipse.
However, it does not happen. How would I set up Ant configurations in Eclipse to execute custom_rules.xml properly?

You have to know the <target name="">, wherein if the target name can be one of the following: clean, debug, install, etc.
Choose the build file.
Then, on Run As > Ant Build...
On Main, set the buildfile to the location of build.xml, then set the base directory to be your project directory.
On targets, choose one of the following: clean, debug, install, etc.
To run:
Right click on the build file, then Run as... > Then Run


How can I generate the .ear of my project using Jenkins + Ant?

I am learning Jenkins an I am able to build a project using Ant. I can't understand one thing, when I build a project using Netbeans and Ant I get the .ear in a dist fodler but one I build the same project uisng Jenkins and Ant I dont get the .ear (no dist folder too!).
To build a project (entreprise application built with Ant) using Jenkins I followed the following steps:
I have created a new job in jenkins (freestyle job)
In the Build section I added a new build setup (Invoke Ant)
In the Invoke Ant section, for Targets I have put compile and for Build File I have put build.xml
Then I copied the content of my project in the created folder by Jenkins in the workspace
Finally I started the build.
How can I generate the .ear of my project using Jenkins + Ant?
Here is the content of my build.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- You may freely edit this file. See commented blocks below for -->
<!-- some examples of how to customize the build. -->
<!-- (If you delete it and reopen the project it will be recreated.) -->
<!-- By default, only the Clean and Build commands use this build script. -->
<!-- Commands such as Run, Debug, and Test only use this build script if -->
<!-- the Compile on Save feature is turned off for the project. -->
<!-- You can turn off the Compile on Save (or Deploy on Save) setting -->
<!-- in the project's Project Properties dialog box.-->
<project name="SIFC" default="default" basedir="." xmlns:ear="">
<description>Builds, tests, and runs the project SIFC.</description>
<import file="nbproject/build-impl.xml"/>
There exist several targets which are by default empty and which can be
used for execution of your tasks. These targets are usually executed
before and after some main targets. They are:
pre-init: called before initialization of project properties
post-init: called after initialization of project properties
pre-compile: called before javac compilation
post-compile: called after javac compilation
pre-dist: called before archive building
post-dist: called after archive building
post-clean: called after cleaning build products
pre-run-deploy: called before deploying
post-run-deploy: called after deploying
Example of pluging an obfuscator after the compilation could look like
<target name="post-compile">
<fileset dir="${build.classes.dir}"/>
For list of available properties check the imported
nbproject/build-impl.xml file.
Other way how to customize the build is by overriding existing main targets.
The target of interest are:
do-dist: archive building
run: execution of project
Example of overriding the target for project execution could look like
<target name="run" depends="<PROJNAME>-impl.jar">
<exec dir="bin" executable="launcher.exe">
<arg file="${dist.jar}"/>
Notice that overridden target depends on jar target and not only on
compile target as regular run target does. Again, for list of available
properties which you can use check the target you are overriding in
nbproject/build-impl.xml file.

How to build solr.tgz file from source using "ant package"

I want to build a .tgz distribution file from solr.
The build.xml file tells me to use "ant package".
However, running ant package gets everything from svn and builds ./package/ whereas my code base is from lucene_4_10_x branch.
How do I build ./package/ from the source code?
I need to build from the source code because I have some local changes that I want to compile and deploy.
According to LUCENE-4288, Solr will only package properly if it's checked out from SVN by default. However, if you change package-src-tgz to package-local-src-tgz, it will properly package. Find the following lines in solr/build.xml:
<!-- make a distribution -->
<target name="package" depends="package-src-tgz,..."/>
And change package-src-tgz to package-local-src-tgz.
<!-- make a distribution -->
<target name="package" depends="package-local-src-tgz,..."/>
Then just rerun ant package inside solr/, and the packaged archives (solr-<version>-SNAPSHOT.tgz and solr-<version> will be available under solr/package/.

Ant - How can I run the same depends from multiple targets

Is there a way to get ant to execute multiple depend targets multiple times. Consider this:
<target name="buildall" depends="mycommon,myDAO" />
<target name="myCommon" depends="initCommon, clean, makedir, compile" description="">
<echo> Build completed for myCommon </echo>
<target name="myDAO" depends="initDAO, clean, makedir, compile" description="">
<echo> Build completed for myDao </echo>
I would like buildAll to call myCommon, which calls initCommon, clean, makedir, compile, then call myDAO which calls initDAO, clean, makedire, compile.
So I want the clean, makedir and compile tasks to be executed multiple times. They are generic and run based on properties set in the initXXX task.
I tried this:
<target name="buildall">
<antcall target="myCommon" />
<antcall target="myDao" />
but that runs everything outside of tasks everytime which is not what I want. Any thoughts?
First: Do not use <antcall/> it's usually a sign you've done something wrong.
Now, understand that Ant is not a programming language where you tell Ant what you want to do and the order you want it to be done. Ant is a matrix dependency language. You merely tell Ant what you want (I want to build this jar), and let Ant figure out what it should do. Ant does its very best not to run a target multiple times.
For example, both myCommon and myDAO call the clean target. Ant duly notes that both require clean target, and then calls clean once and only once before it runs both of your targets. It's the way Ant is suppose to work.
So, let Ant do its job. First, Thou shall not clean under normal circumstances. Builds are suppose to minimize rebuilding in order to speed up a task. If you haven't modified a *.java file, why should you force me to rebuild the corresponding *.class file?
Second: Don't double up dependencies: For example, if I want to build the target myDAO, I want to compile the code (maybe build a jar or war). That's all my myDAO target should depend upon. Now, when I compile, I might need to make my directory, and when I make my directory, I might need to do my init:
<target name="clean">
<echo>Clean up my working directory to be nice and sparkly</echo>
<target name="initDAO">
<echo>Initialize stuff for my DAO build</echo>
<echo>Maybe setup some properties?</echo>
<target name="makedir"
<echo>I need my directories for building.</echo>
<echo>But first, I need to setup stuff"</echo>
<target name="compile"
<echo>I need to compile my dao source"</echo>
<echo>But first, I need to make the necessary directories</echo>
<target name="myDAO"
<echo>Here's where I package up my DAO</echo>
<echo>But I have to compile stuff before I can package it</echo>
Note the above structure. If I run the target myDAO, Ant will look at the dependencies and then run initDAO, makedir, compile, and finally myDAO to package everything up. Again, I have a clean target that will restore my working space to pristine (before anything was built) condition, but I don't call it as part of a package because I don't want to redo work.
"Ah!", you say, "But I have to clean up because myCommon and myDAO use the same directories for building and packaging."
Well don't do that. Instead, make sure your two packages use different target directories for building and packaging. This way, you don't have to clean up the mess from one to another. And, you can change a single source file, rebuild, and not have to recompile everything again.
You can save yourself from trouble by defining macros to handle stuff in common between the two. For example, you might be able to define a compile macro that takes as its parameters the name of a source directory and it will create a destdir based upon that source directory name and compile your common and DAO targets.
So, let Ant work its magic. Use dependencies not as a means of telling Ant how to do something, but merely telling Ant that a particular target depends upon another target. Let Ant figure out the order of execution. Also, don't set up your tasks to require you to scrub directories and reinitialize everything. You want Ant to help minimize the build by not having to rebuild or recopy over files that haven't changed.

Calling Ant from Nant without batch

We have an automated build process that uses Nant scripts, and we just inherited a Java project that has an existing, working Ant script. I have searched all over and it seems most people use a batch file to call Ant scripts from Nant. This seems a little hacky to me. Is there a way to call Ant scripts directly from Nant in task format?
This similar question addresses it with a batch file but I want to do it without.
<!-- calling the Ant build Process-->
<target name="AntBuildProcess" description="Created to call the Ant build during this NAnt build process" >
<echo message="Starting the Ant Build Process..." />
<exec program="ant" commandline='-buildfile YourAntBuild.xml' failonerror="true"/>
Then during your Build process, you just call this target at the point you need it to be built. <call target="AntBuildProcess" />
Ant is a batch file. Take a look, and you'll see a file called ant.bat in the %ANT_HOME%\bin directory.
Ant is actually a Java program, so you could launch it from the java command by running the class which is basically what the ant.bat file is doing.
However, why reinvent the wheel? The ant.bat runs the Java command the right way, gives you options to change the way it's executed, and makes sure everything is setup correctly.
I see, Nant, unlike Ant, will always call cmd.exe and use suffixes and %PATHEXEC% to figure out if something is a batch script or other type of script. Thus, if you want to run Ant using Ant as a batch script via <exec/> you would do this:
<exec executable="cmd.exe"
<arg value="/c"/>
<arg value="ant.bat"/>
However, in Nant you can simply do it this way:
<exec program="ant"

ant multiple target to execute

I have few target that I need to execute. I create a target naming all of them but I think it's not the way to do it ? Here is the target run that call all other target :
<target name="test.all" depends="build
echolaunching agent /echo
antcall target="RunJtfTests" /
antcall target="launchOpenAgent" /
antcall target="run.test" //target
target name="run.test" depends="build, launchOpenAgent, runJtfTests"
echo Launching test/echo
echo message="${toString:iControlSilk4J.classpath}" /
<java classname="com.miranda.icontrol.silk4j.installation.AdministrationCtrl"
classpath><fileset dir="${lib.dir}"
include name="**/*.jar" />
pathelement path="${iControlSilk4J.classpath}" /
pathelement location="${jarPath}/Admin.jar" /
It doesn't run and I do it to get the report and I get nothing ? What is wrong ? From what I read, antcall is like a goto loop which is not good. I want to call tests instead.
-> Here are all the tests I want to execute :
but this can be more general (regarding tests I will add in Silk4J). Is there a way to be more generic ?
Repeat after me:
Ant is not a programming language. It's a dependency matrix language.
This is an important distinction. You don't tell Ant what to execute. You tell Ant what you need, and Ant will figure out what to do.
I can tell you're having problems understanding Ant with all of those <antcall/>. That is a no-no because it could make you execute tasks more than once. Your build file also makes no sense.
Use the target's dependency parameter. For example, here's a skeleton build.xml file:
<target name="clean"/>
<target name="prepare"/>
<target name="compile"
<target name="package"
<target name="test-compile
<target name="test"
<target name="deploy"
<target name="post-test-results"
<target name="all"
When I want to run my target all, I mainly mean I want to do a clean build, post my test results, and deploy the build. This is true with Makefiles too. I don't list all of my tasks. Why do I care if I do my prep work for compilation? It's not my concern.
So I call, all, and that will call clean, post-test-results, and deploy. I have no idea what Ant will do beyond calling these three targets.
Wait... What do I need to do in order to post my test results? Well, I may need to run my tests. Therefore, I have a dependency to test for my post-test-results target. But, in order to run my tests, I may have to compile them. So, there's a dependency to test-compile on my test target.
In order to compile my tests, I have dependencies on the regular Java code. So, test-compile will depend upon compile. In order to compile, I have to prepare. Maybe that's building the necessary structure, or downloading the required jars. That's called before compile. Now, I can deploy. However, before I can deploy, I need to package my deployment. So, deploy depends upon package.
Package itself depends upon compile, but so did my compile-test. Since I've already called compile, my package target doesn't have to do that. All it has to do is package up the already compiled class files.
Thus, I'll probably execute the following targets in this order:
My all target does hit all of my other targets, but I didn't have to list them all as dependencies or force them to build via <antcall/>s.
It looks like you need to learn about Ant and how it works. Your sample Ant file is simply not valid. Ant uses an XML style structure. All tasks are XML style entities.
Fortunately, there are a lot of good books on Ant. I would recommend Manning's Ant in Action as a good starting point.
One of the things you will find out is that you can specify batches of junit tests in a single <junit> task. This can be done via one or more <batchtest> sub-entities on the <junit> task. The <batchtest> will run all classifies that match a particular criteria. You can also use the <test> sub-entity on the <junit> task. The <test> sub-entity allows you to specify individual classfiles to run. Many times, these classfiles may simply call a specified set of other Junit classifies. This way, the developer can specify what tests to run and what tests to skip.
You can control what tests to run or not run by using properties and not by creating dozens of testing tasks. This allows you to specify sets of tests without having to spawn multiple JUnit processes.
