Direct connection between laptop and arduino via ethernet - connection

I made a project with the Arduino and the ethernet-shield. The Arduino is hosting a website which I can open via the browser on my laptop. The Arduino is connected to the router via ethernet. All of this works just fine.
Now I have to present this project at school. To prevent unpleasant surprises I wanted to connect the Arduino directly with the laptop via ethernet. My problem is that I am really not well informed about this topic. Please, if possible, tell me what I should do.

If you take the router out of the loop you will need to:
Assign a manual IP address to the laptop's Ethernet connection say
Subnet mask
Assign a manual IP address to the Arduino's Ethernet say
Subnet mask
default Gateway empty
Use a cross-over cable to link the two (a standard patch lead will NOT work)
You should then be able to get your Arduino site up on from the laptop.
To look smart :) edit your hosts table on the laptop (C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts for windows) (/etc/hosts for linux)
and make an entry: my.arduino
Then you can access it with http://my.arduino
Good luck

You must assign a manual IP address to the laptop and Arduino.
Then include Ethernet.h in your sketch and try to make Ethernet connection. Finally you can see your webpage in your laptop by enter Arduino's IP in your browser. Example:
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
/******************** ETHERNET SETTINGS ********************/
byte mac[] = { 0x90, 0xA2, 0xDA, 0x0D, 0x85, 0xD9 }; //physical mac address
byte ip[] = { 192, 168, 1, 172 }; // ip in lan
byte subnet[] = { 255, 255, 255, 0 }; //subnet mask
byte gateway[] = { 192, 168, 1, 254 }; // default gateway
EthernetServer server(80); //server port
void setup()
Ethernet.begin(mac,ip,gateway,subnet); // initialize Ethernet device
server.begin(); // start to listen for clients
pinMode(8, INPUT); // input pin for switch
void loop()
EthernetClient client = server.available(); // look for the client
// send a standard http response header
client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
client.println("Content-Type: text/html");
client.println("Connnection: close");
This portion is the webpage which will be
sent to client web browser one can use html , javascript
and another web markup language to make particular layout
client.println("<!DOCTYPE html>"); //web page is made using html
client.println("<title>Ethernet Tutorial</title>");
client.println("<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"1\">");
The above line is used to refresh the page in every 1 second
This will be sent to the browser as the following HTML code:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1">
content = 1 sec i.e assign time for refresh
client.println("<h1>A Webserver Tutorial </h1>");
client.println("<h2>Observing State Of Switch</h2>");
client.print("<h2>Switch is: </2>");
if (digitalRead(8))
delay(1); // giving time to receive the data
The following line is important because it will stop the client
and look for the new connection in the next iteration i.e
EthernetClient client = server.available();


Python "scapy": fake ip unable to cheat tcpdump

I use "scapy" to launch SYN flood attack.
Below code generate a fake IP as source IP
The attacker computer's wireshark capture the generated fake IP as source IP, but
the victims computer's tcpdump capture attacker's real IP(NOT the fake IP)
Is scapy unable to cheat tcpdump? or something error with my code?
IP_Packet = IP()
IP_Packet.src = randomIP() #generate a fake IP as source IP
IP_Packet.dst = dstIP
TCP_Packet = TCP() = s_port
TCP_Packet.dport = dstPort
TCP_Packet.flags = "S"
TCP_Packet.seq = s_eq
TCP_Packet.window = w_indow
send(IP_Packet / TCP_Packet, verbose=0)
If the victim computer isn't on the same network as the attacker, your router is likely replacing the source IP during the NAT translation. the Victim is receiving the (correct) public IP address, instead of the (spoofed) private IP address

Send data from ESP32 to a server via WiFi

I am not new here but this is my first question.
I have searched a lot and quite frankly can't understand how this is supposed to work.
I get data periodically (temperature) to my ESP32 and while having it set as a WiFi client, connect to my router and somehow store this data on my Laptop(or somewhere else, like a local/web site, don't know if that's possible/better).
How is the connection supposed to work? I have installed XAMPP and run the Apache and MySQL servers and I tried to connect to my Laptop with some sketches from Arduino using the ESP32 libraries
// Use WiFiClient class to create TCP connections
WiFiClient client;
const int httpPort = 80;
const char* host = ""; //The local IP of my Laptop
if (!client.connect(host, httpPort)) {
Serial.println("connection failed");
but it doesn't connect.
Can someone please explain to me how this connection is supposed to take form or is this question too vague? I really just wanna know the "how-things-should-work-together" in this situation.
Thank you in advance.
OK, so after a lot of research and trying, I managed to work it out. I can now send an HTTP request (like GET or POST) from my ESP32 to a local server that is running on my laptop using XAMP and get a response. I can also connect to my local IP from my mobile phone (which is also in the same WiFi network).
Just for anyone else who wants to connect to a location in a server hosted on a PC in a local network, the steps are:
Create a local server on your PC, laptop whatever using an application like XAMPP (I have Windows 10 so WAMP would also work), download, install, open and start Apache.
Make sure that the Firewall lets your requests pass through (for me it was open by default, but I had seen elsewhere Firewall being an issue)
Go to your network settings, select the network that your devices(ESP32, phone, etc.)are connected and change its profile to Private, meaning that you trust this network, making your PC discoverable and able to accept requests. (That is really simple but took me hours to find)
Now, in order to connect from your phone to your PC, open a browser and enter the local IP (that is the IP that is given to your PC from the router as a local network name) of your PC to a browser and that's it, you are connected.
If you installed and ran XAMP, when connecting to your local IP(from same PC or other local device), it will forward you to 192.168.x.x/dashboard. If you want to create new workspaces and files, browse the XAMP folder in the installed location and inside the '/htdocs' subfolder do your testing.
For the ESP32 communication in Arduino(basic steps, not full code):
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <HTTPClient.h>
String host = "http://192.168.x.x/testfolder/";
String file_to_access = "test_post.php";
String URL = host + file_to_access;
void setup(){
WiFi.begin(ssid, password); //Connect to WiFi
HTTPClient http;
bool http_begin = http.begin(URL);
String message_name = "message_sent";
String message_value = "This is the value of a message sent by the ESP32 to local server
via HTTP POST request";
String payload_request = message_name + "=" + message_value; //Combine the name and value
http.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
int httpResponseCode = http.sendRequest("POST", payload_request);
String payload_response = http.getString();
In the test_post.php (located in "C:\xampp\htdocs\testfolder\") file I used a simple script to echo a message received using a POST request, so it's only 'readable' from POST requests. Connecting to it from your browser will give you the "Sorry, accepting..." message.
$message_received = "";
$message_received = $_POST["message_sent"];
echo "Welcome ESP32, the message you sent me is: " . $message_received;
else {
echo "Sorry, accepting only POST requests...";
Finally, using Serial prints, the output is:
Response Code: 200
Payload: Welcome ESP32, the message you sent me is: This is the value of a message sent by the ESP32 to local server via HTTP POST request
There it is, hope that this helps someone.

ESP8266 UPnP Port Forwarding - IoT [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is it possible to use the UPNP protocol for automatic port forwarding on the router using ESP8266?
I need to be able to access my ESP8266 module even when I am away from home.
Currently I have configured port forwarding manually in my router settings.
But in the future, in order for my project to become a commercial product, it needs to be able to do automatic port forwarding as this would be a barrier for the average user.
On the internet I found something talking about UPNP on ESP8266, but it was not about port forwarding.
Thank you very much in advance!
You can have a look at my library that I made just for that:
I have an example for an IOT device (LED lights) within the package, I cannot attach the link due to low reputation.
You can have a look at the example code. All made for ESP8266.
Very simple to use, just call addPortMapping with the port you want to open, just as showed in the example.
You have to do this every 36000 (LEASE_DURATION) seconds, since UPnP is lease based protocol.
unsigned long lastUpdateTime = 0;
TinyUPnP *tinyUPnP = new TinyUPnP(-1); // -1 means blocking, preferably, use a timeout value (ms)
lastUpdateTime = millis();
// update UPnP port mapping rule if needed
if ((millis() - lastUpdateTime) > (long) (0.8D * (double) (LEASE_DURATION * 1000.0))) {
Serial.print("UPnP rule is about to be revoked, renewing lease");
lastUpdateTime = millis();
I only checked it with my D-Link router.
To anyone interested in how the library works:
It sends an M_SEARCH message to UPnP UDP multicast address.
The gateway router will respond with a message including an HTTP header called Location.
Location is a link to an XML file containing the IGD (Internet Gateway Device) API in order to create the needed calls which will add the new port mapping to your gateway router.
One of the services that is depicted in the XML is <serviceType>urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANPPPConnection:1</serviceType> which is what the library is looking for.
That service will include a eventSubURL tag which is a link to your router's IGD API. (The base URL is also depicted in the same file under the tag URLBase)
Using the base URL and the WANPPPConnection link you can issue an HTTP query to the router that will add the UPnP rule.
As a side note, the service depicted in the XML also includes a SCPDURL tag which is a link to another XML that depicts commands available for the service and their parameters. The package skips this stage as I assumed the query will be similar for many routers, this may very well not be the case, though, so it is up to you to check.
From this stage the package will issue the service command using an HTTP query to the router. The actual query can be seen in the code quite clearly but for anyone interested:
"POST " + <link to service command from XML> + " HTTP/1.1"
"Content-Type: text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\""
"SOAPAction: \"urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANPPPConnection:1#AddPortMapping\""
"Content-Length: " + body.length()
"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\r\n"
"<s:Envelope xmlns:s=\"\" s:encodingStyle=\"\">\r\n"
"<u:AddPortMapping xmlns:u=\"urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANPPPConnection:1\">\r\n"
" <NewRemoteHost></NewRemoteHost>\r\n"
" <NewExternalPort>" + String(rulePort) + "</NewExternalPort>\r\n"
" <NewProtocol>" + ruleProtocol + "</NewProtocol>\r\n"
" <NewInternalPort>" + String(rulePort) + "</NewInternalPort>\r\n"
" <NewInternalClient>" + ipAddressToString(ruleIP) + "</NewInternalClient>\r\n"
" <NewEnabled>1</NewEnabled>\r\n"
" <NewPortMappingDescription>" + ruleFriendlyName + "</NewPortMappingDescription>\r\n"
" <NewLeaseDuration>" + String(ruleLeaseDuration) + "</NewLeaseDuration>\r\n"
I hope this helps.
I don't see why not. UPnP implements multiple profiles, the one you are interested in is named IGD (Internet Gateway Device), which most home routers implement to allow client applications on the local network (e.g Skype, uTorrent, etc.) to map ports on the router's NAT.
UPnP works over IP multicast to discover and announce devices implementing UPnP services over the address Devices interested in such announcements subscribe to this multicast group and listen on port 1900. In fact, UPnP does not itself provide a discovery mechanism, but relies on a protocol called SSDP (Simple Service Discovery Protocol) to discover hosts on the local network.
All that's needed is an UDP socket bound to the aforementioned address and port to subscribe and publish messages on your home multicast group. You'd need to use an implementation of SSDP to discover your router, once you have discovered your router, you can send commands using UPnP wrapped around SOAP enveloppes.
There are many implementations of the UPnP IGD profile in Posix C, which you may reuse and port to the ESP 8266 (e.g MiniUPnP, gupnp-igd).

POST request on a webserveur using Arduino Ethernet shield

First of all, sorry for my bad English, I'm French. :)
OK, so my goal is to send toward a web server a data of temperature at regular time. I use a LAMP server on a Raspberry Pi computer and the temperature is measured from an Arduino board linked to an Ethernet shield. For this purpose I set a POST request on the Arduino side to send the value of the variable "temp" to the server.
This part seems to work properly because the result to the function is good and match to the result of the page test.php that I host on my Raspberry Pi.
Here you can see my Arduino script:
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <SPI.h>
byte mac[] = { 0x90, 0xA2, 0xDA, 0x0D, 0xF6, 0xFF };
byte ip[] = { 192, 168, 0, 9};
byte gateway[] = { x,x,x,x };
EthernetClient client;
String temp= "data=5";
void setup()
Ethernet.begin(mac, ip, gateway);
if (client.connect("",80))
Serial.println("Sending to Server: ");
client.println("POST /test.php HTTP/1.1");
Serial.print("POST /test.php HTTP/1.1");
client.println("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
client.println("Connection: close");
client.println("User-Agent: Arduino/1.0");
client.print("Content-Length: ");
Serial.println("Cannot connect to Server");
void loop()
if (client.available()) {
char c =;
if (!client.connected())
And this is my file test.php :
echo 'Temperature = ' . htmlspecialchars($_POST["data"]) . '!';
The result of on the Arduino serial terminal is 5, that's proved that the POST request and PHP part are working.
However, if I go on my browser at the url :, only "Temperature = " is displayed. The value (5) is missing.
So if somebody know how can I display the value directly on my browser, it helps me a lot.
Well, you're not doing it right, but it's the whole http request concept you're not getting right so it would be quite long to explain in detail. To be short :
your arduino is doing a post http request to your server. As you're not specifying a page, it's targeting the default page, most probably index.php. What you should do there is capture the POST data and store it somewhere, most probably a DB but it could aswell be a file.
when you're displaying the test.php page, there was no posted data during that request (which is not the one initiated by your arduino controller), so there's nothing to show. What you should do there is querying your database to display the data stored in previous step
Here's a few step about what you should do :
Create database table to store your data. It would be good to
store the temperature, but also the date when it was stored, and
eventually some "remark" field for the future
Create a PhP script
that handles POSTED data and store it in the database
Make a request to that script from a very basic HTML form : 1 texbox with
the name of your post variable on your arduino , 1 button for
submit. This form will allow you to test your PhP script
once you're ok with it, make the same request from your arduino
from there, if everything goes well, you'll be able to store data sent
from your arduino into the database. Using something like PhPMyadmin
you should be able to see the data
Write a PhP script to read and
display data stored in your database (also quite a basic operation,
you'll find lots of tutorials to do it)

How to get IP when connected to Wifi on BlackBerry?

I'm trying to my application to retrieve the IP address when it's connected to the Wifi network but I'm not too sure how to get that done.
I've looked at RadioInfo and there's a function getIPAddress(int apnId). Is this the right one?
I've also looked at WLANInfo but that one doesn't seem to have any IP related functions.
Anyone can help me with this?
klyubin wrote:
[...] the best solution (as it relies on documented behavior) is to open a udp socket (or TCP server socket) over WiFi and query its IP address. Another hack is to get the APN ID for the "MagicRudyAPN.rim" using getAccessPointNumber, and then query its IP address using getIPAddress. MagicRudyAPN.rim seems to be a virtual/fake APN for accessing/addressing the IP tunnel to the WiFi network.
int apnId = RadioInfo.getAccessPointNumber("MagicRudyAPN.rim");
byte[] ipByte = RadioInfo.getIPAddress(apnId);
String ip = "";
for (int i = 0; i < ipByte.length; i++) {
int temp = (ipByte[i] & 0xff);
if (i < 3)
ip = ip.concat("" + temp + ".");
else {
ip = ip.concat("" + temp);
