UINavigation Bar white blotch appearance - ios

This is a problem i am getting every now and then, but can't find anything about it anywhere the navigation bar has a white circle or blotch on top left side of my app i have added the image as background image in uinavigationbar appearence in app delegate.
Please help me out of this thanks in advance.

Remove the MPVolumeView, or change its properties to remove the blotch.


iOS: the background of the home indicator(area below toolbar) grayed for a while during push

The toolbar's translucent is false. The color of the toolbar and the area below toolbar is white. When pushing a new view controller of the same class(both have toolbar in the bottom), the color of the area below toolbar will be changed to gray and then back to white at the end.
If I set the background color for the navigation controller or the key window to red, the red color will also be darkened a little bit during transition.
This problem occurs in iOS 13, 14, 15, and maybe present from the beginning since the introduction of iPhone X.
Any help is welcome, thanks in advance.
It seems during push transition, the old tableview are also grayed, which make the area below toolbar become gray.
My final solution is to make the toolbar extend to outside safe area by setting clip bounds to false.

YTPlayerView adding a grey bar automatically. cant get rid of it

Here is the screen where the grey area is shown between navigation bar and video player .
I read this one as well.
Grey bar appearing under Navigation bar after segues Swift
But didn't understood the solution as it didn't worked for me.
Need help to get this portion off.
Anyone faced this?
Thanks in advance

White bar on top of search bar in popover

I have this weird top white bar above the search bar(on the right side). When I tap the button again to close the popover it will turn black, so I don't know if it is the popover background color or something else. Also, this happens only on iOS 9 Some help would be much appreciated.
EDIT: The problem is that I want that white bar removed, not that it's turning black
If anyone has this same problem, here is how I got rid of that top white bar. I just changed UIPopoverArrowDirectionDown to UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny where I was doing the presentPopoverFromRect

Weird grey tint in top right of screen on navigation segue

I have a strange, unwanted graphic effect when I navigate to and from views. There is a temporary grey tint in the top right of the screen. As it's difficult to describe, I made a short screen capture of what is happening.
View it here:
I was just curious if any of you have seen this and/or know where I can look to modify/get rid of this behavior?
Thanks so much,
Alright, I figured it out. It had to do with my navigation bar being translucent and one of my covered background layers being grey. I checked off 'Translucent' on my navigation bar and it fixed it.

Change statusbar tint colour

Is there a way to set the status bar tint colour?
I have my navigationbar tint set to brown and when it's on screen it also changes the statusbar to brown, however on views that I hide the navigationbar the statusbar returns to its original colour.
How can I change the statusbar tint colour to persist trough the application?
There is no way in iOS 5. You can just change your bar style.
But if you take a look at new WWDC 2012 Sessions, you may find something interesting)
Session number 216 - Advanced Appearance Customization on iOS
Maybe keep the notification bar there but cover it up? If the notification bar's color influences that of the status bar, then it would lead me to believe that it just has to be in the window (even buried under another view) to change it.
There is no way in iOS 5 or ealier version of ios.
now ios 6 have feature to change status bar tint color or it will set according to navigation bar pattern Image
But u can use Custom Status Bar
What I do in screens that have no navigation bar is to put in a navigation bar at the top but behind the visible interface. The navigation bar is not visible to the user, but it is visible to the system and causes the status bar to adopt its color.
EDIT: Sorry, I see now that someone else had already suggested this. So I'm just confirming that it does work.
