CCMenuItemLabel – "The block will be 'copied'." - ios

Simple question regarding the statement “The block will be ‘copied’.” I am not quite comfortable with my understanding and use of blocks in objective-c, what does ‘copied’ mean? If someone can explain or point me to a resource which can, I would appreciate it. Thank you
*This method is from the Cocos2d documentation.
+ (id) itemWithLabel:(CCNode< CCLabelProtocol, CCRGBAProtocol > *) label
block:(id sender) block
creates a CCMenuItemLabel with a Label and a block to execute. The block will be “copied”.

Blocks are something like structure which contains a set of informations like the pointer to the function.
By default when you create a block, it s created on the Stack, you must copy it to the Heap to be able to use it outside the stack Call.
In this example this method will return an item object and will copy the block parameter(Probably still on the stack) to the Heap to be able to use it if needed.


How to swizzle into completion block of an Objective-C method?

Let's take this method as an example:
+ (void)animateWithDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration
animations:(void (^)(void))animations
completion:(void (^)(BOOL finished))completion
It's simple enough to swizzle in a different or modified implementation of animatedWithDuration:animations:completion: method itself. What if I am instead interested in doing this for the completion block?
Swizzling refers to modifying the class or object meta data in order to call different implementation for a given selector. (It is a very fragile, and somewhat dangerous technique that should generally be be avoided in production code unless you are very aware of what you're doing, and if you are, you'll probably avoid it anyway. When it blows up, it blows up gloriously and makes code incredibly difficult to understand. It is useful for debugging and exploration, however.)
A block is a value. It is a function literal, just a like "1" is an integer literal or #"string" is a string literal. There is no object or class to swizzle. If you want to modify the value, you have to modify the value, just like you would modify the duration in your example.
As others have pointed out, "swizzle" is used to refer to changing a method implementation, so you've the wrong term but that's not major.
I'm guessing what you want to do is either: pass a different block to animatedWithDuration:animations:completion: than the caller supplies; or wrap the block the caller supplies in your own block - which amounts to much the same thing.
If my guess is correct then you can swizzle the method replacing it by one which calls the original passing blocks of your choice, which could be wrappers around the blocks the caller supplied.

Blocks and messaging

The question here is more of an educational one. I began to think of this an hour ago while
flipping around a lego block (silly, I know).
A block is an object created on stack, from what I understand.
Let say A is an object, which means we can do:
[A message];
Based on that, if a block is an object, we could also do:
[block message];
Am I correct?
And when the runtime sees that, it would call:
objc_msgSend(block, #selector(message), nil);
So my question is, how can we send a block a message?
And if that is possible, I would imagine that it would also be possible to send a block a message with the arguments being blocks as well?
And, if we could call a block by doing:
Does that mean we could even make a block as a message (SEL) as well, because blocks have the signature void (^)(void) which resembles that of a method?
Because if it would be possible, then the following would really surprise me:
objc_msgSend(block, #selector(block), block);
objc_msgSend(block1, #selector(block2), block3);
I hope my imagination is not running a bit wild and that my understanding is not off here (correct me, if it is).
Blocks are objects only for the purposes of storage and referencing. By making them objects, blocks can be retain/release'd and can, therefore, be shoved into arrays or other collection classes. They also respond to copy.
That's about it. Even that a block starts on the stack is largely a compiler implementation detail.
When a block's code is invoked, that is not done through objc_msgSend(). If you were to read the source for the block runtime and the llvm compiler, then you'd find that:
a block is really a C structure that contains a description of the data that has been captured (so it can be cleaned up) and a pointer to a function -- to a chunk of code -- that is the executable portion of the block
the block function is a standard C function where the first argument must always be a reference to the block. The rest of the argument list is arbitrary and works just like any old C function or Objective-C method.
So, your manual calls to objc_msgSend() treat the block like any other random ObjC object and, thus, won't call the code in the block, nor, if it did (and there is SPI that can do this from a method... but, don't use it) could it pass an argument list that was fully controllable.
One aside, though of relevance.
imp_implementationWithBlock() takes a block reference and returns an IMP that can be plugged into an Objective-C class (see class_addMethod()) such that when the method is invoked, the block is called.
The implementation of imp_implementationWithBlock() takes advantage of the layout of the call site of an objective-c method vs. a block. A block is always:
blockFunc(blockRef, ...)
And an ObjC method is always:
methodFunc(selfRef, SEL, ...)
Because we want the imp_implementationWithBlock() block to always take the target object to the method as the first block parameter (i.e. the self), imp_implementationWithBlock() returns a trampoline function that when called (via objc_msgSend()):
- slides the self reference into the slot for the selector (i.e. arg 0 -> arg 1)
- finds the implementing block puts the pointer to that block into arg 0
- JMPs to the block's implementation pointer
The finds the implementing block bit is kinda interesting, but irrelevant to this question (hell, the imp_implementationWithBlock() is a bit irrelevant, too, but may be of interest).
Thanks for response. It's definitely an eye opener. The part about
blocks calling is not done thru objc_msgSend() tells me that it is
because blocks are not part of the normal object-hierachry (but coda's
mentioning of NSBlock seems to refute what I understand so far,
because NSBlock would make it part of the object-hierachy). Feel free
to take a stab at me, if my understanding is still off so far. I am
very interested in hearing more about the followings 1: the SPI and
the way (how) to call that method. 2: the underlying mechanisms of:
sliding the self reference into the slot. 3: finds the implementing
block and puts the pointer to that block into arg 0. If you have time
to share and write a bit more about those in detail, I am all ears; I
find this all very fascinating. Thanks very much in advance.
The blocks, themselves, are very much just a standard Objective-C object. A block instance contains a pointer to some executable code, any captured state, and some helpers used to copy said state from stack to heap (if requested) and cleanup the state on the block's destruction.
The block's executable code is not invoked like a method. A block has other methods -- retain, release, copy, etc... -- that can be invoked directly like any other method, but the executable code is not publicly one of those methods.
The SPI doesn't do anything special; it only works for blocks that take no arguments and it is nothing more than simply doing block().
If you want to know how the whole argument slide thing works (and how it enables tail calling through to the block), I'd suggest reading this or this. As well, the source for the blocks runtime, the objc runtime, and llvm are all available.
That includes the fun bit where the IMP grabs the block and shoves it into arg0.
Yes, blocks are objects. And yes, that means you can send messages to them.
But what message do you think a block responds to? We are not told of any messages that a block supports, other than the memory management messages retain, release, and copy. So if you send an arbitrary message to a block, chances are that it will throw a "does not recognize selector" exception (the same thing that would happen if you sent an arbitrary message to any object you don't know the interface of).
Invoking a block happens through a different mechanism than message sending, and is magic implemented by the compiler, and not exposed to the programmer otherwise.
Blocks and selectors are very different. (A selector is just an interned string, the string of the method name.) Blocks and IMPs (functions implementing methods) are somewhat similar. However, they are still different in that methods receive the receiver (self) and the selector called as special parameters, whereas blocks do not have them (the function implementing the block only receives the block itself as a hidden parameter, not accessible to the programmer).

Objective C: Use Blocks to Notify When Array is Populated

I'm new to using blocks, and they really seem like a great alternative to delegate methods. I implemented a simple block to do some simple math after watching a few tutorials, but I'm really struggling in being able to get them to do much more than that thanks to their wacky syntax.
Could someone help explain how I'd implement a block in objective-c that would do something similar to the pseudo code below?
Call block from within a method
The block looks at a class array and notifies the caller if it is populated (has a count of > 0)
If the array's count is 0, the block will notify the caller when it has something added to it and the block will then stop
You're imputing too much power and flexibility to Blocks. They're just functions. They get called, they run, they return a value.
The only difference between a Block and a plain function that does the same work is that a Block can be treated as an object for purposes of being put into collections like arrays. They're easier to use for things like delegation because they can be defined in a scope other than file-level, and they'll capture variables from that scope. The Block syntax is so confusing because it's based on function pointers, famously the most gnarly part of C syntax.
There's no "Block notifies caller" functionality inherent to Blocks. You can only pass a return value back.

What is the use of storing the block in an instance variable

I am aware that blocks are one of the latest feature added in ios. But I am really finding a
tough time learning it .
I have seen people doing the following
typedef void(^CallBackBlk) (NSString *);
#property(copy,nonatomic)CallBackBlk block;
and in .m class
-(void)doSomething:(CallBackBlk )cb{
I never understood what is the use of assigning it to cb here. Can't I simply do the following
block(#"my string");
I am really not getting the purpose of storing the block in instance variable. Can any help
me with an example. Any help is greatly appreciated
In your doSomething method, where does block come from?
Answer that, and you'll have your reason.
Ah -- the commentary makes the question clear. Snark served a purpose (snark and too lazy to type out a real answer on my iPhone at 7AM :).
An instance variable is just a slot to put things. Nothing is in that slot to start with.
In your case, you could implement:
-(void)doSomething:(CallBackBlk )cb{
However, typically, a callback is used when you do something asynchronously. For example, you might do:
[myObject doSomething:^{
NSLog(#"did something");
And then:
-(void)doSomething:(CallBackBlk)cb {
dispatch_async(... global concurrent queue ..., ^{
... do some work ...
That is, doSomething: will return as soon as the dispatch_async() happens. The callback block is used to callback to let you know that asynchronous operation is done.
Of course, still no need for an instance variable. Take that class that does something a bit further; make it some kind of relatively complex, state transitioning, engine. Say, like your average internet downloader or compute heavy simulation engine. At that point, lumping all your background work into a single method would be overly complex and, thus, shoving the callback block(s) (there may likely be more than one; a progress updater, a completion block and/or an error block, for example) into instance variables allow the class's implementation to be subdivided along lines of functionality more cleanly.
What is the use of storing the block in an instance variable
Perhaps to be able to access it later?
You would do that if you want to invoke the block later, after the method that assigns it has already returned.
Consider for example an object that manages a download. You might want to have a block that gets invoked when the download completes (e.g. to update the UI), but you don't want the download method to have to wait until that happens (because it might take a long time).
maybe and example of use will help..
one use for storing it as a variable i have found is if you have multiple views that all access another view (for me it was a map on the next view) i used blocks that were setup by the previous view (set the default location for the map, initialise markers and so forth) then passed it through to the next view, where it would run it, setting up the map. it was handy having the block use the local variables of the previous view to access certain attributes. it wasnt the only way to do it, but i found it was a nice clean way of going about it.
and here is an example of what gets run in the viewDidLoad of the mapview
now if those blocks were assigned (the if statement check if they are nil), it would run them and do the appropriate setup for the map. not every view needed to do those, so they would only pass to the map view what needed to be done. this keeps the map view very general purpose, and code gets reused a lot. write once use lots!
To use the block, you call your doSomething: method:
CallBackBlk laterBlock = ^(NSString *someString) {
NSLog(#"This code is called by SomeClass at some future time with the string %#", someString);
SomeClass *instance = [[SomeClass alloc] init];
[instance doSomething:laterBlock];
As you code the implementation of your class, it will presumably reach some condition or finish an action, and then call the laterBlock:
if (someCondition == YES) {
self.block("Condition is true");

Defining Objective-C blocks as properties - best practice

I've recently come across an Apple document that shows the following property declaration for a block:
#interface XYZObject : NSObject
#property (copy) void (^blockProperty)(void);
Also, this article states:
Note: You should specify copy as the property attribute, because a block needs to be copied to keep track of its captured state outside of the original scope. This isn’t something you need to worry about when using Automatic Reference Counting, as it will happen automatically, but it’s best practice for the property attribute to show the resultant behavior. For more information, see Blocks Programming Topics.
I also read the suggested Blocks Programming Topics but haven't found anything relevant there.
I'm still curious as to why defining a block property as "copy" is best practice. If you have a good answer, please try to distinguish between ARC and MRC differences if there are any.
Thank you
By default blocks are created on the stack. Meaning they only exist in the scope they have been created in.
In case you want to access them later they have to be copied to the heap by sending a copy message to the block object. ARC will do this for you as soon as it detects a block needs to be accessed outside the scope its created in. As a best practise you declare any block property as copy because that's the way it should be under automatic memory management.
Read Stack and Heap Objects in Objective-C by Mike Ash for more info on stack vs. heap.
Blocks are, by default, allocated on the stack. This is an optimization, since stack allocation is much cheaper than heap allocation. Stack allocation means that, by default again, a block will cease to exist when the scope in which it is declared exits. So a block property with retain semantics will result in a dangling pointer to a block that doesn't exist anymore.
To move a block from the stack to the heap (and thus give it normal Objective-C memory management semantics and an extended lifetime), you must copy the block via [theBlock copy], Block_copy(theBlock), etc. Once on the heap, the block's lifetime can be managed as needed by retaining/releasing it. (Yes, this applies in ARC too, you just don't have to call -retain/-release yourself.)
So you want to declare block properties with copy semantics so the block is copied when the property is set, avoiding a dangling pointer to a stack-based block.
The "best practices" you refer to simply say, "Seeing as ARC is going to magically copy your block no matter what you write here, it's best you explicitly write 'copy' so as not to confuse future generations looking at your code."
Explanation follows:
Typically, you shouldn’t need to copy (or retain) a block. You only need to make a copy when you expect the block to be used after destruction of the scope within which it was declared. Copying moves a block to the heap.
–Blocks Programming Topics: Using Blocks, Copying Blocks
Clearly, assigning a block to a property means it could be used after the scope it was declared in has been destroyed. Thus, according to Blocks Programming Topics that block should be copied to the heap with Block_copy.
But ARC takes care of this for you:
Blocks “just work” when you pass blocks up the stack in ARC mode, such as in a return. You don’t have to call Block Copy any more.
–Transitioning to ARC
Note that this isn't about the retain semantics the block. There's simply no way for the block's context to exist without being moved off the (soon-to-be-popped) stack and on to the heap. So regardless of what attributes you qualify your #property with, ARC is still going to copy the block.
