Temporarily storing data on iPad without WiFi - ios

I am developing an application where the user will not have WiFi and needs to save their data until they have WiFi and then upload their data. Is there any temporary uploading programs I could use?

Why not use the localStorage? It's becoming more reliable. I've used it in my own applications and the API is easy enough to pick up.
When using it with the iPad TumbleCow has one or two things to keep in mind.
Yes, the storage-limit is still 5Mb. Since characters are stored UTF16, only 2.5M characters can be stored in localStorage.
In contrast to other localStorage implementations, localStorage.setItem() doesn't delete any previous items with the same key before storing the new item. In other words: When overwriting an item, one should always call localStorage.removeItem() before calling localStorage.setItem(), or you'll quickly run out of space.
Is localStorage reliable on an iPad?


Clear Cache in iOS: Deleting Application Data of Other Apps

Recently, I have came across many apps which "Clear Cache" on iPhone. They also specify that you may lose some saved data and temp files.
What I know is that Apple doesn't allows you to access data of other Apps neither directory. So, how they are cleaning cache data? Can anyone put some light on it?
Reference: Magic Phone Cleaner
Power Clean
They simply fill the free space on iPhone temporarily with random data leaving the system with no free space at all.
This forces iOS to clear all temp data, caches and iCloud Photos -if you enabled storage optimization- to clear space. So basically they are tricking the system to force it to clear temp and cached data.
No app can access anything outside of it's sandbox environment. In other words, technically it's impossible to clean cache on an iPhone unless it's jailbroken. Most of these apps doesn't do what they say, they just give an illusion to user. Loading up the memory can force iOS to terminate other apps in the background but, I it's unlikely that it will give any performance boost.
It doesn't clear data in external apps, it clears external data left by apps. Clearing the cache basically deletes all the temporary files.

Is it possible to create a local file to store data?

I'm currently using the dataAPI to keep the dataitems synchronized between handheld and wearable.
Still I want to make sure that every data is stored and there is no data lost in the process.
I'm currently reading GPS parameters when the wear is not connected to the handheld and when they connect, they sync the dataitems.
How reliable is DataAPI?
Is my idea of creating a local file doubling my effort?
How can I create a local file on my wear device and then access it?
Syncing data using DataApi is reliable and I recommend using that; if you come across a scenario that sync is not happening reliably, that should be considered a bug and needs to be reported as such. One issue that folks run into is that they create the same data item and they don't get the onDataChanged() callback but that is by design, if the very same data is being added multiple times, there is no change, hence no callback triggers.
Another factor you might want to consider is whether the data you create on one node is for consumption by all other nodes or only a targeted one; DataApi syncs data across all connected nodes so if I create a data item on watch1 and want to sync that with my phone and if there is a watch2 in the picture as well, watch2 also gets the same data.
If you end up using the DataApi, I strongly recommend to make sure to put in place a policy that removes the data once it is synced and consumed otherwise data will be accumulated with no supervision and you'll finally run out of space.
To answer your questions:
I don't know how reliable it effectively is, but we had problems where data updates didn't trigger the appropriate listeners on the watch side. So I'm not sure. Maybe someone has an official statement for this?
I think it depends on the amount of data you want to store. So I suggest you first become clear about the amount and then choose the format. Keep in mind that there is also the possibility to store data in the Shared Preferences.
These guys here tried to save an image on the watch, but that makes no difference wheter it is an image file or text or whatever file.

iOS web app with offline cache and local storage

I've already managed to program a webapp for personal use I'm really satisfied with. Not being something meant for public usage and distribution, I didn't want to go through the hassle of jailbreaking my device just to be able to run my own application, so I made this seamlessy looking and behaving webapp (and of course I've added it to the other apps saving it as a "Home application")
Since the start time can be a bit slow and I'm constantly pushing my data from and to a remote server, can I force the usage of html5 offline browsing (with a cache manifest) even when I am online? Also, I'm thinking of persisting the data as local storage and from time to time synch it to the server. Since I've never used html5 local storage, how much reliable is it? Can I lose my data?
Is this a viable pattern to quickly create a personal iPhone app? Thanks
Yes, you can force the usage.
so basically you should a very simple checking :
// do it offline.
// retrieve from server database
For your question regarding :
Also, I'm thinking of persisting the data as local storage and from
time to time synch it to the server. Since I've never used html5 local
storage, how much reliable is it? Can I lose my data?
The answer is it depends. If the data is static (or can only be changed by you and not other user ) it's reliable. You also have to take note when a data can be considered expired so localstorage can be filled with refreshed data from the server.
But take note that cleaning history is also remove your data, so only use Localstorage as a cache/mirror of the data in the server.
Lets you store, read and delete persistent data in HTML5. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Storage_API/Using_the_Web_Storage_API
But note that on IOS Safari puts this data in the cache folder which on occasions gets expunged. So do plan a server sync and restore of this data if important.
Alternatively use a local SQLite database for a more persistent persistence....

What is the most effective to sync all the data present in my server with the database in my ipad application?

I have a lot of data present in the database present in my webserver. Each time I starts the ipad application after downloadiding, I want all these data to be copied into the sqlite database present in my application. Then using this data, the application should work.
We are now using xml's and sometimes on 3g it takes about 20minutes which is completely unacceptable. After the 1st time it syncs using time log and all. And it works without any problem.
Is there any other way I could get all the data and make it populated into my sqlite db?
If it is a large database it might be worth doingin the background. And even better if it was just over wifi (otherwise you'll be eating up your users data)
What I usually do is have a local copy of the database shipping with the app, so the user can use that, and update it in the background. It might be worth creating some pages where you just present the updated content, download that, then update your database accordingly. Rather than downloading everything all the time.
This would depend entirely on your implementation however.
On initial app launch you could download just enough data to make the app functional. Then download the rest of the data in the background.
This is a common strategy used by Sync Frameworks and works pretty well. I have personally tried with with synchronizing more than a thousand objects using OpenMobster's sync service.
Now what data to download initially is to be decided by the requirements of the App

Best way to collect data for an iPad app that also have an offline mode

My client states in an iPad app brief that the data (i.e. products and images) must be taken from an online source and saved. However, the app must also have an offline mode which shows this same data from when the app was previously online for times when internet access is not available (kind of like an offline reader). What would be the best way to tackle this? Any help greatly appreciated.
Download the data when the device is online and store it locally using whatever mechanism seems most appropriate (SQLite, Core Data, property lists, your own file format, etc.). Use this cached data when offline, and when online too unless it has changed. Create some mechanism that you can use to detect and download updates (preferably just the changes) when online.
This will be a big help for your users not just when they're offline, but online too. 3G data plans for the iPad are usually limited, so the better you can avoid repeat downloads of large resources like images, the better for your users.
