Ruby http proxy - ios

I have a number of Ruby plugins for SiriProxy I have either written myself or use others for voice control of my home ( SiriProxy is basically a MITM proxy which allows one to interject your own actions and responses into the Siri protocol. Unfortunately, Apple made some extensive changes to the Siri protocol which breaks SiriProxy in iOS 7. Siri in iOS 7 uses MPTCP, a new ACE protocol, and possibly different certificates. We have been unsuccessful getting SiriProxy to work with iOS 7. (
Since it is highly unlikely that Apple will ever release a public API for Siri, or automator apps like AutoVoice and Tasker on iOS, I thought an alternative would be use the Google voice search app which is available for both iOS and Android, which there are a number of advantages:
- Speech to Text is performed on the device.
- Does not use MPTCP, HTTPS, or require a login
- The Google voice search simply builds an HTTP GET google search query URL. In some cases the app will speak the response.
- I think the google search uses cookies, but not sure if that is critical.
I have read a number of posts, forums, etc. looking for the best way to approach this, unfortunately there seems to be a number of ways to approach this.
- Must be implemented in Ruby in order to maximize reuse of existing SiriProxy plugins.
- A proxy which would allow me to parse the URL for keywords in the search query.
- Allow me to simply pass the results of the google query when a keyword match is not made.
- Allow me to replace the google search results my own response.
What I am struggling with in where to begin. I can’t be the first one to have a need for a similar proxy in Ruby. Any suggestions would be welcome.
Help with HTTP Intercepting Proxy in Ruby?
accessing a website through a proxy using Net::HTTP proxy in ruby
Ruby Eventmachine & HTTP requests via proxy
How to create proxy server in ruby that accepts HTTPS
Ruby MITM proxy

best today is mitmproxy (python) and then communicate between python and ruby somehow (RPC-style) and python runs with mitmdump -s


Gcloud, ruby on rails, speech to text

I am trying to use Google's new speech to text api: . They currently have python and node.js examples.
Unfortunately, my application is RoR. I was looking through , which is a gem that interacts with google cloud services (but not speech). I was hoping that I could use the two together to come out with a working solution, but my knowledge of how to use API's is limited.
Enough background, my questions are:
Does anyone know if Google is going to put out a Ruby version of the speech to text api? If yes, is there a timeline?
If I am impatient, how would I go about using their current API's. By this I mean, is there a good resource for someone to learn how to use generic API's?
The gcloud-ruby gem now supports google-cloud-speech.
To address your other questions, there are no language specific versions of the APIs themselves. They are all HTTP APIs (either REST or gRPC), so they can be used from anything that can make HTTP requests. It can be tricky to use them directly though, because of things like how authentication is handled, which is why client libraries exist for different languages.
If you want to learn more about how to use the REST APIs directly, first take a look at the doc 'Using OAuth 2.0 for Web Server Applications' to find out how to manually authenticate, which has examples for Ruby and raw HTTP/REST.

How to use the REST API with Ruby on Rails to retrieve information from the database?

How can I access the (or any future db) that is exposed to the REST API using RoR?
So I have an app i built using and I also created a test app using RoR that I would like to use to pull information from the db and display it on my RoR app.
I am somewhat familiar with REST and get the idea of what it is doing but I am not to certain on how to connect or make a connection from my RoR app to my app. has the following documentation for their db api, DB API .
I have been looking around and also have seen people mention the following gems for HTTP request:
Would I use one of those? I also read about using Active Resource as a possible solution?
Any help with getting started or a tutorial or article to point me in the right direction would be very helpful.
You won't be establishing an ongoing connection, each request/response will be a single query to your Appery DB. You authenticate those calls using a custom header with API key as defined in the documentation. There's an example using cURL that might be a good place to start playing with the API before you pull it into your RoR app. That example shows you how to get your key, too.
It looks like you can use the predefined APIs, or you can define a custom REST API associated with your Appery app? Instructions for building an API appear to be here.
Once you get the calls working from cURL (or other web request client of your choice), adding the calls to the RoR app should be more straightforward. Any of those gems could probably ease that process: I've only used RestClient personally, but found it very straightforward.
Any of those call methods (cURL, other clients, the gems, etc) will allow you specify your URI, method (e.g. GET or POST), headers, request body (where appropriate), and will allow you to examine your response. Take a look at the gem documentation to see how those map exactly - it will vary slightly from tool to tool.
If you don't have prior experience with calling external APIs, and would like a conceptual explanation, I like this article as a (very short!) beginner's guide.

Apple swift - How can an app connect to existing heroku/S3 database

Im new to iOS and new to SWIFT with no previous experience with Obj-C. But, Im not new to Ruby. I have a web based app on heroku and am beginning to learn SWIFT so I can build an iOS counterpart. I need to wrap my head around the bigger picture before I can get started and I can not figure out how these apps connect to databases.
Can an iOS app connect to an S3 database...and share that database with a website? Is there documentation on this process that I have over looked.
Connecting an iOS app to a public database would really be a bad idea - all server logic should be implemented on the client, and you would also need to hardcode database user name and password in your app.
A better way is to create a server app exposing a set of REST APIs and being responsible of dealing with the database. This way you can better control at server side what the app client is able to do on the database.
If you have an order entry app, for instance, you can create APIs to:
create an order
modify an order
add a contact
delete a contact
Some of the advantages are that:
in case you need to update the logic (but not the API interface), you just need to update the server, whereas in your scenario you'd need to release a new version of the mobile app
you control and limit how client apps access to the data (preventing for instance a user to access another user's orders)
if you want to develop the same app in another platform (android, ...), you reuse the same APIs
To get started, I'd suggest you to read the AFNetworking tutorial on, focused on a ios networking library, but talking about JSON, REST, remote APIs etc.
Next you have to choose a server side technology - the most popular nowadays is node.js - to get started you can read other tutorials on the same website:
if you don't want to use node.js and/or mongodb... the same architecture applies, just languages and technologies differ. Just transpose what you learn from there.
If you want to read about other languages to use at server side, just google for it - if you want to use ruby, try with ios rest api server ruby.
Note: I made no mention of swift because your question looks more like an architectural problem than a language specific problem. The tutorials I mentioned here use objective-c, once you've designed an architecture and chosen the language at server side, you can start looking into how to call REST API from swift.

How to programmatically obtain OAuth2 client credentials for Google API

I'm trying to create a redistributable web application that will integrate with Google Analytics through the Google Reporting API. Customer will install the application on their server.
I'm following this tutorial (I'm using PHP, but I believe this is not of importance for my question)
This works fine. No issues there.
However I can't figure out one missing element:
The tutorial starts with sending me to the Google APIs console where I have to create and configure a new API project and create and configure a client ID.
That's a lot of work that requires fairly technical knowledge (redirect url, selecting correct API, error-prone copy-and-pasting, etc.)
So my questions:
Is there an API so I can programmatically set this up for my user?
If that's not possible, is there a more user-friendly way to obtain Analytics reporting that is future-proof? (I noticed they are currently deprecating a few older APIs)
Unfortunately that's AFAIK not possible.
You could go one of the following ways:
Move client_id and client_secret to some configuration file and help your customer with deployment.
Show a one-time setup wizard for your app and guide your customer step-by-step. There you can at least provide him with the right callback URLs.
Regard your application as "installed application" and instrument curl or something similar for sending the requests.

What to consider first when designing a meta-search engine using Erlang, Mnesia and Yaws?

Can someone explain to me what to consider first when designing a meta-search engine using Erlang, Mnesia and the Yaws web server? This engine should have SMS capability but I am still wondering how I am going to incorporate this feature...
The meta search engine, you need REST or Ajax APIs from Google, Yahoo and Bing. Below am providing you with examples which you may use within your back end HTTP capable Library or your front end JavaScript. I personally use mochiweb and yaws Appmods.
For example: Google has an Ajax search API which works like this:
Hitting that URL will give you a JSON Object which contains several search responses. In this case, the search term is "computers"
Yahoo has what it calls Boss APIs. An example of Yahoo Rest search API using Boss is here below:
For an XML result:
For a Json result:
Analyse the whole HTTP GET query very well, you notice something they call an APPID. This you will get when you register with them here. I cannot give to you my APPID, you will have to get yours,then paste it in there and you will be good to go. Yahoo has something more powerful called
YQL. In the above query, the search term is: "animals"
Bing as well has got an API for you, but you will need an APPID:
Above, the search term is: "love"
About the Meta Search Engine
You have a web page, people enter search queries in this page. You use your javaScript (JSONP). JSONP could be implemented in any one of your favorite JavaScript Framework you use e.g.
JQUERY,Ext JS,Dojo, Prototype e.t.c
Then you would have to parse the XML or JSON response from the three sources (Google, Yahoo and Bing),and make an appropriate display for your users to navigate the results.
About the SMS part
SMS capability is attained using SMS Gateway. There are several open and close source SMS Gateways. the most powerful of them all is the one built in Erlang/OTP technology called: OSERL, but to test it, you need direct connection with an SMSC in anyone of your local service provider.You need a Port on their SMSC, a user name and a password.There is another one which is better for development reasons called: NowSMS because it has capabilities for USSD, Modem Internet Communication, SMSC service connectivity, HTTP 1.1 and HTTP 1.0, configuration of two-way SMS messaging e.t.c from a Web App to-and -from the SMS Gateway. Go to their site, grab the trial version, follow the documentation and then configure two-way from your web app to the gateway and vice versa. Since NowSMS is not free, you can try: Kannel, it is open source but you will need help from the community to set it up on your Unix or Linux box.
More on incorporating SMS capability in Web Applications can be found:
I also asked once a Question related to development of a powerful search engine using Erlang, Mnesia & YAWS webserver on Stackoverflow. I got plenty of good answers and responses.
Please CLICK ME!
Hope this may help. As I am not sure about SMS thing.
