Asp.Net MVC Model Binding with JQWidgets -

When you want to create a DateTime picker control with JQWidgets, you must define a div element and then call a function like this using Javascript:
The problem is: I'm not able to figure out how I can use Model Binding of Asp.Net MVC with this syntax. I mean, the Model Binding feature will try to match key-value pair received from input controls in the form element and obviously, div element are not input control.
I found somebody who already resolved this problem using hidden field set with values of matching div JQWidgets element before submitting form but I don't like this solution; it's not natural and I must write to much code for a thing that should be simpler in my view.
Does anybody have more elegant solution?

If you set the "name" attribute of the DIV tag, the value from the DateTimeInput's Input tag would be submitted.

First of all when you submit id is not submited and i just opened that plugin demo. when you add code $("#MyDivElementId").jqxDateTimeInput(). it will create textarea with name MyDivElementId and when you submit then you will have the same value on server side. Other issue can be with date format since they would be probably different on client side and server side.
try to add input parameter for controller "DateTime MyDivElementId" and check if its null or not.


Pass multiple html parameter with BeginForm

I need to send parameters with values ​​in a BeginForm html.
# using (Html.BeginForm ("Create", "IncomeDeclaration", new {declarationAmount = document.getElementById ("element"). value}))
This value I can not get from the Model, as it is not found in the model.
I've tried several ways and nothing worked. If you could change the content of a ViewBag that'd be great.
I appreciate your support.
You can't mix and match Javascript (document.getElementById ("element")) with the C# form declaration. If you want a value submitted with the form, you should add a relevant form element inside the form declaration. If you don't want a regular form element (eg. a textbox), you can use a "hidden" input field. If you want, you can dynamically populate the hidden field using javascript.

How to serialize the checkbox in a form into Json data

We know that in MVC, a CheckBoxFor will generate a checkbox with a value="true" and a hidden with a value=false. Both input controls will share the same name.
It is very reasonable because the form will be able to POST a false value if the box is unchecked. And the model binder will ignore the hidden input when the checkbox return a true.
But now i have overridden the form submit event in order to send the form data into a WebAPI controller in JSON format.
When serializing the form data, there is no mechanism to parse the relationship between the checkbox and the hidden correctly. Therefore, when unchecked, it returns a false, which is okay. But when checked, it returns a {true, false} instead of true, because the serializeArray() function goes through every input and find two values goes to a same name.
The question is: What is the best way to correct it?
My solution to this problem was to write my own HtmlHelper method that renders a single <input type="checkbox" /> tag. Any other solution just seemed too hacky.
You can use dotPeek or .NET Reflector to look at how the Microsoft Team created the HtmlHelper.CheckboxFor method if you need any help accomplishing that task.
The 2 tag approach was taken to prevent MVC action parameters from throwing an exception when a "bool" parameter did not have a matching parameter sent to the controller (an unchecked checkbox doesn't send any value).

"Next" Button disabled until values are selected and typed in DropDownLists and Textboxes in MVC?

I am using MVC-Viewmodel, EF model first on my project.
I have 3 DropDonLista and a few TextBoxes in my View, User can select Values in the DropDownLists and Type inside the TextBoxes. I want that my "Next" button is disabled until values are selected and textboxes are filled then it gets enabled.
How can I easiest way accomplish this?
I've done this kind of things with C# Winforms and its pretty easy but in MVC I have no clue how I can do this.
Thanks in Advance!
You would need to use a client side scripting language like JavaScript. JQuery (a framework to make JavaScript easier to use) is now integrated in to MVC3+, so implementing it is much easier than it has been in the past.
You can target HTML DOM elements (HTML tags in your page, in layman terms) in jquery using "selectors" - i.e. if you want to access a HTML textbox called "test" in your form, and check the value, you can do the following:
var value = $("#test").val();
if(value == '') {
// do something
JavaScript syntax is strikingly similar to C#, but it works on the client side (it's processed by the browser), rather than the server.
you can use javascript/jquery to check if values are selected and textboxes are filled then enable the next button. MVC add textbox value to routelink

I am trying to learn MVC and having an issue to submit a textbox value to a model.
I have a text box in which users will type a number and when they hit the routelink the routelink will take the value from the textbox and assigns it to one of .Page item.
<%=Html.RouteLink("Search", "UpcomingEvent",
New With {.Page = "I want to put value of PageIndex textbox here"})%>
How can I assign the value of the textbox to .Page variable?
Thanks for your time and help!
You can't do that because the RouteLink gets rendered on the server.
If you want to construct a URL based on the user input without a postback, you'll need to do some client-side scripting (ie JavaScript).
It sounds like you're not expecting to post back to the server once they have the textbox value entered. If that is the case then you're going to need to use javascript to change the link's href property. Html.RouteLink is all done server side.
If you are using jquery then it would be something like
$("#pageLink").href += "?pageIndex=" + $("#pageIndex")"
Of course that isn't going to work with multiple change events being fired but that part is left as an exercise for the reader.

ASP.NET MVC- submitting a client side created collection

I am using javascript to append user selections to a list. When user is done , which is the best way to go:
1: create index for the list and submit as model in a form to the controller?
2: create hidden element and use javascript to append values and submit as actionlink? (not sure how to tell actionlink the value here)
3: wrap form block around the hidden element only and submit string as model?
I think the easiest way is to put some form of your list to the hidden field (type=hidden) and it will be automatically submitted with form and accessible on server under the name you gave it. So main reasoning here is the way you going to process these data on the server side.
First of all, Scott Hanselman has a good post about model binding to arrays, collections, etc.
In my opinion you shouldn't use second way because this will be a vulnerability ( description of CSRF).
In order to use collections binding you'll need to wrap a form around a list and submit it (note, this form will submit only selected values in this list but you may select them all before submit) or to create a map of values and submit it via javascript (for jQuery - $.post(url, data, callback)) or to add all pairs of name&value to some hidden element of a form and submit it.
