What is UITableViewCell setIndexBarWidth - ios

I have a UITableView which contains UIImageView and UILabel. The values for UIImageView and UILabel are taken from web service.
My problem is when I scroll the tableview down it shows error
-[UITableViewCell _setIndexBarWidth:]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x1681c470
(only if Enabled Zombie Objects) and crashes. I googled but cannot find a single word about this error. The error not comes frequently. It may happens some time or may not. Also the error occurs only if internet is available. In offline mode everything works fine.
Am using Xcode 5 with ARC.
Thank You...


UITextField creates EXC_BAD_ACCESS in iOS 11.4

In my application, When click a thumbnail image it shows in a larger view in another viewController with textfields to edit the properties of that image. If we click the thumbnails to view in larger and close continuously, after 3 or 4 times the app getting crashed.
And finally I found it was occurred due to textfield. So I removed the textfields and check, everything works fine.
I declared UItextField as weak property and assign delegates to that.
It was happened only in ios 11. Before that i had no issues. Please help me out from this.

iOS 10 UIKit Zombie Crash, Worked Fine in iOS 7-9

We've got an app that's fairly large now, and we recently upgraded to iOS 10. In doing so, a new bug was introduced, and we're at a loss for how to solve it.
The crash itself occurs during a call to layoutIfNeeded(). However, the crash does not occur unless the layoutIfNeeded() call is contained inside a UIView.animateWithDuration() block. No amount of weak referencing, delays, or dispatch calls seems to have any effect. The same crash can be triggered during a call to [super viewWillTransitionToSizeWithTransitionCoordinator].
"An Objective-C message was sent to a deallocated 'Bubble' object (zombie) at address: 0x10924f030."
Enabling Zombies shows that we have a Release call going to one of our UIView subclasses, which we've named Bubble. Nothing too special there, some layout constraints and a gesture recognizer.
The Instruments app hasn't helped much, nor has the new visual memory debugger in Xcode 8 (though it is awesome, surprisingly little documentation on the feature).
I've included a screenshot of Zombies during the crash here. While I know the retain count can be misleading, there are certainly some confusing points to the trace, and we could really use some help diagnosing this.
Again, this code worked fine before iOS 10. We've been unable to find any notes from Apple about underlying changes to UIKit that may have had an effect.
Some more brief info: [Bubble cleanBubbles] simply iterates over the subviews of any view passed in, and removes the subview if its a Bubble class.
Apologies on certain violations of naming conventions, I'm sure there's plenty to criticize!

_hideForKeyboardAppearance error when clicking on UITextView

I have a UITextView, and whenever I click on it, the app crashes with the following error:
-[__NSSetM _hideForKeyboardAppearance]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7fb8aa76cd60
If I run the app multiple times, it always crashes at the same place, but the intercepting object that is throwing the "unrecoginzed selector" can be different. Sometimes it is UIImage instead of NSSetM, sometimes, it is a UIConstraint, etc.
Even if I don't assign the UITextView to a specific outlet in my class, or have it assigned to a delegate, I get the same behavior. This happens on both simulator and hardware.
Any ideas what is going on?
p.s. this is iOS 8. Crash happens on both iPhone and iPad.
Edit: Note that this happens even though the UITextView calls no code. I removed any outlet connections in the storyboard, and even made it so my class doesn't implement UITextViewDelegate. Still crashes. That is why I am so puzzled and wondered if anyone has ever encountered something like this. One thing to note is that the view controller having this issue is buried several screens deep within a UISplitViewController. Not sure if someone UI elements buried deep in the nav stack are somehow intercepting the keyboard call?

Tableview crash when deleting rows in UITableView - Style:plain and section footers

I've got a tableview backed by a fetchedresultscontroller. When I delete a row that causes the bottom row of a tableview to scroll up so the tv doesn't fill the entire screen, I get the crash below.
Here are the workarounds I've found.
If I change the tableview to be grouped rather than plain - the error goes away.
If I remove the section footers - the error goes away. This is not a viable workaround for me.
The error occurs after "controllerWillChangeContent" and prior to the "controllerDidChangeContent" - the code here is just copy/pasted from Apple's FRC protocol reference.
Anyone know why this occurs? Since it works fine with Grouped tableview it seems like it's likely an Apple bug - but I thought I'd ask here first before reporting it.
Assertion failure in -[UIViewAnimation initWithView:indexPath:endRect:endAlpha:startFraction:endFraction:curve:animateFromCurrentPosition:shouldDeleteAfterAnimation:editing:], /SourceCache/UIKit_Sim/UIKit-2903.23/UITableViewSupport.m:2661
2014-03-08 17:13:29.226 workbox[7527:70b] CoreData: error: Serious application error. An exception was caught from the delegate of NSFetchedResultsController during a call to -controllerDidChangeContent:. Cell animation stop fraction must be greater than start fraction with userInfo (null)
Sample program
I have download your project on github, tested on a iPad Air.
I have clicked on some elements and even when the app should scroll up because you have many elements, no problems/crash at all
I have tested on a xCode 7.3.2 and iPad Air 9.2. simulator
Could you please, say with wich device it's crash?

UITableViewCells with UITextView causing Bad shift in DDTokenCacheMoveStreamOffset

I have a UITableViewController that is populated with several cells, each with its own UITextView that displays a given string from an array. About one time in twenty, opening the UITableViewController causes a crash with the following message in the console:
assertion on
"delta >= 0" failed :Bad shift in DDTokenCacheMoveStreamOffset,
The only other reference to a similar problem is this, but my TextViews don't have long links in them-- they do have data detectors enabled for links and phone numbers, but few of the TextViews have either.
What should I do to fix this? And can it be done without removing the data detectors?
I'm only getting this in the simulator and not on the device itself.. I believe it is a bug.
