UITableViewCells with UITextView causing Bad shift in DDTokenCacheMoveStreamOffset - ios

I have a UITableViewController that is populated with several cells, each with its own UITextView that displays a given string from an array. About one time in twenty, opening the UITableViewController causes a crash with the following message in the console:
assertion on
"delta >= 0" failed :Bad shift in DDTokenCacheMoveStreamOffset,
The only other reference to a similar problem is this, but my TextViews don't have long links in them-- they do have data detectors enabled for links and phone numbers, but few of the TextViews have either.
What should I do to fix this? And can it be done without removing the data detectors?

I'm only getting this in the simulator and not on the device itself.. I believe it is a bug.


Anybody have issues tapping on cells using Xcode7 UITesting?

Anybody having issues tapping on cells where a lot of cells exist? I keep getting the error "Failed to get refreshed snapshot".
I tried using the recorder but that also seems to freeze. I assume it's trying to cache all the cells in the view.
Example: I have cells for each day on a calendar with accessibilityIdentifiers. I have no problems tapping on the cells using the Identifiers with KIF.
Yes, i have. Its about 1 error of 100 tests. Maybe is an apple bug: https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/6437. I don't know any workarounds :(
A work around would be to tap screen coordinates as mentioned by taylesworth on Apple Developer Forums
let coordinate = cell.coordinateWithNormalizedOffset(CGVector(0.5, 0.5))

iOS 9 Segue Causes App To Freeze (no crash or error thrown)

I have been working on this app for months now and from as far back as I can remember I have never had an issue with segues. The code is unchanged in terms of calling performSegueWithIdentifier but since my recent update to Xcode 7 and iOS 9 I have not been able to tack this issue.
I have tried:
Deleting button and creating new button w/ segue link
Using a direct segue from button to view, without the use of performSegueWithIdentifier
Connecting button to new blank viewController
When I press the button, no initial load functions are called on the destination VC (Ex: ViewDidLoad, ViewWillAppear, etc). When I connect it to a blank view, the segue works fine with the same code in place.
Since the code never stops, or breaks, and just seems to "freeze" in place while still running on Xcode I can't seem to even narrow this down to whats causing the issue. I have a similar segue that is also called from another button on the same ViewController that has no issues whatsoever.
Any thoughts on the matter are greatly appreciated!
EDIT: I have narrowed the issue down to the UITextView's causing the problem. Once the Text Views were removed the page loads fine via segue. I wonder what changed between iOS 8 and iOS 9 in terms of UITextView as I will have to remove the text views and completely re add new text views.
So basically the segue was freezing because of the UITextView's I was using in the destinationViewController. The following fixed the issue:
Delete all UITextView's
Add new UITextView's
you must leave the default lorem imposed text and change this programmatically in the viewDidLoad()
This was the fix for me, and from the research I have done on the issue it seems this is a bug in iOS 9 and Xcode 7.
NOTE: Removing the text in the UITextView (or making it longer then ~12 characters) is sufficient to work around it, no need to delete and recreate them. This is fixed in Xcode 7.1.1 and later.
I ran into the same issue and the fixes in this post (Xcode 7 crash: [NSLocalizableString length] 30000) solved the issue for me.
The first is to enable a localisation other than the base for the storyboard (see https://stackoverflow.com/a/32688815/3718974)
The second is to turn off the base localisation (see https://stackoverflow.com/a/32719247/3718974)
I think I have the same problem: I have a UITabelView with cells created from a nib file, when a user tap a cell this method is called:
and when I have the following method prepareForSegue:: the application crashes:
if I delete the line 129 Everything is ok , the method prepareForSegue:: open the right view and the label contactName is shown with its default text.
If I modify the method as follows prepareForSegue:: get exactly what you expect, without having any type of error:
let me know if you also get the same result
Any one who is facing this issue, i solved it by turning off the "Optimize rendering for windows scale" option in Debug of simulator window. I already had tried all of the above answers but could not solve the issue.
In the method in the first viewController where you activate the segue, do you have beginIgnoringInteractionEvents anywhere? If so the screen you segue to will be frozen and will ignore interaction events like you describe. If this is the case you can fix this by adding an endIgnoringInteractionEvents method before your segue method:
self.performSegueWithIdentifier("editItemToMyGearSegue", sender: self)
I realize this is an old topic, but appears to be still relevant. I was facing the same problem in Xcode 9, iOS11. My UITextViews are embedded inside UITableViewCells. Same symptoms as described here. The tricks with default text and placeholders did nothing for me, but I solved it by turning off the scrolling indicators for the text view in the xib. They were on by default, I guess, though unused.
Edit: this is probably an important detail... the views that were hanging all had an image NSTextAttachment in the attributed string of the text view. I think the image was wider than the available table cell content. With scrolling turned off, they appear to downscale.

Tableview crash when deleting rows in UITableView - Style:plain and section footers

I've got a tableview backed by a fetchedresultscontroller. When I delete a row that causes the bottom row of a tableview to scroll up so the tv doesn't fill the entire screen, I get the crash below.
Here are the workarounds I've found.
If I change the tableview to be grouped rather than plain - the error goes away.
If I remove the section footers - the error goes away. This is not a viable workaround for me.
The error occurs after "controllerWillChangeContent" and prior to the "controllerDidChangeContent" - the code here is just copy/pasted from Apple's FRC protocol reference.
Anyone know why this occurs? Since it works fine with Grouped tableview it seems like it's likely an Apple bug - but I thought I'd ask here first before reporting it.
Assertion failure in -[UIViewAnimation initWithView:indexPath:endRect:endAlpha:startFraction:endFraction:curve:animateFromCurrentPosition:shouldDeleteAfterAnimation:editing:], /SourceCache/UIKit_Sim/UIKit-2903.23/UITableViewSupport.m:2661
2014-03-08 17:13:29.226 workbox[7527:70b] CoreData: error: Serious application error. An exception was caught from the delegate of NSFetchedResultsController during a call to -controllerDidChangeContent:. Cell animation stop fraction must be greater than start fraction with userInfo (null)
Sample program
I have download your project on github, tested on a iPad Air.
I have clicked on some elements and even when the app should scroll up because you have many elements, no problems/crash at all
I have tested on a xCode 7.3.2 and iPad Air 9.2. simulator
Could you please, say with wich device it's crash?

What is UITableViewCell setIndexBarWidth

I have a UITableView which contains UIImageView and UILabel. The values for UIImageView and UILabel are taken from web service.
My problem is when I scroll the tableview down it shows error
-[UITableViewCell _setIndexBarWidth:]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x1681c470
(only if Enabled Zombie Objects) and crashes. I googled but cannot find a single word about this error. The error not comes frequently. It may happens some time or may not. Also the error occurs only if internet is available. In offline mode everything works fine.
Am using Xcode 5 with ARC.
Thank You...

UITextView: Link detection working within Simulator, not on device

I've got two UITextViews containing data that should be recongised by the data detection, however whilst one works fine on both device and simulator there's one that only works under Simulator. I've attempted trashing the build from my device, cleaning the product down, removing derived data and nothing seems to resolve the inconsistency.
Link detection was enabled within Interface Builder, the data is passed in with a NSString stringWithFormat: formatted string and set with UITextView setText:. Set the same way for both, so there's no difference there, but it just doesn't seem to work correctly for one of them.
EDIT: On the device if I tap on one of the items that should detect as a link, it'll then turn blue and do link detection. I'm not setting any custom fonts or colours that could have an impact.
It appears that the trick is to setScrollable:NO. Seems to fix the problem, although if you need scrolling, I'm not sure what the answer will be...
Apparently this issue is caused by how iOS is currently handling the UITextView links. It is creating an NSAttributedString that turns sections of the text blue ( when the view contains a link ). So I've figured out that this bug only occurs when a link is the first text in the AttributedString, i.e. the first text in the text view. So it's easily fixed by prepending an whitespace to your text before setting it. Or overriding setText to " " + text;
Hope this helps guys
