Implementing Two Factor Authentication in iPad App - ios

I'm planning introduce two factor authentication to my iPad application. Currently user login to my app using a username and password. That username and password is validate from the back end web server devloped using .Net. If user is authorize to login then he can access the iPad application.
Now I want to introduce two factor authentication to validate user. I want to know what are the options we have here. Since we have user’s phone no with us I was thinking of sending a passcode to his phone each time he tries to login to the iPad application. But iPad doesn’t support sending messages over the GSM/CDMA network. Is there a way to achieve this? (Thought about getting an SMS gateway from the local ISP and writing SMS a server. But it cost more) Third-party module will be ok.

Check google authenticator.
I think it is quiet good for two-step authentication.
Here is source code for server side (it is on php but i think it is not big issue to convert it to .NET or another platform)
As I know it uses Time-based One-time Password Algorithm

You can send an SMS to the mobile phone of the user with a code.
After that the user puts the code and the APP validates the code making a request to the server.
The SMS is sended after the user sucessful introduced the username/password.
Other option (less expansive) is to send that code by email.

You should try the google Authenticator
There are other's like, who offer this service.
You may be interested in looking in this StackOverflow Post.

I cannot fully express how much I am impressed by Twitter's recent TFA implementation, it is extremely convenient and (assuming they didn't botch the protocol) much more secure than many other forms of TFA.
Here's a description written by Wired.
But to summarize you activate a device for TFA and it generates a private (device)/ public (server) key pair. When you try to login after receiving correct username/password credentials the server sends a push notification to the application on any authorized devices encrypted with the public key and the application decrypts the nonce and sends the nonce back to the server and is given a session.
And of course as others have mentioned, there are prebuilt services you can use such as Google Authenticator, but they tend to be clunkier and there are concerns about SMS and TOTP security.

Two Factor Authentication means confirming something the user knows (their password) and something they have in their possession (like a physical key, a badge, or RSA key fob; the important part is it's a physical object other than what you are giving them access into). Sending a push of any kind to the iPad they are using to login to the app defeats the purpose and is no better than single factor (password only). Your only choices are:
Distribute an RSA key fob (or similar). Probably not an option because of the cost & management overhead associated.
Create an authenticator app that only works on a separate device than the iPad with your app on it (along the same lines as the Google Authenticator app). You can probably prevent the authenticator app being run on the iPad by registering a URI scheme for your protected app and trying to open it from the authenticator every time the authenticator is opened. If the protected app opens that means the user is trying to run both on the same device and the authenticator should not validate them.
Send a SMS to their registered phone with an authentication code. By using SMS here you're forcing the user to have both devices to be able to login, which is the key to TFA. Note that a creative user could register a Google Voice number (or similar VOIP with SMS app) on their iPad, thus circumventing the physical aspect of TFA.


out of band communication without OIDC CIBA

Our app has an OIDC provider and for our users, we use the standard OAuth redirect flow since user authorization and authentication are performed on the same device. However, now we have mobile users within our app we want to extend authentication to the app.
I've been looking a OIDC CIBA flow and not sure if it is right for us and I wanted to make sure.
During the verification/authentication stage of OIDC we traditionally display a login screen. However, I am thinking for mobile use cases we can just show a "polling" screen to indicate a back channel request has been made.
Since we have the device token (through a pairing phase at some point before) we can send a push notification to the phone and ask the user to approve the request. Using mTLS for encryption I can ensure a secure connection to the device. The polling screen will poll an API by a UUID for the result (the mobile device will make a success API call after approval). Once it has the result it will redirect the user back to the OIDC redirect flow.
This means we don't need to introduce CIBA and just have a new verify screen that will perform the async work then redirect once done.
There may be a couple of use cases you are mentioning here. For each I would aim to follow the most standard solution, with simplest code in apps and best options for extensibility.
Sometimes a login in a desktop browser involves a mobile device, eg if I log in to gmail in a desktop browser I am prompted to confirm that it's me on my mobile device. This triggers a call to Google's APIs, and meanwhile the login screen polls the same APIs, to detect completion.
Extending the flow to work for mobile should work in the same way. Gmail uses the AppAuth pattern from RFC8252 to sign me in, then presents the same prompt to confirm it's me. In this case there is no need to switch devices. Also of course the mobile login has no dependencies on the user having access to a desktop, so that authentication works in mobile scenarios.
Both of the above use the code flow, with multi-factor authentication. Passwords are the primary factor (something the user knows) and a Polling Authenticator is the second factor (requires the user to have ownership of the device). Once you are using the code flow, your apps support many ways to authenticate and the authentication workflow can be changed without needing to change at the authorization server without changing any application code.
There are a few different types here:
Time Based One Time Password (TOTP): apps such as Google Authenticator ask the user to enter a 6 digit number which is calculated the same both on the device and in the authorization server.
Polling: The login screen polls the Authorization Server, which in turn polls an external system to see if the user login has completed, as in the gmail case above.
App2App: In some cases the primary authentication factor can be an external app. This type of solution is also implemented via the code flow, as explained in this app2app article.
This is a different use case, typically used when User A needs access to some of User B's resources temporarily. The classic case is when a call centre operator needs to act on behalf of a user. The call centre app then triggers a flow that results in the remote user being prompted to sign in. See this tutorial and video for an example. It does open up some interesting possibilities, such as delivering tokens via push notifications.
Implementing a mobile login by getting the user to provide something they know on a desktop, then delivering a push notification, feels over complicated and non-standard. It might work against the mobile architecture also, eg preventing logins if the user is on a train.
I would favour the AppAuth pattern and implementing mobile logins in the standard way, by getting the user to provide something they know on the device. It is likely to provide the most secure behaviour and also the best all round architecture. If you have special reasons for wanting to do things differently, you should update your question to explain why.

How to insure non logged inuser data submitted to only comes from mobile app

I have a mobile app (React native) that I am using with ParseReact with and have it so the user can immediately send data to parse inside the app. How can I lock this down so that will only take data from users with the APP installed?
Mitigations I have thought about:
Using ip address, geolocation, deviceUUID (per app)
Possible encrypting traffic to parse to hide something secret?
I know 98% of users will likely be nice and not fake this but I'm worried about the hackers
The short answer is you can't. If you give public access to any of your classes, anyone can write to it and you will have no control on who is reading the data. You can make it difficult for someone to send write requests outside of your app by embedding a signature in your app and forcing all your public writes to go through cloud functions. You use the signature to sign every write request and send the signed token as a parameter to your cloud functions where it will be verified before you accept a request. But remember a cracker can easily find your signature in your app binary so this not bulletproof.

how to use GoogleAuthenticator for tfa (two-factor authentication) in a custom non-google login webapp

ok, I've spent 2 hours googling on what it is & how to use it in a web-application! but no success.
Most of the links talk about scanning codes or entering some key in the GoogleAuthenticar mobile app and it'll return changing verification codes every 30 seconds.
Few things :
The webapplication has it's own login. That means users don't login using Google into the webapp.
If an attacker gets the user's password, he sees the QRcode as the next-step, which he can scan directly with the GoogleAuthenticator app in his mobile (as far as it appears to me). How is it tied to user's mobile only ?
In various sites, it mentions a shared secret between user & server, that means at the time of signup, we provide the user the shared-secret, which he can use in her mobile GoogleAuthenticator app and then use it while reading the QR code ?
In the above case, how to proceed if the secret is lost or forgotten by the user ? Use forget secret to send the secret again to user's email ?
I am confused about how can it be implemented in a fashion when it's a non-google non-android application!
All I get is that, it's just a concept asking for our own implementation with some help from the source-code of the GoogleAuthenticator. Please correct me ?
What I think is the solution is that, we have to write our own mobile-app, just like this guy mentioned here, although I'm still not sure how will the secret between the mobile-app and the server will be unique with each installation of that app such that it identifies a particular user only or is there any way to write our own app and use GoogleAuthenticator mobile app without having Google-login in our webapp ?
Google Authenticator (the mobile application) implements the Time-based One-time Password Algorithm. In the scenario you are asking about, two-factor authentication would work as follows:
The user generates a one-time password to be validated by a server application.
The server would verify the password using the procedure detailed by the TOTP algorithm.
The password generation on the user device can be performed by any application implementing TOTP which has been "configured" for your user account. Configured here means having shared a secret with the server, as you mention yourself in the question.
Now, trying to answer your questions:
The fact your application uses its own set of user credentials or Google's has no direct effect on two-factor authentication. No matter what these credentials are, you need a way to identify your user (the username) in order to be able to proceed to the validation of its TOTP password, because you need to know who the user is. Said another way: using TOTP and using the Google Authenticator application does not imply having to use Google credentials on your site.
I'm not sure I understand correctly. The configuration of the Google Authenticator app for each account is performed only once. If an attacker is sitting right behind your back and takes a photo of your screen while you configure Google Authenticator, then yes, he'd be able to configure its own application with your credentials reading the same barcode you're using. Nevertheless, he'd also need your credentials (proper) in order to perform the login and then provide the one-time TOTP password. Anyway, this is a security problem which stems from how the user improperly handles its own credentials and you could be subject to similar problems no matter the technology you use. To make an imperfect metaphor, it's like asking "if the user leaves the pin card with the codes on the table, an attacker sees it and steals a photo of it, could it use them?". Sure, he could.
Yes, reading the barcode is one of the ways you can configure the application and sharing the secret between the client application and the server. You can use other means, such as entering the key manually into the application, but using the QR code is quicker and much less error prone. You won't even need to generate the QR code, because you could use Google's Web APIs as I explained in the blog post you were reading when you asked me to answer this question. In fact, the Java server side library described there uses the Google Web API's and returns you an URL for the user to check out and read its own QR. If you want to build your own QR logic, go on, but there's no compelling reason you should do that if you're eligible to use Google's APIs (which is something you should check anyway).
If the secret is lost it depends on your own policy, if it's your own application. First of all, you should invalidate the old secret immediately upon user notification. Then, you could use the scratch codes you may have given the user upon creation of the TOTP secret to verify his own identity. If he has lost the scratch codes too, you'd probably want to fall back to some other ways to verify his identity such as using some kind of backup information in his account (backup telephone numbers, security questions, etc.). Once the user identity is verified according to your standards, you would issue a new credential and would begin from the start: that is, reconfiguring the Google Authenticator using a new QR and/or a new secret key.
To summarise: yes, you can use the Google Authenticator application as your client front-end if you want to: there's no need to build another one. The only thing which you should into account is that Google Authenticator uses 30-second windows in its TOTP implementation: the server side logic verifying the TOTP password will have to use the same window size (which is, IIRC, the standard value proposed by the TOTP RFC).

How to implement "Two factor authentication" in iOS application?

I am locking my Mac screen with my Mac app. As I enters password it needs to unlock. The password should be generated internally. So I preffered to implement it by using "Two way factor authentication". By this my iPhone app generates a token frequently as I enters the token in Mac application it has to unlock.
I found few APIs like Gauthify and Authy. But they are generating tokens on their own apps(ie.,to get token from authy we need to install authy app in our mobile).
My requirement is without installing those apps,my app need to generate the token and communicate with my Mac.
Please guide me if any one had done it. Good suggestions are appreciable.
All these apps, including Google or any other apis use two step authentication. Here they generate a token with some private key and pass that to end user via sms or mail or any other medium. This sms or mail is registered with user in application database.
There is no need to use such app if you have your same app in your MAC and your ios Device.
You just need to identify how will you pass that key.
If MAC is generating token, and you know which device is trying to connect with MAC, you can send that token in background to that ios Device and match that. If you are using socket connections, this is option for you
When user enters Token, you can make a request to server to check that token. For this you need to send token genereated on MAC to server and save it somewhere. These tokens generally expires after some time, so run cron job to delete such tokens.
The apps you described use 2nd way to authenticate.
Hope this much help you. All depends your requirements and your approach :)

Securing JSON posts from PhoneGap

I am trying to develop my first PhoneGap application, using MVC.NET to serve the JSON to the application. I am though in doubt how I can secure the controllers on my MVC.NET application so only PhoneGap applications can post to my server.
I e.g. have a settings controller where the user can update his/her settings, but how would I make sure that no one tampers with it?
I had plans to use the deviceID as the userid, so the user doesn't have to create an account to login, but does this rule out the possibility to make it secure, since I don't Authenticate the user?
You need to use the same sort of authentication/authorization/security mechanisms that you would for any other web site. This means that authorization information shouldn't be passed in the clear (use SSL, encrypted cookies). You should choose authentication information that is difficult to guess or impersonate (user id/reasonable password; I'm guessing device id might be less secure if it's broadcast regularly). You could store this information on the phone, but with varying levels of security, i.e., if someone gets physical access to the phone it's likely that they would be able to access the credentials you store.
You might want to look at the security wiki for more detail/information:
