Training images and test images - machine-learning

I am working on a project about the feedforward pathway of the ventral stream, and i have 6 images to be recognized at the InferoTemporal Layer.
Please can someone give me images' exmamples showing to me what is the difference between training images and test images. So what i should add to my folder that contain my training images? Does i should add another folder that contain a list of test images ? if yes, what should be these test images?
Does the training images must contains the images to be analysed or recognized and the test images must contains the images in memory? In other words, if we have for example 16 training faces and one or two test faces. So we should analyse what is the face in the training that correspond to the face in test ? Is that true ??
Note: I don't need a code, I am only interested to get a brief explanations about the difference between test ans training images.
Any help will be very appreciated.

The only difference between training and test images is the fact, that test images are not used for selecting your models parameters. Each model has some kind of paramters, variables, which it fits to the data. This is called a training process. The training/test set separation ensures, that your model (algorithm) can actually do something more that just memorizing images - so you test it on test images, which has not been used during the training phase.
It has been already discussed in detail on SO: whats is the difference between train, validation and test set, in neural networks?

In HMAX, you use all the data at the input image layer. And garbor filter, max-pooling, radial basis kernel functions on all of them. Only at C2 layer, you start to train a subset of the images (mostly with a linear kernel based SVM). The subset is set to training data. And the rest are test data. In one word, training images are first used to build the SVM and then the test images are assigned to digit classes using the majority-voting method.
But this is in fact equivalent as you put the training images at the image layer at first. After all the layers going through, you then put the test images at the image layer to restart for the recognition. Since both training and test image need scaling, and all the operations at previous layers prior to C2 are the same, you just mix them altogether at the beginning.
Although you use all the training and test images at the image layer, you still need to shuffle the data and pick up some of them as the training, and the others as the testing.


How to convert images as input to a ML classifier?

I want to build a image classifier i gathered images from web and i resized them using PIL libray
now i want those images to be converted as input .what operations do i need to perform on these
images.I also did covert images in to numpy arrays and stored them in an list named features and what to do next
Well there are a number of decisions to make. One is to partition your images into a training set, a validation set and generally also a test set. I typically use 10% of the images as a validation set and 10% of the images as a test set. Next you need to decide how you want to provide your images to the network. My preference is to use the Keras ImageDataGenerator.flow from directory. This requires you to create 3 directories to store images. I put the test images in a directory called 'test', the validation images in a directory called 'valid' and the training images in a directory called 'train'. Now in each of these directories you need to create identically named class directories. For example if you are trying to classify images of dogs and cats. You would create a 'dogs' sub directory and 'cats' sub directory within the test, train and valid directories. Be sure to name them identically because the names of the sub directories determine the names of your classes. Now populate the class directories with your images. These can be images in standard formats like jpg. Now create 3 generators a train generator, a validation generator and a test generator as in
train_gen=ImageDataGenerator(preprocessing_function=pre_process).flow_from_directory('train', target_size=(height, width), batch_size=train_batch_size, seed=rand_seed, class_mode='categorical', color_mode='rgb')
do the same for the validation generator and the test generator. Documentation for the ImageDataGenerator and flow_from_directory is here.. Now you have your images stored and the data generators set up to provide data to your model in batches based on batch size. So now we can get to actually building a model. You can build your own model however there are excellent models for image processing available for you to use. This is called transfer learning. I like to use a model called MobileNet. I prefer this because it has a small number of trainable parameters (about 4 million) versus other models which have 10's of millions. Keras has this and many other image processing models . Documentation is here. Now you have to modify the final layer of the model to adapt it to your application. MobileNet was trained on the ImageNet data set that had 1000 classes. You need to remove this last layer and make it a dense layer having as many nodes as you have classes and use the softmax activation function. An example for the case of 2 classes is shown below.
mobile = tf.keras.applications.mobilenet.MobileNet( include_top=Top,
pooling='avg', weights='imagenet',
alpha=1, depth_multiplier=1)
predictions=Dense (2, activation='softmax')(x)
model = Model(inputs=mobile.input, outputs=predictions)
for layer in model.layers:
model.compile(Adam(lr=.001, loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])
The last line of code compiles your model using the Adam optimizer with a learning rate of .001.Now we can finally get to training the model. I use the modelfit generator as shown below:
data = model.fit_generator(generator = train_gen,validation_data=val_gen, epochs=epochs, initial_epoch=start_epoch,
callbacks = callbacks, verbose=1)
Documentation for the above is here. The model will train on your training set and validate on the validation set. For each epoch (training cycle) you will get a print out of the training loss, training accuracy, validation loss and validation accuracy so you can monitor how your model is performing. The final step is to run your test set to see how well your model performs on data it was not trained on. Do do that use the code below:
resultspmodel.evaluate(test_gen, verbose=0)
print('Model accuracy on Test Set is {0:7.2f} %'.format(results[1]* 100)
That's about it but of course there are a lot of details to fill in. If you are new to Convolutional Neural Networks and machine learning I would recommend an excellent tutorial on YouTube at here. There are about 20 sequential tutorials in the play list. I used this tutorial as a beginner and found it excellent. It will cover all the topics you need to become skilled at using CNN classifiers. Good Luck!

Finding the suitable CNN architecture for the calssification

I want to use convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to classify between two classes of images. I built several CNN architectures, but I always get the same result; the network always classify all cases as a second class sample. Therefore, I always get 50% accuracy in leave-one-out. The data is balanced in terms of the number of samples of each class (16 from 1st, and 16 from 2nd). Could you please clarify what does this mean.
With such small number of training samples, Your CNN model is very likely to overfit the data giving good training accuracy and worst test accuracy.
Else your model can be skewed predicting the same class at all times.
Below are some of the solutions you can try:
1) As you have commented, if you cannot get any more images, then try creating new images by modifying the ones already available. For ex: Let's say you have 16 images of a cat (cat is the class). You can crop the cat and paste it in different backgrounds, try varying the brightness, intensity etc, Try rotation, translation operations etc.
This will help you create a good training set.
2) Try creating a smaller model (with one or two layers) and check if it improves your accuracy.
3) You can do transfer learning by using a good pre-trained model as it can learn pretty well when compared to creating a model from base.

Datageneration for Neural Networks

I have images that I want to process. First features are extracted from those images and then those features are fed into a neural network for training. I do not have many images though and would like to generate more data.
1) What yields less overfitting: Should I generate more images from the original images and then feed the entire pipeline with them, or should I bring variation into the extracted features and simply train the neural network with more data this way?
The second approach would be computationally cheaper, but yields better results?
2) What techniques are tried and true for generating more data - either more images or the features?
Is true that when you don't have enough data the performance of your model can be poor. So you have to try a few things:
You can modify the data that you have applying translations, rotations, etc; for example move all the pixel of the image a few pixel to the left. This are operation on images.
Also you can generate more images through generative models: Restricted Boltzmann Machines, Deep Belief Networks etc.
Also you have a way of determine if you need more training data. In the coordinate axis you draw the score of the training data and validation data. In the x axis goes the size of the sets(10% of the all set, 20% of the all set, ..., 90% of the all set) and in the y axis is the score. Then you look at the graph. For understand well enough this what i'm saying i strongly recommend the videos of Andrew Ng of Machine Learning( specifically the Week 6(Advice for Applying Machine Learning)

Input data amount for Caffe

I want to use Caffe and the googlenet structure coming with Caffe to train a model based on my own image data.
I have 14 categories for classification. But I do have only around 250 images for training and 80 for testing. Is this enough? Are there means to find out how many images I need per class?
Solution 1:
Just finetune the top layer since you only have such few data. By this way, you can think the network as a feature extractor and you just train a classifier on top this features.
Solution 2:
Try aggressive data augmentation. For example you can try random translation, scaling, rotation of your data. In this way, you can get a lot of images from one training image.
Solution 3:
The most effective way is to try to get more real data. Data is very important for deep learning. As a rule of thumb, at least 1000 images for one class.

bag of words - image classification

i have some doubts incase of bag of words based image classification, i will first of tell what i have done
i have extracted the features from the training image with two different categories using SURF method,
i have then made clustering of the features for the two categories.
in order to classify my test image (i.e) to which of the two category the test image belongs to. for this classifying purpose i am using SVM classifier, but here is what i have a doubt , how do we input the test image do we have to do the same step from 1 to 2 again and then use it as a test set or is there any other method to do,
also would be great to know the efficiency of the bow approach,
kindly some one provide me with an clarification
The classifier needs the representation for the test data to have the same meaning as the training data. So, when you're evaluating a test image, you extract the features and then make the histogram of which words from your original vocabulary they're closest to.
That is:
Extract features from your entire training set.
Cluster those features into a vocabulary V; you get K distinct cluster centers.
Encode each training image as a histogram of the number of times each vocabulary element shows up in the image. Each image is then represented by a length-K vector.
Train the classifier.
When given a test image, extract the features. Now represent the test image as a histogram of the number of times each cluster center from V was closest to a feature in the test image. This is a length K vector again.
It's also often helpful to discount the histograms by taking the square root of the entries. This approximates a more realistic model for image features.
