jQuery Mobile Default Swatches - jquery-mobile

Let me start off by saying I'm new to jQuery mobile. I've been asked to change to theme of a website and from looking at the jQuery mobile website here there is 5 default swatches that come with it. The only problem is that when I look at the theme file it only has 2 swatches, labeled A and B, but which look more like A and C. Can someone tell me where I can find the additional default swatches?
Thanks for your help.

The guys from jQuery mobile also created the classic theme for 1.4 although they don't actually support it.
You can find it here: http://demos.jquerymobile.com/1.4.0/theme-classic/theme-classic.css
And view the demo here: http://demos.jquerymobile.com/1.4.0/theme-classic/

jQuery Mobile 1.4 has two themes "a" and "b", unlike previous versions.
To upgrade custom themes previously created by ThemeRoller, at the page's top, click on import to upload old themes and then choose 1.4.0 from drop-down Upgrade to version list.


How to enable jQuery UI in JSFiddle?

There is no option for jQuery UI in the "Frameworks & Extensions" part. Should i add it as an external resource?
The UI for adding JS frameworks has been adapted (multiple times).
Currently you can add these frameworks by clicking on the settings-cog-wheel of the Javascript section:
The JSFiddle Frameworks & Extensions selection has been moved to the Javascript pane options!
New Answer
Checking the jsFiddle site today, I see they added some controls. This is in the same style of answer as reto's and dotancohen's.
I have not tested the UI portion specifically yet, but I do notice that when you select jQuery versions (edge) or 1.9.1, jQuery UI is available in the list of checkboxes that appear beneath the dropdown box.
Old Answer
Along with the other answers (I intend to complement dotancohen's answer) discussing that pretty significant JSFiddle UI change, I wanted to finish the information by saying jQuery UI specifically was not an option for me. I had to go into "External Resources" on the left-hand side and enter these URLs as well:
Example jQuery UI JSFiddle
Under External Resources > click the text field and enter the url for a hosted jQuery library such as this one from google: https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.2/jquery.min.js. Then click the plus icon.

jQuery UI theme for Zurb Foundation?

I have an excellent jquery-ui based application that I'd like to give the fresh looks of Foundation. Most important part I'm missing is the support properly styled dialogs which currently have the jquery looks.
Is there anything like a foundation-styled jQuery UI theme or project setup to develop one?
My company has used http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/ to create the themes for our clients.
We had a client request a theme that matched the foundation default styling so we created it and uploaded it to out github. Below you can download the style sheets.

latest version jQuery Mobile broke my custom themes

When I use the latest version of jQuery Mobile (referencing http://code.jquery.com/mobile/latest/jquery.mobile.min.js in my index.html page), my custom jQuery Mobile theme no longer works. I created a custom theme named with a swatch named "g". When I load my site, my header changes from ui-bar-g to ui-bar-a. What could be causing my custom themes to be replaced with a different swatch? Thanks.

jQuery Mobile Color Swatches

I am aware that you can create custom color swatches to be used with jQuery mobile. However I am not a designer and would like to find some additional ones to download. I have searched high and low on google, does anyone have a link to where I can download some that people have released? I don't mind paying for them if necessary.
jQM Team plans to release a Theme Roller:
But here are a couple of other ideas as well:
http://jquerymobile.com/test/themes/valencia/ (via: How to create a jQuery Mobile theme)
http://www.jqmgallery.com/ (see what others have done)
Other than this you will need to create your own custom theme as of now

How do I themeroll jGrowl

I am working on building a site and i'm trying to use jquery ui themes for as much of the styling as possible. and the jGrowl site says it can be theme rolled.
from the site:
Changes in 1.2.2
Notification can now be theme rolled for jQuery UI, special thanks to Jeff Chan!
there isn't really any explanation as to how and i searched far and wide for an explanation to no avail.
You do not need to do anything, simply include the jquery-ui css. There are example files included for different themes in the download
