jQuery Mobile Color Swatches - jquery-mobile

I am aware that you can create custom color swatches to be used with jQuery mobile. However I am not a designer and would like to find some additional ones to download. I have searched high and low on google, does anyone have a link to where I can download some that people have released? I don't mind paying for them if necessary.

jQM Team plans to release a Theme Roller:
But here are a couple of other ideas as well:
http://jquerymobile.com/test/themes/valencia/ (via: How to create a jQuery Mobile theme)
http://www.jqmgallery.com/ (see what others have done)
Other than this you will need to create your own custom theme as of now


Alter Vaadin Dashboard theme to show SplitPanel splitter

I am new to Vaadin and created a web application based on the Vaadin Dashboard theme. However, in my application I am using a VerticalSplitPanel but it does not show the splitter! It is impossible to resize the splitpanel.
After doing some research on the web, I found out that the Dashboard theme is limited in terms of styles of components since the theme only implements styles of components shown in the Dashboard demo application.
My question now is, is it possible to modify the Dashboard theme to allow styles for the splitpanel and thus allowing me to view the splitter? If yes, can someone give me a hint how and where I can do this (keep in mind I'm very new to vaadin!)
The dashboard demo is really a nice startup to get some ideas for your app but i wouldn't suggest to use it as template to start your development on.
If what you are looking for is the "graphic look and feel" know that this feel is natively present in the Valo theme. For reference you can browse the Valo-Demo project on github ( https://github.com/vaadin/valo-demo ): for exemple the left menu css styles are in the css of Valo, they are only modified in the dashboard demo.
If what you are interest in is the functionality of the "dashboard" page (there you see the sparks, the charts, notes and so on) keep in mind that is made with a CssLayout, which is a powerful way to make custom layouts but of course you have to work out everything.
Probably a SplitPanel inside this layout gets something overwritten or not everything is implemented in the css.
In the end you can try PortalLayout add-on in Vaadin directory to achieve something similar or add the missing styles by yourself.

jQuery UI theme for Zurb Foundation?

I have an excellent jquery-ui based application that I'd like to give the fresh looks of Foundation. Most important part I'm missing is the support properly styled dialogs which currently have the jquery looks.
Is there anything like a foundation-styled jQuery UI theme or project setup to develop one?
My company has used http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/ to create the themes for our clients.
We had a client request a theme that matched the foundation default styling so we created it and uploaded it to out github. Below you can download the style sheets.

create application without any theme

Hi I am new to Vaadin and I was looking about the theme.
In Vaadin, is it possible to to develop application without any theme?
I will apply theme only if any theming is required. So that it should look
normal html components.Currently I am using vaadin7 and I know how to customize
themes to the components which I dont need. I need to develop the applications without having any themes.
You can create a "empty" theme and use this one. (Means, one which does not inherit from any other theme)
But be aware that the themes also influence the way the vaadin buttons are drawn, scroll behaviour of panels, and many many other things.
To prevent breaking basic stuff, there exists a base theme which only holds the minimal css/sass rules for vaadin.
Look in section 8.4.4. Built-in Themes
of https://vaadin.com/book/-/page/themes.creating.html

jQuery Mobile Default Swatches

Let me start off by saying I'm new to jQuery mobile. I've been asked to change to theme of a website and from looking at the jQuery mobile website here there is 5 default swatches that come with it. The only problem is that when I look at the theme file it only has 2 swatches, labeled A and B, but which look more like A and C. Can someone tell me where I can find the additional default swatches?
Thanks for your help.
The guys from jQuery mobile also created the classic theme for 1.4 although they don't actually support it.
You can find it here: http://demos.jquerymobile.com/1.4.0/theme-classic/theme-classic.css
And view the demo here: http://demos.jquerymobile.com/1.4.0/theme-classic/
jQuery Mobile 1.4 has two themes "a" and "b", unlike previous versions.
To upgrade custom themes previously created by ThemeRoller, at the page's top, click on import to upload old themes and then choose 1.4.0 from drop-down Upgrade to version list.

How do I themeroll jGrowl

I am working on building a site and i'm trying to use jquery ui themes for as much of the styling as possible. and the jGrowl site says it can be theme rolled.
from the site:
Changes in 1.2.2
Notification can now be theme rolled for jQuery UI, special thanks to Jeff Chan!
there isn't really any explanation as to how and i searched far and wide for an explanation to no avail.
You do not need to do anything, simply include the jquery-ui css. There are example files included for different themes in the download
