Mandrill: Please enter an array - mandrill

I can't understand why I get an Invalid array!
response = "#{##endpoint}/messages/send.json",
headers:{ "Accept" => "application/json" },
:key => ##apikey,
:message => {
:text => "example text",
:subject => "bla bla",
:from_email => "",
:from_name => "",
to: [
:email => "",
:name => "myname",
:type => "to"
I get this error
{"status":"error","code":-2,"name":"ValidationError","message":"Validation error: {\"message\":{\"to\":[\"Please enter an array\"]}}"}

Shouldn't the to array be
[email] => "",
[name] => "myname",
[type] => "to"


Rails replace one hash by another if keys exists

I don't know what's going on but I've got two hashes:
'Ids' => ['string_first_hash'],
'Description' =>
'Url' => 'some_path',
'EventCallback' => {
'Url' => 'some_path',
'WhiteList' => ['string'],
'Steps' => [{
'OrderIndex' => 1,
'Recipients' => [
'Email' => 'email#first.hash',
'FirstName' => 'first_hash_name',
'LastName' => 'first_hash_last_name',
'LanguageCode' => 'en',
And the second one:
'Ids' => ['template_stirng'],
'Description' => {
'Name' => 'Template_name',
'Subject' => 'template_subject',
'Finish' => false,
'Steps' => [{
'OrderIndex' => 1,
'Recipients' => [
'Email' => 'Placeholder =>',
'FirstName' => '',
'LastName' => '',
'LanguageCode' => '',
'DisableEmail' => false,
'IdentificationMethods' => [],
'RecipientType' => 'Signer',
Now I want to add first_hash to the template_hash and override only those key/value which exist in both and leave the rest from second_hash unchanged (should be added in the result). I thought all I want to do is:
test = first_hash.merge(template_hash)
But the result is surprising - nothing change, it prints second hash unchanged:
> test
{"Name"=>"1 Recipient",
"EmailSubject"=>"Please sign the enclosed envelope",
"EmailBody"=>"Dear #RecipientFirstName# #RecipientLastName#\n\n#PersonalMessage#\n\nPlease sign the envelope #EnvelopeName#\n\nEnvelope will expire at #ExpirationDate#",
What's going on, am I misunderstand something? I'm using Rails 7 and Ruby 3.
'Ids' => ['string_first_hash'],
'Description' => {
'Name' => 'Template_name',
'Subject' => 'template_data_string',
'Finish' => false,
'Steps' => [{
'OrderIndex' => 1,
'Recipients' => [{
'Email' => 'email#first.hash',
'FirstName' => 'first_hash_name',
'LastName' => 'first_hash_last_name',
'LanguageCode' => 'en',
'RecipientType' => 'Signer',
'Url' => 'some_path',
'EventCallback' => {
'Url' => 'some_path',
'WhiteList' => ['string'],
Have you tried using deep_merge?
What you want is
test = first_hash.deep_merge(second_hash)

Ruby - Stripe: Missing required param: type

I am trying to add a bank account using Ruby stripe API. but it gives the stripe error "Missing required param: type".
I am using following ruby code:
account = Stripe::Account.create({
:country => 'US',
:managed => true,
:transfer_schedule => {
:interval => 'weekly',
:weekly_anchor => 'friday'
:legal_entity => {
:dob => {
:day =>,
:month => birthday.month,
:year => birthday.year
:first_name => first_name,
:last_name => last_name,
:type => 'individual'
:tos_acceptance => {
:date =>,
:ip => request.remote_ip
You are not passing the proper parameters to the API.
Please check this document for the proper request and response returned by Stripe.
require "stripe"
Stripe.api_key = "sk_test_bcd1234"
:type => 'standard',
:country => 'US',
:email => ''
To point out you are not passing :type param in the outer hash. You need to move it to the first level.
account = Stripe::Account.create(
:country => 'US',
:managed => true,
:type => 'individual', # Move this from nested to first level
:transfer_schedule => {
:interval => 'weekly',
:weekly_anchor => 'friday'
:legal_entity => {
:dob => {
:day =>,
:month => birthday.month,
:year => birthday.year
:first_name => first_name,
:last_name => last_name
:tos_acceptance => {
:date =>,
:ip => request.remote_ip

API POST with array using HTTP gem (or RestClient)

I'm having trouble with this api and can't seem to get over the hump. Using the HTTP gem (though I'm flexible and can use RestClient if that gets me an answer quicker!). Anyway, I'm having trouble posting an array. everything else is good, I just can't figure out this "itemsarray" in the printaura api found here in the addorder method: PrintAura API
I'm running this:
def self.submitorder
req ="", :json => {
:key => APIKEY,
:hash => APIHASH,
:method => "addorder",
:businessname => "this is a secret too",
:businesscontact => "thats a secret",
:email => "",
:your_order_id => "1",
:returnlabel => "FakeAddress",
:clientname => "ShippingName",
:address1 => "ShippingAddressLine1",
:address2 => "ShippingAddressLine2",
:city => "ShippingCity",
:state => "ShippingState",
:zip => "ShippingZip",
:country => "US",
:customerphone => "dontcallme",
:shipping_id => "1",
:itemsarray => {:item => [
:product_id => 423,
:brand_id => 33,
:color_id => 498,
:size_id => 4,
:front_print => 1389517,
:front_mockup => 1390615,
:quantity => 1
puts JSON.parse(req)
And my output is this:
{"status"=>false, "error_code"=>19, "result"=>19, "message"=>"You cannot place an order without items, Please fill the items array with all the required information. Full API documentation can be found at https:/"}
Gosh, if someone could look at that and help me out I would forever appreciate it.
def self.submitorder
itemsarray = { :items => [ { :product_id => 423, :brand_id => 33, :color_id => 498, :size_id => 4, :quantity => 1, :front_print => 1389517,
:front_mockup => 1390617 } ] }
req ="", :json => {
:key => APIKEY,
:hash => APIHASH,
:method => "addorder",
:businessname => "this is a secret too",
:businesscontact => "thats a secret",
:email => "",
:your_order_id => "1",
:returnlabel => "FakeAddress",
:clientname => "ShippingName",
:address1 => "ShippingAddressLine1",
:address2 => "ShippingAddressLine2",
:city => "ShippingCity",
:state => "ShippingState",
:zip => "ShippingZip",
:country => "US",
:customerphone => "dontcallme",
:shipping_id => "1",
:items => Base64.encode64(itemsarray.to_json)}
puts JSON.parse(req)
I really hopes this helps somebody some years from now haha
To create a array in JSON you use an array in Ruby. Its that easy.
require 'json'
def self.submitorder
req ="", :json => {
:key => APIKEY,
:hash => APIHASH,
:method => "addorder",
:businessname => "this is a secret too",
:businesscontact => "thats a secret",
:email => "",
:your_order_id => "1",
:returnlabel => "FakeAddress",
:clientname => "ShippingName",
:address1 => "ShippingAddressLine1",
:address2 => "ShippingAddressLine2",
:city => "ShippingCity",
:state => "ShippingState",
:zip => "ShippingZip",
:country => "US",
:customerphone => "dontcallme",
:shipping_id => "1",
:items => [
:product_id => 423,
:brand_id => 33,
:color_id => 498,
:size_id => 4,
:front_print => 1389517,
:front_mockup => 1390615,
:quantity => 1
puts JSON.parse(req)
The API lists a items parameter which should contain an array of objects. It says nothing about itemsarray.

Why am I getting singleton cant be dumped err?

When I try to add a variable value into session, I am getting singleton cant be dumped err.
Here is the value in the varibale
[0] {
:id => "574ecb43a7a5bb44c000443b",
:_id => "574ecb43a7a5bb44c000443b",
:active => true,
:capabilities => {
:network_connections => [
[0] {
:type => "ethernet-wan",
:name => "wan"
[1] {
:type => "ethernet-lan",
:name => "lan"
[2] {
:type => "wifi",
:name => "wlan"
[3] {
:type => "cellular",
:name => "wwan"
:commander_ids => [],
:created_at => "2016-05-11T15:46:12+00:00",
:deleted_at => nil,
:firmware_upgradable => true,
:ingestor_ids => [],
:last_known_translator_port => nil,
:long_description => "this is a liong desc",
:manufacturer => "test_sushant",
:model => "sushant_test",
:name => "zxc",
:parent_gateway_data_source_type_id => nil,
:rule_ids => [],
:software => "qwe",
:translator => "edge",
:type => "asd",
:updated_at => "2016-05-11T15:46:12+00:00",
:user_id => "572adee5a7a5bb320b000852"
The variable is an array of objects. I do not know why this is causing an err.

Active resource param serialization issue

I'm trying to pass the following ruby hash into an active resource(3.0.9) find(:from) call.
my_hash = {
:p => {:s => 100, :e => 2},
:k => "blah",
:f => [
:fl => :bt,
:tp => :trm,
:vl => "A::B"
:fl => :jcni,
:tp => :trm,
:vl => [133, 134]
:mnfl => :bmns,
:mxfl => :bmxs,
:tp => :rfstv,
:vl => 1e5
:fl => :bpo,
:tp => :rftv,
:op => :eta,
:vl => 1.months.ago.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
Resource.find_by_x_and_y(:all, :from => :blah, params: my_hash)
On the server side action, when I print the params hash, its all messed up. ( last 3 hashes in the array mapped to :f )
"f" => [
"fl" => "bt",
"tp" => "trm",
"vl" => "A::B"
"fl" => "jcni",
"tp" => "trm",
"vl" => [
"mnfl" => "bmns",
"mxfl" => "bmxs"
"tp" => "rfstv",
"vl" => "100000.0",
"fl" => "bpo",
"op" => "eta"
"tp" => "rftv",
"vl" => "2013-01-25"
"k" => "blah",
"p" => {
"e" => "2",
"s" => "100"
"action" => "blah",
"controller" => "x/Y",
"format" => "json"
my_hash.to_query gives me
which doesn't have indices, hence the mixup.
Is there a name for this type of serialization using "[]" ? Is this guaranteed to serialize/deserialize arbitrarily nested hashes/arrays/primitives faithfully ? How do I make active resource behave sanely ?
