How erlang control the process which created by os:cmd? - erlang

1> os:cmd("ping").
When above code was executed, there are two process are created, one is erlang process and one is system level process.
Is there any lib for erlang that we can monitor the system level process "ping"?

Using the erlexec application to run OS processes gives you a lot more control over
those processes. You can send signals to processes (e.g. to stop it), setup Erlang monitors for OS processes and you get the status code when the OS process terminates (os:cmd doesn't give you that).
Take a look at the erlexec documentation.


What exactly happens when one calls a 'spawn' function?

I am trying to understand how BEAM VM works, so there is my question. When one spawns a process in erlang, the result is a PID. Does that mean that a process is suspended until requested process is spawned?
I am trying to understand how BEAM VM works.
The details are in the free book, "The Beam Book".
Does that mean that a process is suspended until requested process is
It depends.
Erlang is a concurrent language. When we say that processes run
concurrently we mean that for an outside observer it looks like two
processes are executing at the same time.
In a single core system this is achieved by preemptive multitasking.
This means that one process will run for a while, and then the
scheduler of the virtual machine will suspend it and let another
process run.
In a multicore or a distributed system we can achieve true
parallelism, that is, two or more processes actually executing at the
exact same time. In an SMP enabled emulator the system uses several OS
threads to indirectly execute Erlang processes by running one
scheduler and emulator per thread. In a system using the default
settings for ERTS there will be one thread per enabled core (physical
or hyper threaded).
No the processes are independent of one another. Here are the erlang docs

Exit the VM when an application stops running

I've got an Erlang application packed with Rebar that's meant to be run as a service. It clusters with other instances of itself.
One thing I've noticed is that if the application crashes on one node, the Erlang VM remains up even when the application reaches its supervisor's restart limit and vanishes forever. The result is that other nodes in the cluster don't notice anything until they try to talk to the application.
Is there a simple way to link the VM to the root supervisor, so that the application takes down the whole VM when it dies?
When starting your application using application:start() you can add the optional Type parameter to be one of the atoms permanent, transient or temporary. I guess you are looking for permanent.
As mentioned in application:start/2:
If a permanent application terminates, all other applications and the entire Erlang node are also terminated.
If a transient application terminates with Reason == normal, this is reported but no other applications are terminated. If a transient application terminates abnormally, all other applications and the entire Erlang node are also terminated.
If a temporary application terminates, this is reported but no other applications are terminated.

Otp application:stop(..) kills all spawned processes, not just spawn_linked ones?

I've set up a simple test-case at that shows that an otp application:stop() actually kills all spawned processes by its children, even the ones that are not linked.
The test-case consists of one gen_server (registered as par) spawning a plain erlang process (registered as par_worker) and a gen_server (registered as reg_child), which also spawns a plain erlang process (registered as child_worker). Calling application:stop(test_app) does a normal termination on the 'par' gen_server, but an exit(kill) on all others!
Is this nominal behaviour? If so, where is it documented, and can I disable it? I want the processes I spawn from my gen_server (not link), to stay alive when the application terminates.
Bart van Deenen
The application manual says (for the stop/1 function):
Last, the application master itself terminates. Note that all processes with the
application master as group leader, i.e. processes spawned from a process belonging
to the application, thus are terminated as well.
So I guess you cant modify this behavior.
EDIT: You might be able to change the group_leader of the started process with group_leader(GroupLeader, Pid) -> true (see: Changing the group_leader might allow you to avoid killing your process when the application ends.
I made that mistakes too, and found out it must happen.
If parent process dies, all children process dies no matter what it is registered or not.
If this does not happen, we have to track all up-and-running processes and figure out which is orphaned and which is not. you can guess how difficult it would be. You can think of unix ppid and pid. if you kill ppid, all children dies too. This, I think this must happen.
If you want to have processes independent from your application, you can send a messageto other application to start processes.

delphi JvCreateProcess1: how to send keys

I run an invisible DOS process thanks to JvCreateProcess component; that works fine.
I need to stop this process by CTRL+C and not by JvCreateProcess1.terminate (or send CTRL+C sequence to JVCreateProcess)
Any idea ?
You can do this:
GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(CTRL_C_EVENT, myProcessInfo.dwProcessId);
but there are some limitations:
You can only call GenerateConcolseCltrEvent from a process that shares its console with the process you are sending the Ctrl-C-Event to. If you need to catch the console output of the spawned process without it being intermingled with the console output of other spawned processes or the app spawning them, then you can't use this (directly, see below).
The process receiving the Ctrl-C-Event in this way will/may not terminate any processes that it spawned itself. (Possibly dependent on the process group settings and console sharing amongst those processes, I didn't check further into this at the time when I was contemplating Ctrl-C'ing a spawned process.)
If you need to send Ctrl-C from an app that does not share its console with the spawned process you are left with creating an intermediate process that does and telling that to terminate by some other means (pipes, COM, whatever) so it can send a ctrl-c to the actual process that you want to spawn and terminate by Ctrl-C.
More info on this, and how to go about creating an intermediate process, can be found here:

mochiweb and gen_server

[This will only make sense if you've seen Kevin Smith's 'Erlang in Practice' screencasts]
I'm an Erlang noob trying to build a simple Erlang/OTP system with embedded webserver [mochiweb].
I've walked through the EIP screencasts, and I've toyed with simple mochiweb examples created using the new_mochiweb.erl script.
I'm trying to figure out how the webserver should relate to the gen_server modules. In the EIP examples [Ch7], the author creates a web_server.erl gen_server process and links the mochiweb_http process to it. However in a mochiweb project, the mochiweb_http process seems to be 'standalone'; it doesn't seem to be embedded in a separate gen_server process.
My question is, should one of these patterns be preferred over the other ? If so, why ? Or doesn't it matter ?
Thanks in advance.
You link processes to the supervisor hierarchy of your application for two reasons: 1) to be able to restart your worker processes if they crash, and 2) to be able to kill all your processes when you stop the application.
As the previous answer says, 1) is not the case for http requests handling processes. However, 2) is valid: if you let your processes alone, you can't guarantee that all your processes will be cleared from the VM after stopping your application (think of processes stuck in endless loops, waiting in receives, etc...).
The reason to embed a process in a supervision tree is so that you can restart it if it fails.
A process that handles an HTTP request is responding to an event generated externally - in a browser. It is not possible to restart it - that is the prerogative of the person running the browser - therefore it is not necessary to run it under OTP - you can just spawn it without supervision.
