AdMob close button conflicts with status bar on iOS 7 - ios

I have issue with status bar, because it overlay my close button on ads.
I show ads using this method
[splashInterstitial_ loadAndDisplayRequest:[self createRequest]
so then I see next:
as you can see close button conflicts with status bar.
How to remove admob status bar on iOS 7

There is no way to preserve the iOS 6 style status bar layout. The status bar will always overlap your application on iOS 7
Refer this link

goto your application-Info.plist and add View controller-based status bar appearance set NO


Cordova Hide Status Bar

I'm building an application for iPad with Phonegap and Framework7 and I can't seem to get the status bar to be hidden on the iPad no matter what I do.
I've tried to google out a few tutorials, including the following questions:
How to remove iOS status bar with Phonegap Build?
How to completely hide the status bar in iOS using Cordova?
Cordova/Phonegap ignores fullscreen preference in config.xml on iOS
I've tried the solutions provided in all the answers of the questions above and my status bar is still there.
I've opened the project with xCode and I can see that the settings are configured fine:
For the iPhone settings in deployment info:
Status Bar Style: Default
Hide status bar (checked)
Requires full screen (checked)
For the iPad settings in deployment info:
Hide during application launch (checked)
Requires full screen (checked)
In the Info > Custom iOS Target Properties, I have set the following:
View controller-based status bar appearance: NO
I've also tried to use the JavaScript way when the deviceready event has been fired:
When I run:
The property returns false, however I still see the white bar at the top.
After some long hours of debugging, I finally figured out what the issue was.
In fact, the status bar was hidden, and the white bar we would see is the overlay provided by Framework7, which explains the following:
StatusBar.isVisible // false
Apparently Framework7 is hiding the status bar, but leaving a blank white bar on top of the application, which is a padding.
So to remove the bar, I had to remove the class with-statusbar-overlay from the html tag. And to do so, I added the following to my Javascript file:
Note that the Javascript fix must be executed before the deviceready event. Otherwise, you will see the home view with the bar, then the bar will disappear. If you put it before the event, the user will never see the bar.
Dom7(document).on('deviceready', function(){
// Your code

Hide statusbar using info.plist in any app

To clarify, I'm not trying to do this on my own app, so I don't have access to the source code. I am trying to edit info.plist or any other files in the installed .app file on my device to remove the status bar from an app, namely Google Chrome
I'm trying to hide the statusbar on Google Chrome. I added UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance = false and UIStatusBarHidden = true to info.plist, but all that got me was a grey bar where the status bar used to be. So close!
Are there any other ways to force hide the status bar in Chrome or any other app on iOS 7?
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:NO withAnimation:NO];
- (BOOL)prefersStatusBarHidden { return YES; } in all of your view controllers.
Try this.
add this key into info.plist file
View controller-based status bar appearance
set value for this to:- No
I added the following to my info.plist:
Status bar is initially hidden with value YES
I also have View controller-based status bar appearance with value NO

Aviary SDK frame issue

I have updated the Aviary SDK for iOS 7 compatibility . Previously everything working good but in the iOS 7 I am having the following frame issue . Cancel button and Done buttons are cutting down at the edges and there is some gap from status bar and Aviary present modal view . Any ideas or help would be grateful .
I have found a solution for changing colour for "done" and "apply" button in "AFPhotoEditorController".
select & open "AviarySDKResources.bundle" from your project
open "AviarySDKColors.plist"
open "accentColor"
change value for key "hex" to what you want.
To fix frame dimensions I used
- (void)setPhotoEditorCustomizationOptions
[AFPhotoEditorCustomization setUsingIOS6SDK:YES];
In IOS 7 they are using Border less navigation bar buttons with text highlight effect,No options to adjust the bar buttons,For Aviary suggesting bar buttons with example IOS 7 screens Layout in the style guide and you can achieve this effects by adjusting bar button color and opacity in Aviary SDK tool.

How could I disable standard Top bar ( with battery,time info) in ios 6 app

My question is: How could I disable standard Top bar ( with battery,time info) in ios 6 app ?
i mean exactly that one :
that is the status bar. you can hide this by setting property "Status Bar Initially hidden." to "YES" in info.plist file
you can also hide by code,like this
[ UIApplication application setStatusBarHidden:YES withAnimation:UIStatusBarAnimationNone];

Change top bar background color iOS with AIR for Mobile (AS3)

Is it possible to change the background color of the top bar in iOS 6 with AIR for Mobile or can this only be done in native Objective-C?
What I mean:
I've found a simple and easy solution for this.
Default the status bar style (UIStatusBarStyle) is set to UIStatusBarStyleBlackOpaque.
Just change the value to UIStatusBarStyleBlackTranslucent and set the background color of the SWF to the color you want the status bar to have.
So what I've done is just this:
Added the settings below in the Application descriptor
And changed the SWF background color
The solution for this in objective-c:
You can change it from, Target Settings -> Summery -> tint of status bar
you can change it back to black from, info.plist -> set value for status bar style as opaque black style.
