On committing code. It gives me following error.
MyProject.xcodeproj/MyProject.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/MyProject.xccheckout' remains in conflict
Can anybody help me solving it ?? Please.
In terminal go to the specific path and reach your MyProject.xccheckout file (MyProject.xcodeproj/MyProject.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/MyProject.xccheckout)
svn resolved MyProject.xccheckout
you will get a svn message "conflict resolved on this file"
Now svn has resolved the conflict on that file and will allow you to commit the project ahead.
try to use following command
svn resolved /file path
I'm following the steps to install ethermint on top of tendermint that are listed on the README on this github page: https://github.com/tendermint/ethermint, but at the step ethermint --datadir ~/.ethermint init setup/genesis.json, then I get the following error: ethermint: command not found
And yes, I installed tendermint previous to my attempted installation of ethermint.
While the solution I figured out for my problem is contained on the GitHub issue page linked above, I also wanted to include it here for the sake of people who have the same issue.
OK, so I fixed the problem, and it was so infuriating. It turns out
that whenever I opened a terminal, then the go version would default
to go1.6, even if I was in the go1.8.3 directory. To solve the error,
you need to delete the old go version off of your computer, and then
use gvm to set the right go version. Thanks to everyone who helped me
solve this issue.
Check your current directory:
if ethermint doesn't exist you need to install it again
I have had an issue with my project: I forgot to pull the remote branch before working. then I got a conflict with a stylesheet called application.css
Though when I pulled the remote branch to origin, all not conflicted files were updated (which was good). Only the above file was marked as conflicting.
My command line tool said I had to fix the conflict before commiting.
I then ran : git mergetool
But got an error mergetool not configured and then something called vdiff was launched.
It is a Windows command line conflict resolving tool but I am a bit lost of what I should do. I have no knowledge of the keys that I may use
Can you help me fix this ?
why don't you just open up it up with something like sublime text and then edit the conflicted application.css file manually?
After the conflict is solved you'll have to mark the file as resolved by executing
git add <filename>
Finally, after solving all conflicts, a merge conflict situation needs to be concluded by a regular commit.
This happens every time i try to commit (not always but today). I don't have anything up on any window or anything. I looked up other similar questions on stack overflow and i did what they said but its still not working. I found and deleted the file but it makes a new one when i try to run 'git commit .'
You could try adding *.swp to your .gitignore, or manage globally via ~/.gitignore_global:
I use SourceTree.. i don't have anything in the .gitignore files.. I never had this problem with other types of projects before.. For some reason with my ASP.NET MVC project.. i'll make an initial commit and i'll pull right away in a diff location just to make sure and it's always erroring because it's missing references.. i dont think it's pushing ALL the files and it's missing some.
I've tried it the command line way using these commands here:
git add --all
and also tried
git add --all :/
nothing works. everytime i pull to see if it included everything, i always get a lot of references errors as it seems like it's just not pushing everything.. i'm so frustrated.
thanks for any help.
okay so a coworker was able to find the solution for me.
git config --get core.excludesfile
found that i had a weird global hidden file somewhere random in a hidden folder
git config --globalcore.excludesfile false
that disabled it
I’ve added a GRAILS_HOME environment variable, which points to the folder in which I extracted the Grails distribution zip, and I’ve added %GRAILS_HOME%\bin to my path. Yet after I open a new command prompt, the “grails” command is still not found. Does anyone have any clue as to why this is happening?
I’m running Grails 2.2 on Windows 7.
I have the same problem on Windows 7 64 bit and Grails version 2.*
By removing local neither maven repository nor installed plugins repository doesn't help.
I found - just set properties of %GRAILS_HOME%/bin/grails.bat and startGrails.bat as Run in compatibility mode: Windows XP (Service Pack 3).
To do that You need to have local PC Administrators rights.
have you create JAVA_HOME in there?
Maybe you are experiencing [STS-2530] Problem deploying Grails App if workspace path has a space. Jira shows the issue as resolved but it would not hurt to check that you do not have a space in your workspace path as it my trip up grails.
Do the following.
Go to your command prompt, execute the Path command. If everything has been set right your paths should show up as complete paths starting with C:... If the paths show up with the % sign that means your paths need to be set correctly. I did noticed that in your example you have used the forward slash - I am assuming that is a typo, because that will be a problem.
Another way to trouble shoot the issue is CD to the location C:\Grails\bin, execute the command grails.bat, if it executes you are in a good place that means you have to tweak your paths - following this path might give you a clue about other issues....
You might want to check the bin folder of your grails installation. The grails.bat file could be missing. I had this problem today and solved it by downloading the zip file again.