Delphi XE4 64 bit out of memory - delphi

We have a multi-threaded client - server project, we recently upgraded the server side applications on 64 - bit architecture. Solved many problems, our application now works steadily week under a heavy load. But after this period, the application on the server crashes with "Out of memory" error. At this time, free memory is available in large quantities, it seems that the problem of memory fragmentation. Is there any possibility to defragment memory, some tools? Or may be some other reasons "Out of memory" in a similar situation?
Memory allocation:
Total amount of memory : 96Gb
Physical : 48Gb
Virtual : 48Gb
The amount of free physical memory at the time of the collapse : 3GB
The amount of free virtual memory at the time of collapse : 45Gb
Maximum size of memory allocated per thread : 1GB

As you have surmised, your problem is fragmentation. There's nothing you can do to defragment memory--any tool that would attempt to do so would have to have a complete map of every pointer in your program. Note that even .NET's garbage collector can't accomplish this with the large object heap, I have crashed a 32-bit net application with only 100mb actually used.
Instead, what you need to do is avoid the fragmentation in the first place. Generally that means object pools, saving old objects for reuse rather than freeing them and later reallocating them.

Another option (if the service isn't time critical and needs to be online 100% of every second) is to restart your service every 24 hours or so (either via the task scheduler or from within your own program).
If from within your own program, you can do it in one of two ways, depending on what type of service you have (if there can exist two instances of your service at the very same - brief - time):
1) Execute a second instance of your service from within your currently running service and then terminate
2) Execute a tiny helper program that waits f.ex. 5 seconds and then (re)starts your service, then terminate your currently running service
But the best way would be to avoid the fragmentation in the first place, as Loren Pechtel writes.


Erlang ETS memory fragmentation

I have an erlang cluster where erlang:memory() 'total' is between 2-2.5GB from idle to busy time, day in day out. ets memory usage is around 440M and stays around there no matter what. The data within ets is heavily transient, completely changes throughout the day. Tomorrows data is guaranteed to have no commonality to today's.
Linux top says beam is using like 10 gigabytes. free -m 'used' agrees with that (the machine really only runs beam). The overall memory usage of the system grows regularly, like 1% per day on 16GB systems. There is some variance across nodes, but not by alot, and OS 'used' memory is always several times more than erlang:memory() total.
erlang:system_info({allocator, ets_alloc}) shows 20 allocators. Most have data that looks something like this (full output of command is here):
1) Does this mean that 742K bytes (words?) of memory are actually taking 17M of OS memory?
2) As this post suggests, should we add '+MEas bf' to the VM args, in order to reduce overhead?
3) What else can I do to avoid actually running out of memory?
This is R17.5 but we will be migrating to R19.3 in next deployment (this week). We don't have recon in the current deployment but will be adding it in the next deployment. Also, can't imagine this matters, but beam is running inside an alpine container.
In case someone else runs into this later: this was not actually leaked memory.
The default memory allocator strategy of erlang may not be optimal for your use, depending what you do, and depending on how erlang is configured to allocate blocks. Turns out, in some cases, "free" memory from erlang point of view won't necessarily be immediately released to the OS due to allocator fragmentation.
It's somewhat explained here:
The default allocator strategy for the version of erlang we used at the time is aoffcbf (address order first fit carrier best fit). In our case, this resulted in very high memory fragmentation (10+GB overhead worth). When troubleshooting these things, erlang:system_info(allocator) and erlang:system_info({allocator, Alloc}) are your friend. Changing to aobff (address order best fit) resulted in much more efficient memory usage. In truth, as long as the machine didn't run out of physical memory, it wouldn't matter, but for us, we were getting dangerously close to the physical limit. And you do not want to start paging. With aobff, we never passed 4GB, even after the node being up 18 months. With the aoffcbf we would pass 10GB in a few weeks.
As always, YMMV, as it all depends what type, size, etc.. of blocks are allocated, and how long they live.

Why Dart goes very slow after some time?

We have some problems with Dart. It seems like after some period of time the garbage collector can't clear the memory in VM, so application hangs. Anyone with this issue? Are there any memory limits?
You should reuse your objects instead of creating new ones. You should use pool pattern:
Be careful about canvas and it's proper destruction.
Another GC performance papers:
Are there any memory limits?
Yes. Dart apparently runs with a maximum sizes that can be configured at launch time:
How to run a dart program with big memory?
(The following applies to all garbage-collected languages ...)
If your application starts to run out of space (i.e. the heap is slowly filing with objects that the GC can't remove) then you may get into a nasty situation where the GC runs more and more frequently, and manages to reclaim less and less memory each time. Eventually you run out of memory, but before that happens the application gets really slow.
The solution is typically to do one or both of the following:
Find what is causing the memory to run out. It is typically not that you are allocating too many objects. Rather, the typical cause is that the unwanted objects are all still reachable ... via some data structure that your application has built.
Set the "quick death" tuning option for the GC .... if available. For example, Java garbage collectors can be configured to measure the time spent garbage collecting. (The GC overhead.) When the GC overhead exceeds a preset ratio, the Java virtual machine throws an OutOfMemoryError to "pull the plug".

Get available memory (address space) before EOutOfMemory in a Delphi application

I have a 32-bit Delphi application running with /LARGEADDRESSAWARE flag on. This allows to allocate up to 4GB on a 64-bit system.
Am using threads (in a pool) to process files where each task loads a file in memory. When multiple threads are running (multiple files being loaded), at some point the EOutOfMemory hits me.
What would be the proper way to get the available address space so I can check if I have enough memory before processing the next file?
Something like:
if TotalMemoryUsed {from GetMemoryManagerState} + FileSize <
"AvailableUpToMaxAddressSpace" then NoOutOfMemory
I've tried using
TMemoryStatusEx.ullAvailVirtual for AvailableUpToMaxAddressSpace
but the results are not correct (sometimes 0, sometimes > than I actually have).
I don't think that you can reasonably and robustly expect to be able to predict ahead of time whether or not memory allocations will fail. At the very least you would probably need to write your own memory allocator that was dedicated to serving your application, and have a very strong understanding of the heap allocation requirements of your process.
Realistically the tractable way forward for you is to break free from the shackles of 32 bit address space. That is your fundamental problem. The way to escape from 32 bit address space is to compile for 64 bit. That requires XE2 or later.
You may need to continue supporting 32 bit versions of your application because you have users that are still on 32 bit systems. The modern versions of Delphi have 32 bit and 64 bit compilers and it is quite simple to write code that will compile and behave correctly under both scenarios.
For your 32 bit versions you are less likely to run into memory problems anyway because 32 bit systems tend to run on older hardware with fewer processors. In turn this means less demand on memory space because your thread pool tends to be smaller.
If you encounter machines with large enough processor counts to cause out of memory problems then one very simple and pragmatic approach is to give the user a mechanism to limit the number of threads used by your application's thread pool.
Since there are more processes running on the target system even if the necessary infrastructure would be available, if would be no use.
There is no guarantee that another process does not allocate the memory after you have checked its availability and before you actually allocate it. The right thing to do is writing code that will fail gracefully and catch the EOutOfMemory exception when it appears. Use it as a sign to stop creating more threads until some of them is already terminated.
Delphi is 32bit, so you can't allocate memory addresses larger than that.
Take a look at this:
What is a safe Maximum Stack Size or How to measure use of stack?

How to reserve memory for my application and leave a specified amount remaining?

I'm planning an application which will involve loading many pictures at one time and thus requires a large chunk of memory. For example, I might have 50 image objects created at once, taking a total of 1GB of RAM. But when the user goes to load 20 more pictures, I'd like to make sure that amount of memory is already reserved and ready.
Now this part might seem a little backwards from normal. Rather than specifying how much memory my application shall reserve, instead I need to specify how much memory to leave free for other applications, and adjust my application's memory periodically according to this specification. I must say I've never worked with reserving memory at all, and especially won't know how to leave this remaining available memory.
So for example, if the computer has 2048 MB of RAM, and the option is set to leave 50 MB free for other applications, and there is already 10MB of RAM being used by other apps, then it should reserve 2048-50-10 = 1988 MB for my app.
The trouble I foresee is suppose the user opens another application which requires 1GB. My app has to catch this and shrink its self.
Does this even sound like a feasible approach? Basically, I need to make sure there is as much memory reserved as possible at any given time, while leaving a decent amount available for other apps. Would it make a significant impact on performance if I do this, or not much at all? I might be loading and unloading images at rapid paces, and I don't want it to reserve/free this memory on demand, I want it to stay reserved.
+1 for Sertac's mentioning of how SQL Server rides the line of allocating memory it needs, but releasing memory when Windows complains.
Applications can receive Window's complaints by using the CreateMemoryResourceNotification:
hLowMemory := CreateMemoryResourceNotification(LowMemoryResourceNotification);
Applications can use memory resource notification events to scale the
memory usage as appropriate. If available memory is low, the
application can reduce its working set. If available memory is high,
the application can allocate more memory.
Any thread of the calling
process can specify the memory resource notification handle in a call
to the QueryMemoryResourceNotification function or one of the wait functions.
The state of the object is signaled when the specified
memory condition exists. This is a system-wide event, so all
applications receive notification when the object is signaled. Note
that there is a range of memory availability where neither the
LowMemoryResourceNotification or HighMemoryResourceNotification object
is signaled. In this case, applications should attempt to keep the
memory use constant.
But it's also worth mentioning that you might as well allocate memory that you need. Your operating system has a very sophisiticated set of algorithms to swap out the least used memory when memory pressure is high. You can take advantage of this by simply allocating all the memory that you need. When Windows starts to run low, it will find those pages of memory that you are using the least and swap them out to disk. (This is how a well-known reverse proxy works).
The only thing left is to decide if you want to free some images when Windows says it's running low on RAM. But if you're not using the memory, it is going to be swapped out to disk for you.
It's not realistic to account for other apps. Just ignore them. The system will page things in and out as needed. If you really wanted to do this you'd have to dynamically adapt to other processes as they start and finish. That's really not realistic. What's more it's not practical to inquire of other processes how much memory they need. Leave it all to the system.
Set a budget for your app and make sure you don't exceed it. Keep the most recently used images in memory and when you approach your memory budget throw away the least recently used images to make space.
If you are stressing the available resources then make sure you use FastMM and enable LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE for your app so that you get 4GB address space when running on a 64 bit OS.

Should a process always consume the same amount of memory if executed in the same way?

Hi folks and thanks for your time in advance.
I'm currently extending our C# test framework to monitor the memory consumed by our application. The intention being that a bug is potentially raised if the memory consumption significantly jumps on a new build as resources are always tight.
I'm using System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessByName and then checking the PrivateMemorySize64 value.
During developing the new test, when using the same build of the application for consistency, I've seen it consume differing amounts of memory despite supposedly executing exactly the same code.
So my question is, if once an application has launched, fully loaded and in this case in it's idle state, hence in an identical state from run to run, can I expect the private bytes consumed to be identical from run to run?
I need to clarify that I can expect memory usage to be consistent as any degree of varience starts to reduce the effectiveness of the test as a degree of tolerance would need to be introduced, something I'd like to avoid.
1) Should the memory usage be 100% consistent presuming the application is behaving consistenly? This was my expectation.
2) Is there is any degree of variance in the private byte usage returned by windows or in the memory it allocates when requested by an app?
Currently, if the answer is memory consumed should be consistent as I was expecteding, the issue lies in our app actually requesting a differing amount of memory.
Many thanks
Almost everything in .NET uses the runtime's garbage collector, and when exactly it runs and how much memory it frees depends on a lot of factors, many of which are out of your hands. For example, when another program needs a lot of memory, and you have a lot of collectable memory at hand, the GC might decide to free it now, whereas when your program is the only one running, the GC heuristics might decide it's more efficient to let collectable memory accumulate a bit longer. So, short answer: No, memory usage is not going to be 100% consistent.
OTOH, if you have really big differences between runs (say, a few megabytes on one run vs. half a gigabyte on another), you should get suspicious.
If the program is deterministic (like all embedded programs should be), then yes. In an OS environment you are very unlikely to get the same figures due to memory fragmentation and numerous other factors.
Just noted this a C# app, so no, but the numbers should be relatively close (+/- 10% or less).
