how to get text of kendo editor text in button click - editor

I am using Kendo UI editor for my project (MVC 4 application).
In the button click event I need to display the editor text in another div once user enters the text and clicks on the preview button.
How do I do this?

Try this:
function getClick(e) {
try { //the name of your editor
var editor = $("#editor").data("kendoEditor");
var editorContent = editor.value();
//Do Your stuff here
catch (e) { }
then call with a button
<button class="k-button" id="btnPreviewContent" onclick="getClick()">PreviewEditor Content</button>


Loading component on button click in Angular7

How can I make edit button work in a data table in angular 7. I would also like to know how to load a component on button click,
Ok here is my idea to acheive it
First for a button to work we use (click)
<button (click)="toggledata()">Show</button>
<demo-component *ngIf="value"></demo-component>
value = false;
toggledata() {
this.value = !this.value;

how to add standard textbox command to jqgrid context menu

If context menu is added to jqGrid using Custom values to Context Menu Items in JQgrid and text filed inline editing is used, textbox standard context menu is not available, it is replace with jqGrid context menu.
How to add standard textbox context menu commands ( Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Select all ) to jqGrid conext menu or how to show standard context menu for textbox inline editing?
On inline edit, if standard menu is opened by right clicking on yellow background or in autocomplete box and after that standard browser context menu is opened, custom menu is not closed, two menus appear.
How to fix this ?
It's not easy to implement in context menu commands like "Copy", "Paste", ... so I decide to modify my demo from the answer on your previous question. In the new demo the context menu appears only if the page contains no selected text.
The first problem is that the original code of the jquery.contextmenu.js contains the following code fragment:
$(this).bind('contextmenu', function(e) {
// Check if onContextMenu() defined
var bShowContext = (!!hash[index].onContextMenu) ? hash[index].onContextMenu(e) : true;
if (bShowContext) display(index, this, e, options);
return false;
So the contextmenu handler return always false and prevent creating of the standard context menu. I fix the code to the following (you can download full modified code here):
$(this).bind('contextmenu', function(e) {
// Check if onContextMenu() defined
var bShowContext = (!!hash[index].onContextMenu) ? hash[index].onContextMenu(e) : true;
currentTarget =;
if (bShowContext) {
display(index, this, e, options);
return false;
The code of createContexMenuFromNavigatorButtons functions described here I modified
onContextMenu: function (e) {
var rowId = $("tr.jqgrow").attr("id"), p = grid[0].p, i,
if (rowId && getSelectedText() === '') {
return true;
} else {
return false; // no contex menu
to use getSelectedText() and to create the context menu only if no text is selected. As the result you will be see your custom context menu only if no text is selected and see the standard context menu (which depend on web browser) if the text selection exist:
UPDATED: I modified my bug report about jquery.contextmenu.js with additional information based on the answer. I hope that the changes will be soon in the main code of jquery.contextmenu.js included in the plugins subdirectory.
UPDATED 2: How you can see here all the fixes are already in the main code of jqGrid on the github and in included in the jqGrid 4.3.
UPDATED 3: If you want to have the standard context menu for all enabled <input type="text" ...>, <input type="textarea" ...> and <textarea ...> elements you should just modify a little the code inside of onContextMenu callback. For example
onContextMenu: function (e) {
var p = grid[0].p, i, lastSelId,
$target = $(,
rowId = $target.closest("tr.jqgrow").attr("id"),
isInput = $':text:enabled') ||
$'input[type=textarea]:enabled') ||
if (rowId && !isInput && getSelectedText() === '') {
see one more demo where inline editing will be activate by double-click.

How to close the popup window in Telerik MVC

I am using telerik MVC control and I am having a popup window and I want to close the pop up window by firing click event from my cancel button on the popup window .
Can someone tell me how should I do it ?
This is what I did
<input type="button" value="Cancel" onclick="onClose()" />
and my java script is like this
<script type="text/javascript">
function onClose() {
but when I do that I get a confirmation box asking me whether I want to close the window and If I select yes my browser window is closed.
I just did a similar thing with the window from telerik.
They have demos out that helped me.
Try for the mvc controls
You need to get a handle of the object
function GetRadWindow() {
var oWindow = null;
if (window.radWindow) oWindow = window.radWindow;
else if (window.frameElement.radWindow) oWindow = window.frameElement.radWindow;
return oWindow;
Then you can call close on the rad window object
function windowClose(reload) {
var oWindow = GetRadWindow();

markitup preview toggle

I want to add a button to a markitup set by which i can toggle preview, that is if i click on preview button i can see the preview, if i want to hide the preview - i can hide it by using that button. I've googleed for this but still no result. Any idea how to do that?
Nevermind, i've figured it out. I've added a button to hide it, code as below -
{name:'Hide Preview', call: function (markitUp){ miu.hidepreview()}, className:'hidepreview'}
Where hidepreview() as my custom function. I defined this function as below
miu = {
hidepreview : function(){
It works for me.
You can do it by holding the Alt key and clicking on the Preview button - this will close the opened preview window.
It's in the else if statement of the preview() function:
} else if (altKey === true) {
if (iFrame) {
} else {
previewWindow = iFrame = false;

GLOBAL loading inside each single button with Jquery in ajax calls of mvc

I have the following scenario:
I have a button\link with a image inside like this:
<button type="submit" id="myButton" class="button"><img src="../../Content/images/check.png" id="defaultImage" />
We are OK here! Now what I need to do is:
I want on the click that the image change for a loading element that is previously loaded in the page like this:
<img id="loadingImage" src="../../Content/images/loader.gif" style="display: none;" alt="loading"/>
And then when the load complete turn back the old button image, I ended with this code:
function loader() {
var $button = $('#myButton');
if (btnState == '1') {
$('#loadingImage').css({ 'display': 'inherit' });
btnState = '0';
else {
btnState = '1';
This does the trick for ONE SINGLE button(since I pass its ID in the function) but, when I have for example a grid with a button on each line, I found inviable when managing a screen with many buttons do this for each of then. The main question is: How can I make this method general for all buttons/links on one specific class in the page?
The goal is: Click a button, get the image and change it and stop(can be manual). I just don't wanna have to Hook ALL buttons.
You should do something like this, it will prevent the user from double submitting:
$('.button').click(function(evt) {
var button = this;
$('ID or CLASS').load('AJAX FILE URL', function() {
//On success, show button remove image
function hideButton(button) {
$(button).hide().after('<img src="../../Content/images/loader.gif" alt="loading"/>');
function showButton(button) {
All of the code above should be in the $(document).load
Your HTML should look like:
<button type="submit" class="button"><img src="../../Content/images/check.png" />SaveData!!!</button>
There is no need for Id's now on anything.
