markitup preview toggle - markitup

I want to add a button to a markitup set by which i can toggle preview, that is if i click on preview button i can see the preview, if i want to hide the preview - i can hide it by using that button. I've googleed for this but still no result. Any idea how to do that?

Nevermind, i've figured it out. I've added a button to hide it, code as below -
{name:'Hide Preview', call: function (markitUp){ miu.hidepreview()}, className:'hidepreview'}
Where hidepreview() as my custom function. I defined this function as below
miu = {
hidepreview : function(){
It works for me.

You can do it by holding the Alt key and clicking on the Preview button - this will close the opened preview window.
It's in the else if statement of the preview() function:
} else if (altKey === true) {
if (iFrame) {
} else {
previewWindow = iFrame = false;


Nativescript Angular Detect Swipe to Back for IOS

In Nativescript Angular, I can swipe from left edge to right to go back on iOS. Is there any way i can detect or capture this swipe back?
The reason for this is because I have a button on screen that execute "this.routerExtensions.back()" when tapped. I would like to identify whether a "Back action" is from this button or iOS swipe event.
NativeScript has this property on pages.
If you set that to false, you should then be able to create your own gesture for going back. Even on native iOS, I am not sure you can directly tap into the back gesture without instead replacing it with your own.
This is how I was able to solve it for Android and iOS:
adjust constructor to manipulate the pullToLeft function from Android, and disable the default swipe back from iOS:
constructor(...) {
if (isAndroid) {
(data: AndroidActivityBackPressedEventData) => {
data.cancel = true;
} else {
page.enableSwipeBackNavigation = false;
for Android it is already working - for iOS you need then to write a function you can use on a template (this is also how you can recognize the swipe action):
public onSwipe = (args: SwipeGestureEventData) => {
if (!isAndroid) {
if (args.direction === SwipeDirection.right) {
disable the default PopGestureSerializer and add the swipe function on top of your template/element and it should work on iOS as well:
<StackLayout [interactivePopGestureRecognizer]="false" (swipe)='onSwipe($event)'>

Loading component on button click in Angular7

How can I make edit button work in a data table in angular 7. I would also like to know how to load a component on button click,
Ok here is my idea to acheive it
First for a button to work we use (click)
<button (click)="toggledata()">Show</button>
<demo-component *ngIf="value"></demo-component>
value = false;
toggledata() {
this.value = !this.value;

Dismiss tip with EasyTipView swift library

I have been using the EasyTipView swift library for a couple of days, however i am not able to make a particular tip dismiss, i can only make the tip disappear if i tap on it.
This is my sample code:
// Mostramos el tooltip al usuario self.buttonRefresh, text: "Refresh Button Tip".localized)
The tip will appear below the "buttonRefresh" element in my navigation bar, what i would like to accomplish is that tapping on that same button, the tip disappears.
You can find the library here:
Thanks in advance
EasyTipView has a member function called dismiss. But to be able to use that you need to have an EasyTipView member variable in your class.
Once you have that , you can call dismiss to remove the EasyTipView window.
var easyTipView : EasyTipView!
func handleRefresh()
if self.easyTipView == nil
self.easyTipView = EasyTipView(text: "Hello There") true, forView: self.buttonRefresh!, withinSuperView: nil)
self.easyTipView = nil
Simply, you can do something like this:
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.5) {
self.tipView = nil

how to get text of kendo editor text in button click

I am using Kendo UI editor for my project (MVC 4 application).
In the button click event I need to display the editor text in another div once user enters the text and clicks on the preview button.
How do I do this?
Try this:
function getClick(e) {
try { //the name of your editor
var editor = $("#editor").data("kendoEditor");
var editorContent = editor.value();
//Do Your stuff here
catch (e) { }
then call with a button
<button class="k-button" id="btnPreviewContent" onclick="getClick()">PreviewEditor Content</button>

Toggle Toolbar in Firefox extension

I have a toolbarbutton and I want it to toggle a toolbox > toolbar when it is clicked. I thought there might be an internal function similar to toggleSidebar(id) but I cannot find it.
Well there is no function, however there is a simple solution for anyone looking for it.
First on the toolbarbutton add the following attribute:
then in the javascript:
toggleToolbar: function(e) {
var toolbar = document.getElementById('uniqueName-toolbar');
if(toolbar.getAttribute('hidden')== 'true'){
toolbar.setAttribute('hidden', false);
toolbar.setAttribute('hidden', true);
