Twilio is sending the Message Fall Back URL text along with actual text - twilio

Initially I have been using the TwiML response to send response to my text messages. But since my requirement has changed and I need to send more than 10 messages in response to my text hence I am now using the Twilio API to send the message out. So to fix this now I am trying to send nothing as the TwiML response for my Text Messages and instead using the Twilio API to send the actual messages out. I also have a TwiML bin URL attached to my short code as a Message Fall Back URL in case Twilio is not able to connect to my REST API URL. So now when a Text message is received by Twilio it connects to my REST API and the response is sent. But I am getting the response from the Message FallBack URL first and then the actual response for my text message via the Twilio API. Is there anyway to avoid this? I can remove the Message Fall back URL but then what would happen in the actual case when Twilio is not able to connect to my server?
This is how I have added the code:
var twilioResponse = new Twilio.TwiML.TwilioResponse();
...... have code that uses Twilio API to send out more than 10 messages.
...... Since the messages are going out via Twilio API hence returning NULL to the TwiML response
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, twilioResponse.Element);
More Updates:
As I mentioned earlier I'm using the REST API to send an SMS. When a Text request comes Twilio server calls my URL supplied to the REST call.
Sometimes my server is little slow in responding - in which case twilio gets the fallback URL message and passes on the text message.
How do I increase the timeout ? This timeout is the time the server responding with TWIML.
Please help - any pointers are appreciated.

Twilio evangelist here.
My first suggestion would be to check your accounts App Monitor to see if Twilio is logging any errors. The Fallback URL should not be getting requested unless Twilio fails to get a valid response from the primary URL.
The default timeout for a Twilio request is 15 seconds, so if your server is taking longer than that to respond there may be a bigger issue happening with your server or network.
Hope that helps.


Proper structure - Twilio Callback

I have been having some success sending sms messages with Twilio via curl. Now I am wanting to implement the callback url to track the status of the message.. I cannot seem to get the call back to work
I have tried encoding it in JSON and also appending it as parameter and I havent been able to have any success.. Any help is appreciated
It's not JSON, it is sent as urlencoded (application/x-www-form-urlencoded).
Where do I find the specifications for inbound HTTP requests to my server?

How to Forward SMS Message to URL

I used this as my helpguide: Twilio: Forward received SMS to URL
But the problem is I cannot extract anything from the set of parameters.
I'm using Classic ASP and I'm try to capture anything that exists in the Request.QueryString by placing it into a database.
All I want to do is to insert the from phone number and body/text message into my database every time a message is received. All I get is an empty record in the database.
By default when Twilio receives an SMS to your Twilio phone number it makes a POST request to your ASP page, sending a set of form-encoded values. This means you should use:
If you want Twilio to make a GET request instead, allowing you to use Request.Querystring, you can configure that on the phone number configuration page in your Twilio Console.
According to the docs, the default value for Twilio's StatusCallbackMethod is POST, so unless you've specified otherwise, you will be receiving your desired parameters in the POST body, not in the query string.
If you just want to forward an SMS to a URL or Rest API there are few android apps that do just that, most of them are paid ones.
This is one example:

Twilio Application Failed Message

I have been trying to build a app that redirect a Twilio number to another phone number when a customer call Twilio number.
When callback URL does not return proper Twilml, it says "Application has failed" message on the call.
However, I do not want my customers hear that message even though there is a error.
Is there a way to turn that message off?
Thank you.
Twilio evangelist here.
There is no way to disable the error message, but you can set a Fallback URL on your phone number that Twilio will request in case the Voice Request URL fails.
You could set the Fallback URL to a simple static XML file hosted somewhere like Amazon or Dropbox, or use a service like to host some backup TwiML for you.

Is there a way to see the response to Twilio's request to the SMS URL?

When I set my SMS Url for a given phone number and then send a text to that phone number, the request somehow fails. Is there a way for me to inspect the error response (404/500/403 etc) to see any exception details from my twilio dashboard?
Hi Twilio Customer Support here,
Have you viewed the app monitor?
It contains all of the errors that your account has recorded, you can drill down on each error to see the request body etc.

twilio browser to browser incoming message shows +19999999999 instead of client name

I'm following the php quick start guide, and when I try call from one browser client to another browser client, I see the incoming messages shows that the call is coming from "+199999999" instead of the name of the client who is calling. Is anyone else experiencing this?
It appears that this happens when you don't specify a callerId. After adding a twilio number to the callerId variable, the incoming call message now shows the call is my twilio number instead of +19999999. For those who are wondering, you can also change your the callerId to a client name in the format of client:yourdesiredclientname for when you are dialing to a client.
