Set Landscape Orientation for iPad Only NOT iPhone - ios

I have an iPhone Storyboard and iPad Storyboard in my xCode project. In my iPhone version, I only want portrait mode to work (which is already there).
Now, I have added a storyboard for iPad, but iPad is working only with Portrait mode. However, I want the iPad to work in Portrait and Landscape and the iPhone to remain as portrait only
Please advise.

Select your project -> Target -> Deployement info -> iPhone.
and checkmark as follow:
for iPhone:
And for iPad:

Select your Project from document directory.
Go to Targets->General->Deployment Info
Here you will have iPhone and iPad options with relevant orientation info.
Checkmark the orientations you want, specific to device.


Prevent display rotation on iPad

In Xcode in Device orientation section only "Portrait" is selected. On iPhone it works properly, when phone rotated to landscape mode it still works as portrait, so no changing. But on iPad (6th generation) when display is rotated to landscape mode actual screen in my app is also rotated, but without autoscaling. But I don't want that it will be possible to rotate screen on iPad. Do I need to fix it by code or some other settings on Xcode besides "Device Orientation" settings
So in the info.plist for your app you just gotta go to "Supported interface orientation (iPad)" open that section up with the disclosure triangle and delete the items you don't want to rotate to for the iPad!

IOS Launch screen storyboard shows up in different orientation

I have an IOS app built with XCODE 11 which is landscape only(right+left).We are trying to move from Legacy launch images to Story board Launch screen.
The issue seems to be that the new launch screen appears as expected in landscape mode but when the device is in portrait orientation, the launch screen also appears in portrait , which looks weird because the image is meant to be in landscape to match the app orientation.
Note: The app launches in landscape after the launch screen irrespective of how the device is held.
Is there a way to lock the launch screen orientation to match the app (Landscape left+right)?
Been stuck on this issue for a while, appreciate any inputs :)
Have you tried set Supported interface orientations landscape in your info.plist only ?

How to disable portrait orientation for Ipad in swift 2 and xcode 7

I have been having this issue with the layout orientations specifically with ipads. In xcode, I clicked on the project itself in the left panel and disabled portrait layout. This worked for iphones and ipods but not ipads. The application is run on any ipad, the portrait mode is enabled. When turned to the portrait orientation in an ipad, my layout gets squished together and looks very bad. Is there anyway I would be able to only allow the devise orientation to be landscape on every device?
Here is a screenshot of the settings I have

Orientation issue in iOS 7.1 or iPhone landscape

I am developing an app support iOS 6.0 and up and only in landscape mode for both device.
I have an issue in splash screen/launch screen for landscape mode, I have used 2 approach but didn't work properly.
Approach 1: When I use Images.xcassets to set Launch images. It work fine in iPad device of any OS but don't work in iPhone device as specially in 4" screen phones and 4.7" screen phones.
I have attached image of Images.xcassets as below:
Approach 2
Now because of above problem, I have used lauchscreen.xib for iPhone and iPad. Now problem is, when i use this approach, Splash screen display as a portrait mode rather than landscape in iOS 7.1 only.
Supported Device Orientation:
I was shock when I read this and heard about it..
Till iOS 7, Apple don't support Landscape mode for iPhone and iPod. Apple supports Landscape mode only for iPad.
So what if we develop app and give support from iOS 6 / iOS 7?
In Images.xcassets, select iPhone for portrait mode and add rotated image with 90 degree.
Let's understand with Step by step process :-
Suppose you have image with 480x320 dimension image.
Open that image in preview(Image editor)/photoshop.
Now rotate that image and save it.
Add rotated image at respective place in Images.xcassets.
Clean Project and run.
Please make sure your orientations are set appropriately. Also please refer this link for more details :- iOS 6: How do I restrict some views to portrait and allow others to rotate?

Xcode 6.1. Uncheck and check back portrait orientation. Simulator never appears in portrait mode

As we know "General" tab has "Device orientation" section where we can specify required device orientations.
The issue is next: when I once uncheck portrait orientation in Xcode settings, the simulator every time works in landscape mode, even if I checked portrait orientation back and reset all settings on the simulator.
Here is a video how it works:
The reason the simulator wants to run in landscape is most likely because of your "info.plist" file. The "supported interface orientations" array in the plist contains all of your supported interface orientations. Whichever orientation is first in that array is the one your simulator will default to when you run your application. Unchecking and rechecking an orientation (in the "General" tab) puts it at the bottom of the array, so the simulator doesn't use that orientation. It's an Xcode problem, not a simulator problem, which is why resetting the simulator didn't do anything. If you uncheck landscape and portrait, recheck portrait, then recheck landscape, the simulator will use portrait orientation. Hope it helps :)
