UITableView not rendering without autolayout - ios

So I have a TableView that sits inside a scroll view. I have autolayout turned off so I can scroll. However, the table view does not render when autolayout is turned off(the cellForIndexAtPath method is not called).
I need the table view to be scrolled to -
UITableView not rendering
has all the code.

To check if the table and scroll view are added in the nib file, you can try assigning different background colours to them temporarily. If the components are visible, check if you have connected their delegate and datasource connections to file owner.
Hope this helps.


UICollectionView Scrolling the ViewController

Im trying to implement a CollectionView inside my viewController.
And it works just fine.
The problem Im having is that the CollectionView scrolls inside the Parent controller.
I wish to make that if you scroll the collection view - the whole view is scrolled and not just the collection view bit.
I tried disabling scrolling on the Collection View but then nothing is scrolling anymore.
So how would I go about setting the collection view, so that once you scroll on it the whole page scrolls and not just the collection view scrolling inside the parent view controller?
It should be simple, and you've done one right thing already.
Disable scrolling of your collectionView (or tableView, in the future just in case you'll use it, they're basically the same).
Add your collectionView (or tableView) inside a scrollView.
That scrollView is of course in your controller's view.
Make sure every constraints are set properly.
You might need to get the size of your collectionView (say height), and set that height value to the constraint height of your collectionView.
These answers of mine in the past should help you:
Voila. The only scrolling enabled is your scrollView that contains your collectionView (or tableView).

UITableview frame changes after scrolling thanks to Autolayout

I'm working on a application where I have a UITableView inside a UIScrollview.
The TableView will display current games players are in, its inside a UIScrollView. I dynamically add cells to the UITableView for each game, but when I scroll the UIScrollView, the tableview inside it snaps back to its size set in the storybuilder.
This is because of autolayout, when I disable it, it doesn't happen anymore. However I do like autolayout for other views in my app. So my question is, how can I fix this problem?
Maybe someone can help me get on the right track.
I think I must explain my situation more, I will use an image where I can display what is happening
Before and after scrolling.
As you can see I use the scrollview because there can be many games, so you'll have to scroll down to see them all. The TableView is just to hold the data, scrolling is disabled on that. After scrolling the TableView that says "JOUW BEURT" snaps back to its size set in the Storybuilder. This is because of auto layout like I said, but I don't know how to fix this.
You shouldn't put a tableview inside a scrollview as a tableview itself contains a scrollview and causes issues just like you are seeing when you have a scrollview inside a scrollview.
Remove the scrollview and this should fix your issue. If you are wanting to put content above the tableview or where you scroll down to view the tableview cells etc, consider adding a tableview header view that is added above the tableview.
Why did you place UITableView inside UIScrollView?
Check below
Check your constraints of UITableView and UIScrollView
Placing UITableView inside UIScrollView is somewhat strange
You will just need to remove the scrollview and enable scrolling feature of the tableview. that will fix it
UITableView is already a subclass of

Resize UIView above UITableView

I want to create layout similar to default Weather App in iOS. My view controller has UIView at top and UITableView below it. I want to resize dynamically top view while scrolling table view. I made view controller delegate of table view so I can resize top view while
scrollViewDidScroll(scrollView: UIScrollView)
is called.
The problem is that I want to disable scrolling of table view while resizing top view. Any ides? Or maybe my approach to this layout is wrong and I should use another one?
I also faced same problem as per mine problem, I used my UIView as a header of table view and used the AutoLayout in my View and if you want to disable the scrolling of your table view you can simply use a block for completion of your view resizing and you can disable scrolling of your table until your block will not give completion. Hope this solution will be helpful for you.

ios : tableview not appearing in subview of a scrollview

I have a scrollview with multiple views.Enabled horizontal scrolling.Each view contains a tableview.I have page control in scrollview. when i drag horizontally, the views are appearing without tableview except the first view. Please give me suggestions.
Make sure if setContentSize to your scrollview means scrollview content size is the size of your main view.
When you scroll to next view or if you scroll to view displayed for first time, make sure you reload table. You can implement his through delegate and protocols. For example, when you scroll to second view for first time, then controller should call some method on subview to reload its table.

UITableView will not resize after UITextField becomes first responder

I have two Scenes in my Storyboard that are nearly identical. Both are UITableViewControllers. Both have header and footer views. The header views have a UISearchBar and the footer views have a UIView that contains a UITextField. Each have only one prototype cell. One is prototyped as a "Basic" cell and the other is prototyped as "Right Detail" cell.
Here's the problem. When I click the UITextField in the footer view on the first scene, the table resizes automatically so that the bottom of the table is at the top of the keyboard. This allows me to scroll the table up so the footer view shows and the user is able to see what they're typing. The other scene will not automatically resize the UITableView so the UITableView cannot scroll the footer view to where it can be seen and the UITextField is hidden under the keyboard. I can't even manually scroll the table far enough since the footer is always at the bottom of the UITableView.
A little added info. The scene that works has many rows of data while the one that doesn't work only has a couple. I tried adding a number of rows until the table had enough to enable scrolling and it doesn't fix the problem.
I have checked everything I can think of and I can't see anything that would allow one of the views to let the UITableView to automatically resize to work with the keyboard and the other not. I must have overlooked something but I can't seem to find it.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
I thought this problem was caused by copy-and-pasting from one view to another, but I had the same problem once I'd (in theory) fixed it.
The answer for me turned out to be simple: I hadn't called [super viewWillAppear:animated] in my UITableViewController subclass' viewWillAppear: implementation. Make sure you've got a call to the superclass' method and hopefully the problem will go away.
I am guessing the frame of the tableview is not being resized to the smaller size in the second case.
Print out the frame and content sizes in both the cases once its loaded, that should help you see if there is an issue.
