Send bitcoin to entered wallet address [closed] - ruby-on-rails

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm trying to look through different APIs for bitcoin transactions, but havn't been able to find a clear path for what I'm trying to achieve. I was hoping some one could explain to me an easy way to send bitcoins based on the entered amount from the user on a form. I'm going to be using ruby on rails to create the site.

With ruby on rails its very simple. Coinbase has its own gem: gem 'coinbase' which you can add to your gem file. Then simply look in the docs ( and the source code ( of the gem to find what you need to do. Hope this helps!


Ruby on Rails: Data gather from blogsites [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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This is a very broad question, so please bear with me.
I wanted to create an app that gets data from another website, specifically However, I don't think medium has an API.
Specifically, what I wanted to achieve is to search the of articles that has 500 or more likes, or perhaps one that has 50 or more responses (comments). I wanted to do it with ruby on
How do you think I can do that? Please if you know how, point me in the right direction. Thank you in advance :)
I would recommend webscraping using the ruby gem called nokogiri.
It is a generic way of obtaining data that can be used for almost any website.
Take a look at these links to get started :-)
Web Scraping with Ruby and Nokogiri for Beginners
And a personal favourite
Parsing HTML with Nokogiri
Currently, there is no API to get all POSTS, neither search them, see

difference between fullcalendar-engine-rails fullcalendar-rails gem [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Does sby know what's the main difference between the fullcalendar-rails and the fullcalendar-engine-rails gem? I don't know which one I should pick.
Looks like the engine version depends upon the non-engine one... Just looking at the readmes:
this is a rails implementation of the jquery plugin.
It lets you add the js into your asset pipeline by adding the gem to your gemfile instead of copy/pasting js into your app
This seems to be an engine implementation of the above - it appears to give you some nicer convenience methods on top of just bringing in the js.
Note: this is from a quick google and 30 seconds of skimming the readmes... I suggest you read them yourself to get more info.
As to "which one to choose"... can't help you if you don't tell us what you need it for. (also that's probably a bit beyond the scope of an S/O question.

Integrating Instagram API With Rails [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm very new to rails and have very little experience with programming in general. I was given the project of creating a simple rails app that is able to check a users Instagram when given their User ID and Password. My question in general is how do I approach this? Where do I start and essentially how do I do this?
Well, you should never ask for the user's password for an external service (no sane user will give it to you). Instead use omniauth (omniauth-instagram, specifically) to get an access_token and then simply use the Instagram ruby gem ( to get their timeline.

how to run the rails example code present in github? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am trying to run the code present in but could not able to do. I have tried a few examples before and it went so good. I could not do the same with this. There is no gemfile and probably few things are missing. Somebody tell me how to execute this particular example.
The last commit is 3 years old on that repo so I doubt it is compatible with bundle and Rails 3. I would advise you to try devise for authentication instead os authlogic as with Rails3 that is the defacto auth gem.
Example applications:

Building a Code Generator in ruby.. Where to start? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've been thinking about starting an open source admin panel for rails using the cappuccino JavaScript / Objective-J web framework..
How would I get started?
Are there any resources you can point me to, that explain dynamic scaffolding like code generation?
Thanks and looking forward to collaborating if anyones interested?
You may want to take a look # rails_admin. It is a port of Merb Admin. It's still pretty young, but may give you ideas on the approach.
ActiveScaffold has been around for a while too which may be another good reference project.
