MVC form application access from mobile device -

I have this MVC web application that generates and return XML file as a result. I also have mobile application that gets xml file from MVC web application.
I have simplemembership as authentication for mvc web app and I want to use it with my mobile application without using web browser. How do I approach to implement such process?

One approach is to use basic authentication where you send the credentials in the header of the HTML request. You need to use SSL/HTTPS on the server to make this secure. Here is an article on how to use basic authentication with SimpleMembership.


Separating Web Api and Web Site

i'm new to web api, owin, and everything related to it.
I'm trying to find the best way to do this scenario:
1 - Web api to have all the connections and rest service
2 - Web site to show data to user on a browser using the restful service
3 - An mobile app that have some functionalities like the web site and access the restful service to get all the information
My doubt is: what's the best practice related to the login? I'll use owin/oath2 with Identity to login, but since it's going to be implemented on the web api, the login/register/forgot password should be on the web api directly (like the project template does) or should i move most of the functionality to the web site? Of course its easier to leave in the web api, but if i do it, i must duplicate my razor templates just to call the login part. Can someone give me a path to follow?
the answer is not, your web api should not have any html or js or css file, only the services that your need, the web api exposes the functions to register the user, next when you have to do request, you must Send a token, you can obtain the token using the URL that you have configure in owin, the URL is like /token and Send the username and pass.

MVC/SPA Authentication Scenarios for Azure AD

These are Application Types and Scenarios that Azure AD supports:
Web Browser to Web Application
Native Application to Web API
Web Application to Web API
Daemon or Server Application to Web API
I have two questions:
I would like to understand where my scenario below fits.
I think I need to use JWT tokens and it seems that Native Application to Web API is the closest,
but I still need Asp.Net MVC application to deliver Client side Angular MVC resources (html templates, controllers and Rest services)
Which Azure Active Directory Code Samples are the closest to my scenario below:
I would like to create a multi-tenant Angularjs (delivered using Asp.Net MVC 5) and Rest Web API 2 secured with Azure AD. I would like to have tenants choose their domain names like, or to have subdomains like,
or, or similar domain naming scheme.
I would use some kind of IoC container to add customization to my SaaS application or similar to deliver specific functionality to each tenant (GUI and business logic and DB).
I would use and Asp.Net MVC application that will custom tailor SPA resources (html templates, .js controllers, .js services, .css, images etc) to each tenant and use some partitioning techniquest to retrieve tenant and user specific content from DB called from Rest API controllers.
I am also facing the same 'i dont know' issue :)
But far as i have researched the authorization flow from SPA aplication to the web api.
You still need webserver(mvc) project that will privide redirecting to the Identity provider (azure AD) login page and on the IP callback you will need to inject baerer token to Angular auth service that will send token to the api or deal with the refresh token.
So for me I think that, Web Application to Web API, is the right direction programming.
pls comment if i'm wrong
Currently i'm investigating link
update 2:
Maybe it will be helpful to us.

Authentication of Web API and AngularJS SPA app

I have two servers - web and app. The web server (IIS) serves only static files - HTML/CSS/JS. On executing the JS, the client gets the data from the app server (HTTP service using Web API, self hosted with OWIN). I need to bring in authentication so that my data as well as the content is restricted.
I can use SSL, I can pass username / password to the web api, have it authenticated and get back a token. I can pass this token for future web api requests. In my client app javascript (done using AngularJS), I can also maintain info whether the user is authenticated, what roles she has etc. (for user experience). But for security, I need to be able to ensure the html content requested (in the web server) is also having authentication and authorization done. How can I achieve this?
Should I change my app to make the web server call the app server internally rather than from the client? I can use MVC controllers or ASP.NET, but since I was using AngularJS, I thought it is not required, and is kind of a duplicate. Should I ditch pure .html files and move to .cshtml?
How is this done in the Angular + .NET world, when you data comes from a different server than your htmls?
We've been using JSONP with REST type api to do cross domain AJAX calls, but our Angular client code is within .cshtml files in a .NET project. Sounds like the simplest solution is to use the app server internally- I would go with that

ASP.NET Web API - Authetication in Windows Forms Application

I developed a web system using ASP.NET MVC 4 and I must perform an integration using .NET Web API and Windows Forms Application.
So far everything has been fine, but now I need to authenticate the users using Windows Forms Application and this application will be open on the internet.
My application already contains users that are registered in the database and currently are authenticated using the component 'Authorize' of ASP.NET MVC.
For data consumption through the client (Windows Forms Application) currently I use the library Microsoft ASP.NET Web Client API.
How can I accomplish this task safely?
Does anyone have any suggestions?
You can extend the HttpClient to add authentication. One example can be found here. It shows how to add a HttpMessageHandler into your pipeline for authentication using OAuth.
Here is the complete List of ASP.NET Web API and HttpClient Samples
Take a look at this Q&A which describes creating a custom AuthorizeAttribute for Web API that also authenticates the user using http basic security and grabbing the credentials from the HTTP header. Note that there is a different AuthorizeAttribute for ASP.NET Web API (System.Web.Http.AuthorizeAttribute) as opposed to the one for an MVC controller (System.Web.Mvc.AuthroizeAttribute). They have different behaviors. You do not want a call to a Web API being redirected to a logon page.

Using Forms authentication cross domain

here is our problem..
We have built an MVC Web-api that uses Forms authentication with cookies to handle sessions.
When we use our front-end webpage on the same domain (localhost or web-server) as the web-api, all works fine. (We use JQuery $.get and $.post to communicate with the web-api).
Though the front-end is in the future supposed to be a standalone html5 app, not located on the same domain as the web-api.
This isn't working unfortunately.
The web-api does return an authentication cookie to the client, BUT the cookie isn't brought back to the web-api when the front-end sends it's requests.
When both web-api and front-end are on the same domain, the cookie is automatically sent with the request.
We've tried setting
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *" and "Access-Control-Allow-Authentication: true" in the web-api webconfig file.
What you need is a single-sign-on(SSO) feature.
Browser will only cookies to the same domain, that is the reason why it was not working when applications are located on different domains.
There a nice article in CodeProject on implementing SSO in ASP.NET - it applies to ASP.Net MVC too.
