Using Forms authentication cross domain -

here is our problem..
We have built an MVC Web-api that uses Forms authentication with cookies to handle sessions.
When we use our front-end webpage on the same domain (localhost or web-server) as the web-api, all works fine. (We use JQuery $.get and $.post to communicate with the web-api).
Though the front-end is in the future supposed to be a standalone html5 app, not located on the same domain as the web-api.
This isn't working unfortunately.
The web-api does return an authentication cookie to the client, BUT the cookie isn't brought back to the web-api when the front-end sends it's requests.
When both web-api and front-end are on the same domain, the cookie is automatically sent with the request.
We've tried setting
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *" and "Access-Control-Allow-Authentication: true" in the web-api webconfig file.

What you need is a single-sign-on(SSO) feature.
Browser will only cookies to the same domain, that is the reason why it was not working when applications are located on different domains.
There a nice article in CodeProject on implementing SSO in ASP.NET - it applies to ASP.Net MVC too.


Can I use OIDC Hybrid Flow While Serving Angular SPA from ASP.NET Core MVC Project?

I've got 2 different .NET Core 2.2 MVC projects. I'm using IdentityServer4 for the token server, Azure B2C for the identity store.
The 1st MVC app is a normal MVC application, and I've got it working perfectly with the OIDC Hybrid flow.
The 2nd MVC app is an Angular 7 cli app, which serves up the index.html and houses the API that the app will be calling. The angular app will not call any other APIs directly (gateway pattern).
My questions are about the 2nd app - I'm trying to figure out the best way to set up the Angular app for security.
My understanding is: OIDC Implicit flow exposes exposes the access token on the browser. OIDC Hybrid flow does not expose the access token (at least when hitting the same web server - no CORS), because the web server (client) uses the back channel to obtain the access token, via the authorization code, and its never exposed to the browser.
QUESTION #1: Is my understanding of Implicit vs. Hybrid correct?
If my understanding is correct, I'd think the best way to go would be Hybrid flow even for the Angular app, but most samples I've seen for using OIDC with Angular involve the Implicit flow, and don't take advantage of the authorization code / backchannel. Avoiding having an access token on the browser seems like a big deal, like a worthy goal, but wondering why it doesn't seem to be done?
QUESTION #2: I'm serving up my Angular index.html from my MVC server - why can't I just use Hybrid flow to protect the index.html page, and keep the token on the backchannel?
Something tells me my understanding of all this isn't quite complete...
Your understanding is correct. You can protect your index.html. The only problem you will face that way is that it's not the default configuration for today. With your requirements, most likely you don't need any of oidc client libs at all, you can protect your (only) API with a (same-site, http-only) cookie (not a bearer token) and in your Angular guards just ensure that you are still logged in to your back (if not, redirect through a local MVC resource to involve server-side code into login procedure).
See this question, especially the comments and link below for further reference.

AngularJS + ASP.NET Web API + ASP.NET MVC Authentication

I am new to AngularJS and trying to evaluate it for my new web application.
I will have one ASP.NET Web API which will be consumed from an Android, an iPhone and from a web application (ASP.NET MVC) too. ASP.NET Identity will be implemented in Web API. All three applications will call the login method of Web API to get the auth token.
My problem is how to get ASP.NET MVC server side authentication work (in sync with Web API so I don't have to login for ASP.NET MVC separately) while Angular makes a call to get the HTML template/view, JavaScript files or other resources. I have went through many articles and blogs on AngularJS but still unable to find a security model which fits in my requirement.
Possible Solution:
Would it be a good idea to make the login call to ASP.NET MVC application instead of Web API directly, and ASP.NET MVC application would call the Web API to login, and once authenticated, save the auth token in session plus create a FormsAuthentication cookie and in cookie data save the encrypted auth token. Moreover set the auth token in ng-init somewhere in HTML to have the token in AngularJS scope. Now when AngularJS tries to make a call to ASP.NET MVC application to get HTML, then authenticate/authorize the user by matching the cookie decryted data with auth data in session. Also, AngularJS will send the auth token in header to call the Web API methods directly for all the subsequent calls for data manipulation through Web API.
I solved the problem with a very strait forward solution. I just made sure I have following two lines of code in the Register method of WebApiConfig:
config.Filters.Add(new HostAuthenticationFilter(OAuthDefaults.AuthenticationType));
That's it. Now my MVC controllers look for the session cookie for authorization whereas my Web API controllers look for the auth token in the header of each request. Moreover, the Web API sends a token (JSON) and a session cookie itself in response to the login/authentication request e.g. http:\\\token.
So now I send my login request to Web API to get the token as well as the session cookie. Session cookie will automatically be sent will each request so I don't have to worry about the authorization of my MVC controllers. For Web API calls I am sending the auth token in the header for each request as Web API controllers don't care about the session cookie being sent with the request.
Also worth a look:
(based on this SO question)
Warning: it's not for the faint-hearted...
HTML5 + AngularJS + $ngRoute
NuGet scaffolding
Yeoman (Grunt/Bower)
Owin framework (OAuth 2.0)
I think you are on the right path. I would store the tokens in an Angular Service to make it easier on yourself ( I'm a little confused on what you mean by "AngularJS tries to make a call to ASP.NET MVC application to get HTML", you shouldn't need to secure the MVC app, it's just running your Angular right? The API is the piece you want to secure as well.

Authentication of Web API and AngularJS SPA app

I have two servers - web and app. The web server (IIS) serves only static files - HTML/CSS/JS. On executing the JS, the client gets the data from the app server (HTTP service using Web API, self hosted with OWIN). I need to bring in authentication so that my data as well as the content is restricted.
I can use SSL, I can pass username / password to the web api, have it authenticated and get back a token. I can pass this token for future web api requests. In my client app javascript (done using AngularJS), I can also maintain info whether the user is authenticated, what roles she has etc. (for user experience). But for security, I need to be able to ensure the html content requested (in the web server) is also having authentication and authorization done. How can I achieve this?
Should I change my app to make the web server call the app server internally rather than from the client? I can use MVC controllers or ASP.NET, but since I was using AngularJS, I thought it is not required, and is kind of a duplicate. Should I ditch pure .html files and move to .cshtml?
How is this done in the Angular + .NET world, when you data comes from a different server than your htmls?
We've been using JSONP with REST type api to do cross domain AJAX calls, but our Angular client code is within .cshtml files in a .NET project. Sounds like the simplest solution is to use the app server internally- I would go with that

Authenticating basic-auth REST API calls from forms-authenticated web app

I'm developing a service that has two components - a web interface and a REST API. I use ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web API, respectively. The two components are hosted on different subdomains of the same domain.
I want the REST API to be used by both external users and the web interface, and I want to simplify authentication as much as possible.
The REST API currently only supports basic authentication.
The web interface uses forms authentication and thus generates an ASPXAUTH cookie. The web interface interacts with the REST API using AJAX calls.
My question to the community is:
How do I authenticate the AJAX calls from the web interface to the
REST API, using the most elegant and secure method?
Some ideas:
Send the ASPXAUTH cookie in the ajax calls (by changing the cookie domain to "" to allow cross-subdomain read) and adding an authentication method in the API that reads the ASPXAUTH. Not sure if this is a great idea, or how to implement this.
Storing the user name and API key in separate cookies. Not really safe unless the values are encrypted/hashed.
Using OAuth in the web interface and rest api, instead of forms + basic authentication?
Ok, I've come up with the following solution:
I've added form authentication to the REST API and made sure not to use IsolateApps in the <machinekey>section of machine.config. This ensures that the REST API can use the same ASPXAUTH cookie. I'm making sure to fall back to basic authentication if no ASPXAUTH cookie is present.
Since there's no way to include the ASPXAUTH cookie in ajax requests to a different subdomain due to the Same-origin policy (even though the cookie's domain is ""), the solution I chose was to add an application (through IIS) to the web interface with the name "api".
The ajax calls now point to "/" instead of "", and the ASPXAUTH cookie is included and works.
Not sure if this is the best solution, but it's both clean and secure. Only tweak is the sharing of machine keys. If running in a web farm you would need to set the same machine key to all machines.

MVC form application access from mobile device

I have this MVC web application that generates and return XML file as a result. I also have mobile application that gets xml file from MVC web application.
I have simplemembership as authentication for mvc web app and I want to use it with my mobile application without using web browser. How do I approach to implement such process?
One approach is to use basic authentication where you send the credentials in the header of the HTML request. You need to use SSL/HTTPS on the server to make this secure. Here is an article on how to use basic authentication with SimpleMembership.
