I want to do application(Play 2) to application(Spring) Private API call that is secured by OAuth 1.X. How can I do that in Play 2 framework? Following this example I was able to invoke the service in 3 legged way. What changes I should make to switch to 2 legged way?
I had a similar problem and found Steven Phung's gist on github:
def doRequest(key: String, secret: String) {
val ck = ConsumerKey(key, secret)
val calc = OAuthCalculator(ck, RequestToken("", ""))
WS.url(endpoint).sign(calc).get.map(response => {
This code snippet assumes that you have empty request token key and secret. If you have a specific token key and secret that you need to provide to calculate the OAuth signature, then you need to provide them as arguments to the constructor of RequestToken.
The classes you need to import can be found in play.api.libs.oauth._.
I have an Restful API which requires OAuth2 in order to get the token.
$username = 'A'
$password = 'B'
$ClientID = "C"
$client_secret = "D"
$RestEndpoint = 'https://oauth2/token'
I am trying to create a Logic Apps. But I am not sure if Logic Apps can handle OAuth2 or if there is a way.
If you are using Azure AD then you should be able to follow the these instructions:
Part 3 has the specific configuration within your Logic App:
Part 3: Populate the Authorization section in the Logic app
In the Authorization section of the HTTP action: {"tenant":"<<tenantId>>", "audience":"<<clientID from Part 2>>", "clientId":"<<clientID from Part 1>>","secret": "<<Password or Key from Part 1>>","type":"ActiveDirectoryOAuth" }
Trying to create a web client that uses oauth to connect to multiple sso endopints, google mainly. This is on top of a spring boot project, I just keep getting the same error that no code is provided, but I'm not sure how i'm supposed to get a code without the access token first. Here is a simple version of what im trying to run I want localhost/8080 to redir to google to login and comeback to the same page or a different one doesn't matter
fun google(#RequestParam(value = "code") code: String?, model: Model): String {
val clientId = "asdf.apps.googleusercontent.com"
val secret = "1234"
var goog = GoogleAuth.create(Vertx.factory.vertx(), clientId, secret)
goog.authenticate(JsonObject().put("code", code), {
return "test"
the error is always
"error": "invalid_request",
"error_description": "Missing required parameter: code"
but how can I provide a code first I need some sort of response from the server. I'm pretty familiar with restful oauth and must be missing something
You can't use the GoogleAuth like that. GoogleAuth provides the basic primitives to handle the OAuth2 protocol. As you're not using the vertx-web part you will need to setup a callback endpoint in your application (I guess it's the /google endpoint you listed) but now you miss the whole Oauth2 handshake. Your client (browser) should call Google, which calls your server to validate the code.
So what you're asking here is to re-implement the vert.x web Oauth2Handler using Spring Boot APIs.
In my implementation I am using OpenID-Connect Server (Identity Server v3+) to authenticate Asp.net MVC 5 app (with AngularJS front-end)
I am planning to use OID Code flow (with Scope Open_ID) to authenticate the client (RP). For the OpenID connect middle-ware, I am using OWIN (Katana Project) components.
Before the implementation, I want to understand back-channel token request, refresh token request process, etc using OWIN.. But I am unable to find any documentation for this type of implementation (most of the available examples use Implicit flow).
I could find samples for generic Code flow implementation for ID Server v3 here https://github.com/IdentityServer/IdentityServer3.Samples/tree/master/source
I am looking for a similar one using OWIN middleware ? Does anyone have any pointers ?
Edit: good news, code flow and response_mode=query support was finally added to Katana, as part of the 4.1 release (that shipped in November 2019): https://github.com/aspnet/AspNetKatana/wiki/Roadmap#410-release-november-2019.
The OpenID Connect middleware doesn't support the code flow: http://katanaproject.codeplex.com/workitem/247 (it's already fixed in the ASP.NET 5 version, though).
Actually, only the implicit flow (id_token) is officially supported, and you have to use the response_mode=form_post extension. Trying to use the authorization code flow will simply result in an exception being thrown during the callback, because it won't be able to extract the (missing) id_token from the authentication response.
Though not directly supported, you can also use the hybrid flow (code + id_token (+ token)), but it's up to you to implement the token request part. You can see https://github.com/aspnet-contrib/AspNet.Security.OpenIdConnect.Server/blob/dev/samples/Nancy/Nancy.Client/Startup.cs#L82-L115 for an example.
The answer and comment replies by Pinpoint are spot on. Thanks!
But if you are willing to step away from the NuGet package and instead run modified source code for Microsoft.Owin.Security.OpenIdConnect you can get code (code) flow with form_post.
Of course this can be said for all open source project problems but this was an quick solution for a big thing in my case so I thought I'd share that it could be an option.
I downloaded code from https://github.com/aspnet/AspNetKatana, added the csproj to my solution and removed lines from https://github.com/aspnet/AspNetKatana/blob/dev/src/Microsoft.Owin.Security.OpenIdConnect/OpenidConnectAuthenticationHandler.cs in AuthenticateCoreAsync().
You must then combine it with backchannel calls and then create your own new ClaimsIdentity() to set as the notification.AuthenticationTicket.
// Install-Package IdentityModel to handle the backchannel calls in a nicer fashion
AuthorizationCodeReceived = async notification =>
var configuration = await notification.Options.ConfigurationManager
var tokenClient = new TokenClient(configuration.TokenEndpoint,
notification.Options.ClientId, notification.Options.ClientSecret,
var tokenResponse = await tokenClient.RequestAuthorizationCodeAsync(
cancellationToken: notification.Request.CallCancelled);
if (tokenResponse.IsError
|| string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tokenResponse.AccessToken)
|| string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tokenResponse.RefreshToken))
notification.Response.Write("Error retrieving tokens.");
var userInfoClient = new UserInfoClient(configuration.UserInfoEndpoint);
var userInfoResponse = await userInfoClient.GetAsync(tokenResponse.AccessToken);
if (userInfoResponse.IsError)
notification.Response.Write("Error retrieving user info.");
is there an example of a 2 legged oauth implementation with cxf ?
the documentation has an implementation for a 3 legged implementation, but not a 2 leg.
For 2 legged implementation you need to use either "password" or "client_credentials" grant.
The first one is for acting on behalf of an end user, and the second one is for acting as a client app itself.
There is an example in their docs right now. Let me know if it doesn't work for you.
Here's the code that I ended up using.
WebClient client = WebClient.create(LOGIN_ENDPOINT);
Consumer consumer = new Consumer(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET); //The registered client
ClientAccessToken accessToken = OAuthClientUtils.getAccessToken(client, consumer, new ResourceOwnerGrant(USER_ID, USER_SECRET), false);
It implements the "Resource Ownner Password Credentials Access Grant Type"
Does anyone have sample code or clear instructions on how to use libEtPan to connect to a GMail account using OAuth? I couldn't find anything.
Details for OAuth in GMail are here: http://code.google.com/apis/gmail/oauth/
libetpan has some documentation in its header files, for IMAP it's in https://github.com/dinhviethoa/libetpan/blob/master/src/low-level/imap/mailimap_oauth2.h
Authenticates the client using using an oauth2 token.
To gather a deeper understanding of the OAuth2 aunthentication
process refer to: https://developers.google.com/gmail/xoauth2_protocol
For a quick start you may follow this brief set of steps:
1. Set up a profile for your app in the Google
API Console: https://code.google.com/apis/console
2. With your recently obtained client_id and secret
load the following URL (everything goes ina single line):
3. The user most follow instructions to authorize application access
to Gmail.
4. After the user hits the "Accept" button it will be redirected to another
page where the access token will be issued.
5. Now from the app we need and authorization token, to get one we issue a POST request
the following URL: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token using these parameters:
client_id: This is the client id we got from step 1
client_secret: Client secret as we got it from step 1
code: This is the code we received in step 4
redirect_uri: This is a redirect URI where the access token will be sent, for non
web applications this is usually urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob (as we got from step 1)
grant_type: Always use the authorization_code parameter to retrieve an access and refresh tokens
6. After step 5 completes we receive a JSON object similar to:
The above output gives us the access_token, now we need to also retrieve the user's e-mail,
to do that we need to perform an HTTP GET request to Google's UserInfo API using this URL:
this will return the following JSON output:
"id": "00000000000002222220000000",
"email": "email#example.com",
"verified_email": true
#param session IMAP session
#param auth_user Authentication user (tipically an e-mail address, depends on server)
#param access_token OAuth2 access token
#return the return code is one of MAILIMAP_ERROR_XXX or
int mailimap_oauth2_authenticate(mailimap * session, const char * auth_user,
const char * access_token);
int mailimap_has_xoauth2(mailimap * session);
I haven't tried it out myself yet, but when I get around to implement it I'll post a link of the implementation.
Update March 2021
I finally got around to implement support for Google OAuth 2.0 in my email client nmail now. The commit can be viewed here but essentially I ended up doing steps 2-6 above in a separate external script, as libetpan does not do the token generation/refresh for us. The token handling is fairly straight-forward - see oauth2nmail.py for example.