rails get output from controller methods? - ruby-on-rails

I have the following code in my Application Controller
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
# Prevent CSRF attacks by raising an exception.
# For APIs, you may want to use :null_session instead.
protect_from_forgery with: :exception
def get_mkts(all_idx)
mkts = Set.new
all_idx.each do |idx|
m = decode_index_names(idx)
puts m[:mkt]
def decode_index_names(name)
mkt = name.split(/[0-9]/)[0]
type = get_first_num(mkt);
{:mkt => mkt,:type => type}
def get_first_num(str)
And I'm inputting an array of strings like this:
, "ES1", "ES2tv5", "ES2tv10", "ES2tv15", "ES2tv20", "NQ1", "NQ2tv5", "NQ2tv10", "NQ2tv15", "USBONDS2tv5", "USBONDS2tv10", "USBONDS2tv15", "USBONDS2tv20", "GERMANBONDS2tv5", "GERMANBONDS2tv10", "GERMANB
The method get_mkts is supposed to loop through, extract the text up tot the first number and create a unique array of symbols (which is why i used Set). However, I can't get the method to output anything other than the original input. In rails console I'm able to see from the output of "puts m[:mkt]" that each loop through is getting the correct value, I just don't know how to return the set mkts instead of the input value. Any ideas?

Ruby methods return the result of the last statement if you don't use return. In your case it's each and that's why you get the input back. You can do something like this:
def get_mkts(all_idx)
mkts = Set.new
all_idx.each do |idx|
m = decode_index_names(idx)
puts m[:mkt]
This will return the mkts set instead of all_idx.

The method can be rewritten has:
def get_mkts(all_idx)
all_idx.map { |idx| decode_index_names(idx) }.uniq
Looks more rubyish and its shorter and cleaner


Passing multiple scopes to Concern Method - Ruby on Rails

In the process of drying my Rails app code, I have created the following concern that is used to generate the contents of an index method.
define_method(:generate_index) do |string, scope|
instance_variable_set( "##{string}", string.camelize.constantize.public_send(scope))
I use this code to generate something like the following:
def index
generate_index("foo", "all")
# #foo = Foo.all
What I'd like to do is to have the define method accept a number of scopes. I tried passing in an array of scopes but that results in an error.
Any ideas?
You could use the splash * operator:
define_method(:generate_index) do |klass, *scopes|
scope = klass.to_s.camelize.constantize
scopes.each { |s| scope = scope.send(s) }
instance_variable_set("##{string}", scope)
def index
generate_index(:foo, :all, :where_not_test)
# #foo = Foo.all.where_not_test

How to create case(switch) statement with a hash of constants using ruby on rails?

I want to create the equivalent of this code, except using a hash and some meta programming.
def current_verb
case params[:controller]
when "apps"
#current_verb = "MADE "
when "articles"
#current_verb = "LEARNED "
when "articles"
#current_verb = "WONDERED " # Change later to specify articles with a certain tag.
#current_verb = "IS "
Intuitively, I tried something like this, but it seems to be invalid.
So far I have this in the application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
before_action :current_verb
verbs = { pages: "IS",
apps: "MADE",
articles: "TAUGHT",
articles: "WONDERED"
def current_verb
case params[:controller]
verbs.each |key, value| do
# need this to spit out literal code, not evaluate code
when key
#current_verb = value
#current_verb = verbs[:pages]
The tricky part about this is that I don't think I can use define_method or send because the looped portion isn't the entirety of the method. Thanks for the help.
It looks like you're just looking up a key in a hash and returning its value. The only caveat appears to be that if the ke isn't found then you want to return a default value of "IS". I would suggest using Hash#fetch for this.
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
VERBS = { pages: "IS",
apps: "MADE",
articles: "TAUGHT",
articles: "WONDERED"
before_action :set_current_verb
def set_current_verb
#current_verb = VERBS.fetch(controller_name) { "IS" }
Note that I made VERBS a constant so that it would be visible to the set_current_verb method. And I included it above the private designation because constants can't be private anyway. Using the VERBS hash inside of the set_current_verb method would cause it to be evaluated every single time, so the constant is a better solution still. Also, controller_name is preferred over params[:controller] for its expressiveness and because it will avoid returning namespaces should any exist in the future.
Also, the VERBS hash seems to have two identical keys. I assume that's just a typo and can be corrected by you.

solr, sunspot, bad request, illegal character

I am introducing sunspot search into my project. I got a POC by just searching by the name field. When I introduced the description field and reindexed sold I get the following error.
** Invoke sunspot:reindex (first_time)
** Invoke environment (first_time)
** Execute environment
** Execute sunspot:reindex
Skipping progress bar: for progress reporting, add gem 'progress_bar' to your Gemfile
rake aborted!
RSolr::Error::Http: RSolr::Error::Http - 400 Bad Request
Error: {'responseHeader'=>{'status'=>400,'QTime'=>18},'error'=>{'msg'=>'Illegal character ((CTRL-CHAR, code 11))
at [row,col {unknown-source}]: [42,1]','code'=>400}}
Request Data: "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><add><doc><field name=\"id\">ItemsDesign 1322</field><field name=\"type\">ItemsDesign</field><field name=\"type\">ActiveRecord::Base</field><field name=\"class_name\">ItemsDesign</field><field name=\"name_text\">River City Clocks Musical Multi-Colored Quartz Cuckoo Clock</field><field name=\"description_text\">This colorful chalet style German quartz cuckoo clock accurately keeps time and plays 12 different melodies. Many colorful flowers are painted on the clock case and figures of a Saint Bernard and Alpine horn player are on each side of the clock dial. Two decorative pine cone weights are suspended beneath the clock case by two chains. The heart shaped pendulum continously swings back and forth.
On every
I assuming that the bad char is 
 that you can see at the bottom. that 
 is littered in a lot of the descriptions. I'm not even sure what char that is.
What can I do to get solr to ignore it or clean the data so that sold can handle it.
Put the following in an initializer to automatically clean sunspot calls of any UTF8 control characters:
# config/initializers/sunspot.rb
module Sunspot
# DataExtractors present an internal API for the indexer to use to extract
# field values from models for indexing. They must implement the #value_for
# method, which takes an object and returns the value extracted from it.
module DataExtractor #:nodoc: all
# AttributeExtractors extract data by simply calling a method on the block.
class AttributeExtractor
def initialize(attribute_name)
#attribute_name = attribute_name
def value_for(object)
Filter.new( object.send(#attribute_name) ).value
# BlockExtractors extract data by evaluating a block in the context of the
# object instance, or if the block takes an argument, by passing the object
# as the argument to the block. Either way, the return value of the block is
# the value returned by the extractor.
class BlockExtractor
def initialize(&block)
#block = block
def value_for(object)
Filter.new( Util.instance_eval_or_call(object, &#block) ).value
# Constant data extractors simply return the same value for every object.
class Constant
def initialize(value)
#value = value
def value_for(object)
# A Filter to allow easy value cleaning
class Filter
def initialize(value)
#value = value
def value
strip_control_characters #value
def strip_control_characters(value)
return value unless value.is_a? String
value.chars.inject("") do |str, char|
unless char.ascii_only? and (char.ord < 32 or char.ord == 127)
str << char
Source (Sunspot Github Issues): Sunspot Solr Reindexing failing due to illegal characters
I tried the solution #thekingoftruth proposed, however it did not solve the problem. Found an alternative version of the Filter class in the same github thread that he links to and that solved my problem.
The main difference was the i use nested models through HABTM relationships.
This is my search block in the model:
searchable do
text :name, :description, :excerpt
text :venue_name do
venue.name if venue.present?
text :artist_name do
artists.map { |a| a.name if a.present? } if artists.present?
Here is the initializer that worked for me:
(in: config/initializers/sunspot.rb)
module Sunspot
# DataExtractors present an internal API for the indexer to use to extract
# field values from models for indexing. They must implement the #value_for
# method, which takes an object and returns the value extracted from it.
module DataExtractor #:nodoc: all
# AttributeExtractors extract data by simply calling a method on the block.
class AttributeExtractor
def initialize(attribute_name)
#attribute_name = attribute_name
def value_for(object)
Filter.new( object.send(#attribute_name) ).value
# BlockExtractors extract data by evaluating a block in the context of the
# object instance, or if the block takes an argument, by passing the object
# as the argument to the block. Either way, the return value of the block is
# the value returned by the extractor.
class BlockExtractor
def initialize(&block)
#block = block
def value_for(object)
Filter.new( Util.instance_eval_or_call(object, &#block) ).value
# Constant data extractors simply return the same value for every object.
class Constant
def initialize(value)
#value = value
def value_for(object)
# A Filter to allow easy value cleaning
class Filter
def initialize(value)
#value = value
def value
if #value.is_a? String
strip_control_characters_from_string #value
elsif #value.is_a? Array
#value.map { |v| strip_control_characters_from_string v }
elsif #value.is_a? Hash
#value.inject({}) do |hash, (k, v)|
hash.merge( strip_control_characters_from_string(k) => strip_control_characters_from_string(v) )
def strip_control_characters_from_string(value)
return value unless value.is_a? String
value.chars.inject("") do |str, char|
unless char.ascii_only? && (char.ord < 32 || char.ord == 127)
str << char
You need to get rid of control characters from UTF8 while saving your content. Solr will not reindex this properly and throw this error.
You can use something like this:
name.gsub!(/\p{Cc}/, "")
If you want to override it globally I think it could be possible by overriding value_for_methods in AttributeExtractor and if needed BlockExtractor.
I wasn't checking this.
If you manage to add some global patch, please let me know.
I had lately same issue.

How to pass Arguments and use those in (resque-status) Resque::JobWithStatus?

my resque worker class is:
require 'resque'
require 'resque/job_with_status'
class PatstatResqueWorker < Resque::JobWithStatus
#queue = :my_worker_q
def self.perform(query, label)
puts "query:"
puts options['query']
puts "label:"
puts options['label']
and my controller part, where I call this resque is...
class MyController < ApplicationController
def resque
job_id = PatstatResqueWorker.create(:query => #query, :label => "yes")
status = Resque::Plugins::Status::Hash.get(job_id)
and its not working :(
if i remove the parameter from resque function it says Wrong number of arguments (2 for 0) and if i add the parameter section back it says options not defined :(
Could you help?
The reason you're getting the "options not defined" error is that you haven't defined options in the method that uses it. Your self.perform method expects to receive two distinct arguments, query and label, but the code inside the method expects to have an options hash. You've got to choose one or the other.
Either do this:
def self.perform(query, label)
# use the parameters we've already defined
puts "query:"
puts query
puts "label:"
puts label
# call it like this
PatstatResqueWorker.create(#query, "yes")
Or else do this:
# change the method signature to match what you're doing
def self.perform(options)
puts "query:"
puts options['query']
puts "label:"
puts options['label']
# call it like this, with string keys
PatstatResqueWorker.create('query' => #query, 'label' => "yes")
Notice that with the hash version, I changed the call to use strings for the hash keys instead of symbols. You can use symbols if you want, but you'd have to change it in the body of the method as well (i.e. options[:query] instead of options['query']). You've just got to be consistent.

Is there a way to access method arguments in Ruby?

New to Ruby and ROR and loving it each day, so here is my question since I have not idea how to google it (and I have tried :) )
we have method
def foo(first_name, last_name, age, sex, is_plumber)
# some code
# error happens here
logger.error "Method has failed, here are all method arguments #{SOMETHING}"
So what I am looking for way to get all arguments passed to method, without listing each one. Since this is Ruby I assume there is a way :) if it was java I would just list them :)
Output would be:
Method has failed, here are all method arguments {"Mario", "Super", 40, true, true}
In Ruby 1.9.2 and later you can use the parameters method on a method to get the list of parameters for that method. This will return a list of pairs indicating the name of the parameter and whether it is required.
If you do
def foo(x, y)
method(:foo).parameters # => [[:req, :x], [:req, :y]]
You can use the special variable __method__ to get the name of the current method. So within a method the names of its parameters can be obtained via
args = method(__method__).parameters.map { |arg| arg[1].to_s }
You could then display the name and value of each parameter with
logger.error "Method failed with " + args.map { |arg| "#{arg} = #{eval arg}" }.join(', ')
Note: since this answer was originally written, in current versions of Ruby eval can no longer be called with a symbol. To address this, an explicit to_s has been added when building the list of parameter names i.e. parameters.map { |arg| arg[1].to_s }
Since Ruby 2.1 you can use binding.local_variable_get to read value of any local variable, including method parameters (arguments). Thanks to that you can improve the accepted answer to avoid evil eval.
def foo(x, y)
method(__method__).parameters.map do |_, name|
foo(1, 2) # => 1, 2
One way to handle this is:
def foo(*args)
first_name, last_name, age, sex, is_plumber = *args
# some code
# error happens here
logger.error "Method has failed, here are all method arguments #{args.inspect}"
This is an interesting question. Maybe using local_variables? But there must be a way other than using eval. I'm looking in Kernel doc
class Test
def method(first, last)
local_variables.each do |var|
puts eval var.to_s
Test.new().method("aaa", 1) # outputs "aaa", 1
If you need arguments as a Hash, and you don't want to pollute method's body with tricky extraction of parameters, use this:
def mymethod(firstarg, kw_arg1:, kw_arg2: :default)
args = MethodArguments.(binding) # All arguments are in `args` hash now
Just add this class to your project:
class MethodArguments
def self.call(ext_binding)
raise ArgumentError, "Binding expected, #{ext_binding.class.name} given" unless ext_binding.is_a?(Binding)
method_name = ext_binding.eval("__method__")
ext_binding.receiver.method(method_name).parameters.map do |_, name|
[name, ext_binding.local_variable_get(name)]
This may be helpful...
def foo(x, y)
def args(callers_binding)
callers_name = caller[0][/`.*'/][1..-2]
parameters = method(callers_name).parameters
parameters.map { |_, arg_name|
You can define a constant such as:
ARGS_TO_HASH = "method(__method__).parameters.map { |arg| arg[1].to_s }.map { |arg| { arg.to_sym => eval(arg) } }.reduce Hash.new, :merge"
And use it in your code like:
args = eval(ARGS_TO_HASH)
If the function is inside some class then you can do something like this:
class Car
def drive(speed)
car = Car.new
method = car.method(:drive)
p method.parameters #=> [[:req, :speed]]
If you would change the method signature, you can do something like this:
def foo(*args)
# some code
# error happens here
logger.error "Method has failed, here are all method arguments #{args}"
def foo(opts={})
# some code
# error happens here
logger.error "Method has failed, here are all method arguments #{opts.values}"
In this case, interpolated args or opts.values will be an array, but you can join if on comma. Cheers
It seems like what this question is trying to accomplish could be done with a gem I just released, https://github.com/ericbeland/exception_details. It will list local variables and vlaues (and instance variables) from rescued exceptions. Might be worth a look...
Before I go further, you're passing too many arguments into foo. It looks like all of those arguments are attributes on a Model, correct? You should really be passing the object itself. End of speech.
You could use a "splat" argument. It shoves everything into an array. It would look like:
def foo(*bar)
log.error "Error with arguments #{bar.joins(', ')}"
