iOS UITabBar Background Image Hides Unselected Tabs - ios

I am using the appearance method for UITabBar to set a Background Image on my tab bar. When I do this, the unselected icons on the tab bar do not appear any. What do I need to do to make sure those are visible, even when not selected?


Swift How do I stop the tab bar from changing background colors

I'm working on a project that requires a Tabbar. Currently I have my code set up so that after login or sign up I'm presented by the Explore tab (The third tab). The goal I'm trying to achieve is to have my project only show a translucent tab bar background. When I was originally working on my project I had no issue doing this. I ran in the problem after I incorporated a table view that allow for scrolling. Currently when ever I push on the tab 1-4 I get a translucent background. When tab 5 (includes the table view with scrolling) is pressed the background of the tab bar changes to a gray color. Even if I press out of the tab to a different one the gray tab bar background color doesn't change. The only way I found to dismiss the back ground color after the 5th tab has been selected is to scroll all the way down. After I'm scrolled down it allows the user to see the translucent background again. Then you can select different tab bars and you'll see the translucent background again. How do I only show a translucent color
You need to set Bar-Tint colour to Default. ScreenShot

How to change color or navigation bar in launchscreen.storyboard?

So I am trying to use launchscreen.storyboard for my launch screen and I embedded in a navigation bar and a tab bar.
Now my app's navigation bar color and tab bar color is not the default color.
Is there anyway for me to change the launch screen's navigation and tab colors? ( there is no way to add in programmatically since luanchscreen.storyboard is not supposed to have class, right?)
or do I have to use images instead?
select your navigationController -> click navigation bar --> change barTintColor
for E.g

How to set delegate to UIActivityViewController of QLPreviewController?

My application's navigation bar buttons color is white..
So I used below code to set color for entire application.
[[UIBarButtonItem appearance] setTintColor:fontColor];
QLPreviewContoller by default having option for UIActivityViewController so while opening MailComposer from UIActivityViewController I am getting white navigation bar button because I have used appearance
Attached screenshot for reference.
Can anybody help me in solving this issue?
Issue is not with QLPreviewController or UIActivityViewController. May be you don't set any colour for navigationBar, by default navigation bar will take white colour as background colour and you are also setting white colour for bar buttons so result will be like above image only. Try to set colour navigation bar using appearance then you can see bar button items.

Changing text color of individual bar button items in navigation bar

I have two bar button items placed in the navigation bar, but I want to change the text color of one to show whether its enabled or disabled. I've seen a lot of solutions for changing the text color for all navigation bar button items, but nothing for one specific bar button item. Most solutions on SO seem to be deprecated for iOS7 and iOS8. Any tips?

Is is possible to tint the TabBar without tinting the icons?

My app designers want a silver tab bar, which I've implemented by setting the tint color, and this works fine:
But this is also tinting the tab bar icons in such a way that they're hard to see, so I'd like to be able to control the color of these icons, but I can't figure out how. I've tried using black icons and gray icons, but they appear the same in the tab bar. Here are the source images:
But these both appear exactly the same in the tab bar, namely, the same silver color as the tab bar itself, or blue, if the tab is selected. (I'm showing the home icons here, but the same is true of the other icons.)
So how can I tint the tab bar but control the icon color? And can you have full color icons in the tab bar?
You can't change tint color of UITabBarItem icon, but you can set images to selected and unselected states:
[self.tabBarItem setFinishedSelectedImage:[UIImage imageNamed#"home-selected"]
withFinishedUnselectedImage:[UIImage imageNamed#"home-unselected"];
