Web Inspector on mobile Safari - ios

I'm having difficulty inspecting web pages on mobile Safari.
I'm using an iPhone 5S with the latest version of iOS 7 and the Safari nightly builds on Mac. I've also got the relevant options turned on for the iPhone and desktop Safari but my device never appears in the Develop option in Safari.
Has this feature been removed in iOS 7 or am I going mad?
Update: Furthermore, this seems to work fine with an iPad running iOS 7 so I've ruled out the version of iOS. And I've tried it with two different devices (both same spec, 5S) which don't work


Testing webauthn in the ios simulator

Does anyone know if testing webauthn in the iOS simulator (xcode 12) with ios 14.4 is possible? I tried it with https://webauthn.io and using an iPhone 8 with fingerprint enabled and iPhone 11 with faceid enabled but in both cases it does not seem work.
How to launch iOS simulator with Safari developer tools
1.Install XCode. If you are developing on Mac, chances are you already installed XCode. You can either use the Apple App Store (easiest way) to install XCode or get the DMG/XIP file to install it if you do not use the App Store.
2.Start iPhone/iOS Simulator.app to launch the Simulator. If you have not created a simulator yet, you need to do this in XCode. You can have multiple simulators as you might want to test on different devices. I recommend creating a shortcut so you do not need to open XCode every time you want to launch a simulator.
3.Open the Safari browser in the Simulator. As mentioned above, other browsers like Chrome are not supported.
4.Open the Safari browser on your Mac device to connect it with the Safari browser in the simulator. Now you should be able to use the Safari developer tools like in any other web page: see the DOM, set breakpoints for debugging, perform network analysis and much more.

navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia() not working iOS 11 standalone apps

navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia() is not working iOS 11 standalone apps. Does work in Safari 11 browser page.
Is this intentional? temporary?
Also, I can't get Safari 11 web inspector (MacOS Sierra 10.12.6) to even recognize any standalone web apps running on iPhone 7 with IOS11. It does recognize standalone apps pre IOS 11 iPhones. Also try{}catch{} reveals that navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia() is not valid call from standalone app in iPhone 7 running iOS 11.
In iOS 11, getUserMedia is only supported in Safari, not in UIWebView, WKWebView, SFSafariViewController, or web apps added to the home screen:

Polymer WebApp hosted on Firebase after update to iOS 10 start from homescreen stops working

A Polymer Progressive Web App based on PolymerStarterKit 1.3.0 works on all platforms (Windows with Chrome, Firebase, IE or MAC Safari, Android with Chrome and iOS with Safari etc).
After updating my Test-iPhone to iOS 10.0.2 it is no longer possible to start the application from the home screen. A blank screen is shown.
When I use Safari on the iPhone, the page is displayed after a second load.
There is an issue reported on Github. Looks like the issue I have shown here. The hint comes from firebase-support.
Updated webcomponentsjs in my app to 0.7.23. Same issue with my Test-iPhone5 iOS 10.x. as described above. Strange is that my users with iPhone6 or 6s have no problems using the app.

Debugging web app in iPad Simulator

I am developing a web app for iPad and testing it on Safari on Mac and Safari on iPad Simulator. Now there are some issues with CSS in iPad Simulator which work quite well in Safari on Mac.
Now my question is,
Is there a powerful debugging tool for Safari in iPad Simulator?
When running safari in an XCode device simulator, the desktop Safari (v6) Develop menu shows those devices. From there, you can fire up the developer tools (DOM browser etc.) for the mobile browser. This helped me debug an mobile safari css issue without hardware.
Note: As of iOS6 this is not the correct way of doing remote debugging, leaving this answer for historical reasons but you should look into remote inspection with Safari, here is a good article: http://jeffreysambells.com/2012/09/22/ios-safari-web-inspector
Have a look at this, (a bash script I wrote) https://gist.github.com/2241976. It will allow you to open the iPad simulator and run Webkit's remote inspector, which will look just like this.
iWebInspector is quite a powerful tool for the iOs simulator's Safari.
It uses the same inspector as Chrome and it works nicely (I've used it myself and found it really helpful).
From their website
iWebInspector is a free tool to debug, profile and inspect web
applications running on iOS Simulator (iPhone or iPad). You can check
resources, see and change HTML & CSS, use breakpoints on JavaScript
code, create charts and more just as if you were on Safari for
Desktop, Chrome or Firebug.
It works for any web in Safari -the web browser-, for a chrome-less
webapp (full-screen) and also for apps using UIWebView -including
PhoneGap applications-.

Ipad Test simulator

I have develop an application with html5 for ipad, but I cannot find any good simulator to test, from where I can get simulator or download?
Yes, you can download the iOS SDK from iOS Dev Center and it will contain the iPhone Simulator BUT note that you need Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6+) to get iPad support. Leopard's iOS SDK does not have iPad Support. (If you do have Snow Leopard select "Device" from top menu and select iPad to see the iPad simulator)
There are some options out there if your on Windows or don't have Snow Leopard but these will be for testing your HTML5 in the browser rather then as a compiled app.
BBDemo2 - An Adobe AIR App (so it uses Webkit, same as Safari & Thus iPhone/iPad)
iPad Peek - Web based browser that will likely only simulate dimensions (for best results maybe try using Safari)
Browerstack (paid service) supports the iPad / iPad 2 (4.3.2 and 5.0). They set up a virtual machine for you in the cloud, which can be accessed through your browser. For me this is the fastest / easiest way without owning a iPad or a mac.
It also offers tunneling so you can test your local application in their virtual machine.
xcode comes with one. if you have a mac, it is called iphone simulator. It can emulate both the iphone and the ipad.
