I am creating a site that utilizes videos that are hosted on brightcove so that our sales team can access these and post them to other retail sites. I have included a Download URL text area on the page that give the long URL of the selected video that if pasted into the browser, one can save the video as straight to their computer. I am needing to created a button that when clicked will automatically bring up the save as window on a persons computer so that it can be downloaded, or just a download button that will automatically start a download will work. Any suggestions?
<textarea id="divMeta.render" style="height:75px; width: 225px; resize: none;"></textarea>
</div> </br>
function urlLink(id){
document.getElementById('divMeta.render').innerHTML = url;
var link = window.open;
//renditions Metadata
document.getElementById('divMeta.render').innerHTML = url;
As long as the end users are using browsers that support the download attribute then you can just use that
<a href="http://example.com/video.mp4" download>Download me</a>
I work on a site, I want to embed all the Youtube-channel-videos into my site.
I found similar post like this code that acutally worked fine and loaded all videos as desired for some time, but yesterday I saw that the channel-video-list didnt load, displaying only one video. What have happend? Has Youtube made any updates lately so the channel-videos wont load?
<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/?listType=user_uploads&list=FeetMinistries" width="100%" height="800"></iframe>
Thanks for all the help I can get.
you could try
Embed a video
On a computer, go to the YouTube video you want to embed.
Under the video, click SHARE Share.
Click Embed.
From the box that appears, copy the HTML code.
Paste the code into your blog or website HTML.
Embed a playlist
Sign in to your YouTube account on a computer.
On the left side of the page, select the playlist you want to embed.
Copy the playlist ID from the URL.
Modify the embed code for an individual video by doing the following:
In the place of the video ID (after "embed/"), substitute
Then paste the playlist ID after the "=".
Paste the code into your blog or website HTML.
Consider following JQuery code snippet I'm usually using to dynamically load channel by channel Id.
url: "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlists",
type: 'get',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
part : 'snippet',
channelId: <channel_id>,
maxResults : 50,
key: '<API Key>',
success: function(data) {
I would like to build an Firefox extension which after users click it, a web page is dynamically constructed and opened in a new tab.
In "tab" API, I only saw tab.open() open a hyperlink to a remote website. Can I construct a JavaScript variable contains all the HTML contents (Like var page = "blahblah....") and open it? How to do that?
You don't have to dynamically construct it, just put a htm page in your addon and then the link to it will be resource://your addon id/blah.htm. This addon here creates a page: addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/twitch-alarm
You can also create an about:blah url to your page, this shows how to do it without the sdk: github.com/Noitidart/ZooniverseXpert
You don't have to create a html page dynamically but put a html page in your addon and refer it when you open a tab.
url : self.data.url("js/error.html"),
onReady : function(tab) {
var errorWorker = tab.attach({
contentScriptFile : self.data.url("js/error.js")
Here I am displaying an error page which is stored in my addon and attaching a content script file to dynamically change the contents of html page through message passing between main.js and error page.
Hope it is of some use to you.
On click of anchor tag I want to close the current tab and redirect to a new URL in new tab. I want this functionality to work for IE,mozilla,firefox and safari .Can anyone please provide me the javasciprt for the same . The reason i am trying something like this because i donot want users to click back button of the browser and get back into the site . Thanks
This code utilizes jquery to accomplish the task; it can be done in plain vanilla javascript as well. It should work across all (at least the more modern) browsers.
<a id="open">Open New Window</a><br />
<a id="openandclose">Open New Window and Close Old Window</a>
I am uploading a file using struts 2 with jsp as front end, but I dont want to refresh the page after the file is uploaded, so i am using Ajax but with that I am not able to get the File object in action, it seems file upload needs form tag in jsp,and if I am submitting the form then the page gets refreshed.
I researched through the net but cant get many relevant results, it would be of great help if someone guides me through this, is there a way for it. Any help would really be appreciated.
Best regards
I suggest to use iframe for upload file instead of ajax,
Sample code for Upload Csv file using struts2 and iframe :
var file = $("#fileUpload").val();
if(file.indexOf(".") != -1 && file.substr(file.indexOf("."))==".csv"){
/* created IFrame For UPload file*/
var iframe = $('<iframe name="uploadIPAddressIFrame" id="uploadIPAddressIFrame" style="display: none" />');
/* Set Form for submit iframe*/
var form = $('#ipPoolForm');
form.attr("action", "uploadCSVFile.do");
form.attr("target", "uploadIPAddressIFrame");
/* handle response of iframe */
$("#uploadIPAddressIFrame").load(function () {
response = $("#uploadIPAddressIFrame")[0].contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML;
After upload if you submit form then change target of form :
// Because of using iframe for upload set target value
$("#ipPoolForm").attr("target", "");
How can I get the video ID (and/or other metadata) about the video featured on a user's YouTube page? I've searched the YouTube API docs with no success.
Are you familiar with screen scraping?
If so, look for the following div tag with class "channels-featured-video-details". Then look for a link to the video inside that has the id in it: href="/watch?v=QgACcUDttQ0"
<div class="channels-featured-video-details yt-tile-visible clearfix">
<h3 class="title">
<a href="/watch?v=QgACcUDttQ0&feature=plcp" class="yt-uix-sessionlink" data-sessionlink="ei=COiLg4Kc97ICFaERIQod2UYSHQ%3D%3D&feature=plcp">