How can I get the video ID (and/or other metadata) about the video featured on a user's YouTube page? I've searched the YouTube API docs with no success.
Are you familiar with screen scraping?
If so, look for the following div tag with class "channels-featured-video-details". Then look for a link to the video inside that has the id in it: href="/watch?v=QgACcUDttQ0"
<div class="channels-featured-video-details yt-tile-visible clearfix">
<h3 class="title">
<a href="/watch?v=QgACcUDttQ0&feature=plcp" class="yt-uix-sessionlink" data-sessionlink="ei=COiLg4Kc97ICFaERIQod2UYSHQ%3D%3D&feature=plcp">
I'm in the process of adding a video that automatically plays to our Shopify store's homepage. Since the theme does only allow URL to the video, I tried to extract the URL with parameters from the embed code below to have the video play automatically.
URL that doesn't work:
Embed iframe code
<div style="padding:56.25% 0 0 0;position:relative;"><iframe src="" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div><script src=""></script>
Is there a way to get URL that autoplays the video just like the embedded code?
I picked up the parameters from Iframe and made this URL
I was trying to copy the same method to my website by using the below code, but when I implement other twitter user or account, it is not working. Can anyone check if the code format is still working in other Twiiter account?
<iframe border=0 frameborder=0 height=250 width=550 src=""></iframe>
I created a JSFiddle and looks like the code is working fine! Tested with two other users and both are loading fine. You have to check if your URL is properly encoded and if you have any adblockers that blocks social media features.
Sample code:
<iframe border=0 frameborder=0 height=250 width=550 src=""></iframe>
<iframe border=0 frameborder=0 height=250 width=550 src=""></iframe>
The online URL encoder that I used:
I am creating a site that utilizes videos that are hosted on brightcove so that our sales team can access these and post them to other retail sites. I have included a Download URL text area on the page that give the long URL of the selected video that if pasted into the browser, one can save the video as straight to their computer. I am needing to created a button that when clicked will automatically bring up the save as window on a persons computer so that it can be downloaded, or just a download button that will automatically start a download will work. Any suggestions?
<textarea id="divMeta.render" style="height:75px; width: 225px; resize: none;"></textarea>
</div> </br>
function urlLink(id){
document.getElementById('divMeta.render').innerHTML = url;
var link =;
//renditions Metadata
document.getElementById('divMeta.render').innerHTML = url;
As long as the end users are using browsers that support the download attribute then you can just use that
<a href="" download>Download me</a>
I need some help, is it possible to display fb or twitter share page on the lightbox instead of new popup window ?
I would like to open the url something like this on the lightbox:
Currently, when its opened on the lightbox, its display white box.
I think it's because twitter or fb doesn't allow to open in an iframe.
Any workaround would be nice ?
Thanks all
You can use this lightbox with this code :
<a title="This is an Inception ! zoombox inside a zoombox inside a zoombox" href="" class="zoombox">Iframe</a>
The final code would give this:
<a title="Twitter" href="" class="zoombox">Twitter</a>
<a title="Facebook" href="" class="zoombox">Facebook</a>
Can anyone help me integrate Twitter through Expression Engine. I am new to expression engine and I have tried to follow the example the Twitter Timeline developed by the EE team but couldn't get it working.
Can anyone help me with step by step process in EE2?
Using the example from the Twitter Timeline Plugin download page, insert the following code into one of your ExpressionEngine templates:
{exp:twitter_timeline screen_name="ladygaga" limit="3"}
<div class="tweet">
<div class="date">{created_at format="%m-%d %g:%i"}</div>
<div class="author">
<div class="icon">
<img src="{profile_image_url}" width="48" height="48" alt="" />
<div class="status">{text}</div>
Note: The plugin only works on public Twitter feeds, so make sure that the feed your trying to display is not private. For this example, I'm using Lady Gaga's twitter stream.
All error messages are logged in the Template Parsing Log.
Therefore if you have no output, or unexpected output, enable the Template Parsing Log in the Control Panel's Output and Debugging Preferences at: CP Home > Admin > System Administration > Output and Debugging.
Reload the page in your browser and look through the Template Parsing Log for information from the Twitter Timeline:
If you still can't get the Twitter Timeline plugin to work, post a description of your problem to the ExpressionEngine 2 Technical Support Forum — they'll be able to better help troubleshoot your issue.