FxCopCmd in TFS 2010 vs Code Analysis VS.NET 2012 - tfs

This question of FxcopCmd vs Code Analysis has been discussed in SO, but my question is a bit more specific. We use VS2012 for development and TFS 2010 for TFS Builds. My question is - Without having VS2012 installed on TFS, I wanted to know if VS 2012 version of Team Tools (FxCopCmd) could be installed on TFS 2010 so that I get same FxCopCmd output on both development env with VS2012 and TFS build as well? Today when I run Code Analysis in VS2012, the count of violations obviously is different from the count seen with FxCopCmd run as part of TFS 2010 Build. This is understandable due to version differences, though I ensured that both run with the exact same command line parameters. FxCopCmd references point to v4.0 .NET assemblies in both cases.
Can I just have VS 2012 version of FxCopCmd or Team Tools installed on TFS 2010 and would that provide same results as that of running CodeAnalysis on VS2012? (Code Analysis in VS2012 in turn uses FxCopCmd)

Can I just have VS 2012 version of FxCopCmd or Team Tools installed on
TFS 2010 and would that provide same results as that of running
CodeAnalysis on VS2012? (Code Analysis in VS2012 in turn uses
Yes, this is possible. You will need to specify a CodeAnalysisPath property value that points at the correct path, but otherwise the only concerns should be around licensing, not technical issues.


vNext Build definition to build Visual Studio 2005 solution in TFS 2017

I need to configure a build definition in TFS 2017 for a solution that is developed in VS 2005.
The agent server that execute Build tasks is configured with Windows Server 2012 R2, and it's installed VS 2005.
In a build definition, I have tried with a command line task, but it remains executing the compilation and it is canceled by time-out
Can someone please reference me documentation or indicate me how to do it?
Thanks a lot for your help.
I doubt that you'll be able to get the "Visual Studio Build" task https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/tasks/build/visual-studio-build?view=tfs-2017 working, but you may look at the MSBuild task https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/tasks/build/msbuild?view=tfs-2017 since you have a little more control.
Since 2005 (along with 2008 and 2010) are end of life, I don't think you'll get much support from Microsoft to support your scenario in the built in tasks.

To upgrade TFS build agent or not to upgrade?

I've searched for answers to my question on this forum and elsewhere, but so far unsuccessfully.
We are upgrading our toolset from VS2008/TFS2008 to VS2013/TFS2013. We now have TFS upgraded (phew!) but the big questions remaining are:
We have a single build agent using Team Build 2008 running on a Windows 7 x64 SP1 machine, with build results published to an old XP machine. Will the new TFS2013 server be able to work with it fully, or are we compelled to upgrade the build agent to Team Build as well? if so, does Team Build 2013 run on Windows 7 x64 SP1 or will we need a complete new server platform?
If we are compelled to upgrade the build agent to Team Build 2013, will/should our existing build scripts continue to work?
Can anyone advise?
The answer to your question is, "It depends."
The build system was totally redesigned in TFS 2010 to be based on Windows Workflow build process templates instead of MSBuild files. TFS 2010/2012/2013/2015 can all run old-style MSBuild files by using a build process template called "Upgrade Template". Whether they'll work immediately out of the box depends on how customized your MSBuild files are and what (if any) custom assemblies you're using. Custom assemblies may need to be recompiled, or may need code changes to continue to work.
TFS 2008 build agents do not work with TFS 2013. You will need to upgrade your build agents. However, TFS 2013 and 2015 build agents will both run on Windows 7 SP1, so you're good to go there.
The build system was revamped again in TFS 2015. My recommendation would be to get on TFS 2015 ASAP and skip the XAML build system entirely. The new build system is much easier to work with and can be extended with far less pain.
You are in a scenario with a fair amount of risk, especially if your business depends on your CI builds running regularly. Your best bet will be to do a test upgrade of your environment and validate what steps will have to be taken to ensure your builds continue to run against the Upgrade Template, or how much effort it will take to retire your MSBuild-based build templates and switch over to a newer build paradigm.
Regardless, I would strongly recommend making the move to TFS 2015 over 2013. Why go through the effort of upgrading from 2008 to 2013, only to still be a major version behind?

transfer projects from vss 2005 to tfs 2013

I installed TFS 2013 on my Windows server 2012 and I would like to transfer my projects from vss to tfs.
I downloaded the vss to tfs tool from [microsoft tool][1], but I was unable to install it because of compability mode, error message: "Windows Program Compatibility mode is on. Turn it off and then try Setup again"
According to this Buck Hodges blog post, you're not going to be able to do this in Windows Server 2012, and Microsoft isn't going to fix it. See the following comment:
... unfortunately, it is blocked in the installer. Right now we don't
have plans to re-release it, so you would need to run it on Win7-based
Incidentally, the post also addresses the question of upgrading to TFS 2013.
I would like to know if the upgrade tool will work with TFS 2013?
The documentation only mentions TFS 2010 and 2012. However, Hodges also addresses this:
... it should work with the caveat of what OS you install it on (see previous
the solution for me was : i installed the tool on another machine with win server 2008 , convert the projects and than move them to the tfs 2013

Is it possible to run TFS 2008 and TFS 2010 on the same server?

We've got a server with TFS2008 that we do all our builds on. I need to get an install of TFS2010 running. Can I run it on the same server (windows 2003) or do I need it on a seperate one?
This is not possible.
The exact question was asked before in the MSDN Forum and you can read all the answers here.
As Arun said TFS 2010 installer checks
if previous version of TFS is
installed on the computer and will not
let you install TFS 2010 if previous
version is detected.
There are many reasons why it is not possible to
install TFS 2008 and TFS 2010 side by
side. One of them is the fact that
both are creating an IIS web site with
the same name - "Team Foundation

How do I revert a file in TFS

On occasion, I'll end up checking in a file to our TFS db that I didn't intend to.
Reverting to the prior version is quite tedious with my current approach.
If there a fast way to revert a file to a prior version in TFS? I'm open to command line, powertool, or UI approaches.
You need to install the power tools:
For VS2013 - Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2013 Power Tools
For VS2015 - Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2015 Power Tools
If you don't want to use the command line, or install the tools, you can also do it in an old-school way:
