How do I revert a file in TFS - tfs

On occasion, I'll end up checking in a file to our TFS db that I didn't intend to.
Reverting to the prior version is quite tedious with my current approach.
If there a fast way to revert a file to a prior version in TFS? I'm open to command line, powertool, or UI approaches.

You need to install the power tools:
For VS2013 - Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2013 Power Tools
For VS2015 - Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2015 Power Tools

If you don't want to use the command line, or install the tools, you can also do it in an old-school way:


Configuring TFS for SSIS packages

We are planning to do version control for our SSIS packages. I want to know how to install TFS and configure it to checkin SSIS packages.
I have read this SSIS TFS configuration. But here I couldn't find anything about installation. it contains only connection information TFS. Should I install from SSIS extensions? Should i install Team explorer? It is showing so many options as shown below.I don't know the right one. Also is installing this requires any license? Please guide me here. Any link with the steps is also fine.
I'm using Visual Studio 2015 and SQL Server 2012.
I want to know how to install TFS and configure it to checkin SSIS packages.
Refer to Install and configure Team Foundation Server and Integration Services (SSIS) and Visual Studio Team Foundation Server for details.
Should I install from SSIS extensions? Should i install Team explorer?
Yes, to design the SSIS packages you need to download and install SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools). It's an official addon for Visual Studio which adds templates for SSIS and SSAS projects. Refer to Download and install SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) for Visual Studio for details.
And you need to install the Team Explorer to connect to TFS and manage the source control.
is installing this requires any license?
It's based on your VS subscription, you can try community version of Visual Studio, it's free.
Besides, find following blogs for your reference, hope that helps.
SSIS 2012 with Team Foundation Server - Part I
SSIS 2012 with Team Foundation Server - Part II
Installing SSIS, SSRS and SSAS with Visual Studio 2019

ProvisioningImportEventsCallback in TFS 2017(on-prem) when importing work item type definition

I'm trying to import modified WITs to a existing project. But, It was showing the below error:
Earlier it was working fine. But, now the issue started.
What could be the possible solution for this? I just wanted to upload WITs through Command prompt(witadmin.exe) only. Any hints/information would help
From your description, you are trying to use VS 2015 to connect to TFS 2017. Please check documentation Import, export, and manage work item types:
If you are connecting to TFS, you must use the same version of Visual
Studio or Team Explorer as TFS. For example, if you connect to a TFS
2017 instance, you must connect from Visual Studio 2017 or Team
Explorer 2017.
TFS 2018 and TFS 2017
Visual Studio 2017 or Team Explorer 2017 client:
%programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer
or, TeamExplorer, Professional or Enterprise in place of
Community, depending on the version you've installed.
You should install VS 2017 or Team Explorer 2017 to run this command. Although VS 2015 could run witadmin command against TFS 2017 sometimes, there would have unexpected issue.
However, I found the solution for this issue by myself.
Clear the Team Foundation cache from your server and the user system from the below path:
C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\7.0 (or 6.0)\cache
Delete everything from the cache folder and restart the server\system. Then Login to the server. Now, you won't get any error for uploading [WITs] using command prompt.
Follow the procedures as given in Microsoft Site.

transfer projects from vss 2005 to tfs 2013

I installed TFS 2013 on my Windows server 2012 and I would like to transfer my projects from vss to tfs.
I downloaded the vss to tfs tool from [microsoft tool][1], but I was unable to install it because of compability mode, error message: "Windows Program Compatibility mode is on. Turn it off and then try Setup again"
According to this Buck Hodges blog post, you're not going to be able to do this in Windows Server 2012, and Microsoft isn't going to fix it. See the following comment:
... unfortunately, it is blocked in the installer. Right now we don't
have plans to re-release it, so you would need to run it on Win7-based
Incidentally, the post also addresses the question of upgrading to TFS 2013.
I would like to know if the upgrade tool will work with TFS 2013?
The documentation only mentions TFS 2010 and 2012. However, Hodges also addresses this:
... it should work with the caveat of what OS you install it on (see previous
the solution for me was : i installed the tool on another machine with win server 2008 , convert the projects and than move them to the tfs 2013

FxCopCmd in TFS 2010 vs Code Analysis VS.NET 2012

This question of FxcopCmd vs Code Analysis has been discussed in SO, but my question is a bit more specific. We use VS2012 for development and TFS 2010 for TFS Builds. My question is - Without having VS2012 installed on TFS, I wanted to know if VS 2012 version of Team Tools (FxCopCmd) could be installed on TFS 2010 so that I get same FxCopCmd output on both development env with VS2012 and TFS build as well? Today when I run Code Analysis in VS2012, the count of violations obviously is different from the count seen with FxCopCmd run as part of TFS 2010 Build. This is understandable due to version differences, though I ensured that both run with the exact same command line parameters. FxCopCmd references point to v4.0 .NET assemblies in both cases.
Can I just have VS 2012 version of FxCopCmd or Team Tools installed on TFS 2010 and would that provide same results as that of running CodeAnalysis on VS2012? (Code Analysis in VS2012 in turn uses FxCopCmd)
Can I just have VS 2012 version of FxCopCmd or Team Tools installed on
TFS 2010 and would that provide same results as that of running
CodeAnalysis on VS2012? (Code Analysis in VS2012 in turn uses
Yes, this is possible. You will need to specify a CodeAnalysisPath property value that points at the correct path, but otherwise the only concerns should be around licensing, not technical issues.

TFS Shell Integration - TF Power Tools requires Visual Studio 2010

I just started using Team Foundation 2010, but I'm connecting to the server with Visual Studio 2008 SP1. It's working alright, except I can't install Power Tools to include shell integration because for some reason it requires Visual Studio 2010.
1) Is there any way I can get tfpt Shell Integration without having to install VS2010 ?
Second question is... I installed VS2010 in one machine and used the power tools for awhile. But when I changed the server IP, shell extension suddenly stopped working... It tries to reconnect and fails. I tried executing this, with no success:
tf.exe workspaces /remove:*
But I don't know if it has anything to do with my problem.
2) What happened to the shell integration? how can i solve it ?
thanks in advance
In order to use the shell extensions you need to have team explorer 2010 running on your machine. Install team explorer 2010 and then the power tools and you are ready to go.
When you are not able to connect to the tfs server, the removal of the workspaces will also not happen. That action needs a connection to the TFS server. Has your password been changed lately? If so, you might need to update the stored windows credential (available through the control panel). To investigate the connection problems, you could navigate to TWA (http://myserverip:8080/tfs/web)
